Intel to Provide Compute Power for Flying Car Racing: Official Intelligence Partner for Airspeeder


Airspeeder Announces Intel as Official Intelligence Partner

by DRONELIFE Staff Writer Ian M. Crosby

Airspeeder has announced a new collaboration with Intel that will leverage the tech leader’s computing technologies for flying car racing. The company joins Airspeeder as its Official Intelligence Partner, with its Intel® Core® processor and Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors to help chart the future of the sport and increase its appeal to both racers and fans alike.

The new strategic sponsorship deal was announced during a joint presentation held at the Adelaide Motorsport Show on March 25th, which also saw Adelaide-based Alauda showcase its new Mk4 Airspeeder – the first piloted aircraft to participate in the Airspeeder race series.

“We’re incredibly excited to have Intel on board. The technology, insight and innovation it’s bringing to Airspeeder will transform our racing series, making it even more immersive and dynamic for pilots and spectacular for our audiences,” said Alauda Aeronautics CEO Matt Pearson. “Just as importantly, Intel’s ‘pervasive connectivity’ perfectly matches our vision of an always-connected, vertical-enabled future. Through the actionable insights provided by AI, we can achieve next-level eVTOL performance and control, which we see as the key to unlocking the future of private air mobility.”

“This is another example of Intel continuing to deliver the compute power needed to stretch the notion of what’s possible, make what was once science fiction a reality, and transform the way we live our lives,” said Intel Managing Director ANZ Andrew McLean. “Helping Airspeeder bring this new concept to life has the potential to not only change the way we race, but also opens up endless possibilities in urban mobility.”

Read more:

  • The World’s Fastest eVTOL Aircraft Now Takes Pilots Onboard: the Airspeeder Mk4 Flying Racing Car
  • Airspeeder Electric Flying Car Racing Series on Fox Sports Australia
  • Airspeeder Flying Cars Ready to Race [VIDEO]
  • Drone FPV Pilot Lexie Janson is Going Next Level with Airspeeder Flying Car Racing League
  • Female Drone Racing Legends Ryan Grieves, Lexie Janson Named U.S. Drone Soccer Ambassadors

Ian attended Dominican University of California, where he received a BA in English in 2019. With a lifelong passion for writing and storytelling and a keen interest in technology, he is now contributing to DroneLife as a staff writer.

Miriam McNabb

Miriam McNabb is the Editor-in-Chief of DRONELIFE and CEO of JobForDrones, a professional drone services marketplace, and a fascinated observer of the emerging drone industry and the regulatory environment for drones. Miriam has penned over 3,000 articles focused on the commercial drone space and is an international speaker and recognized figure in the industry.  Miriam has a degree from the University of Chicago and over 20 years of experience in high tech sales and marketing for new technologies.
For drone industry consulting or writing, Email Miriam.


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See Also

  • The World's First Flying Drone Car
  • Airspeeder Electric Flying Car Racing Series on Fox Sports Australia
  • Interest in Drone Racing Soars
  • Drone FPV Pilot Lexie Janson is Going Next Level with Airspeeder Flying Car Racing League
  • Drone Racing Takes Off as Competitive Sport


Airspeeder宣布英特尔成为官方情报合作伙伴Airspeeder宣布与英特尔进行新的合作,将利用该技术领导者的计算技术进行飞行赛车。该公司加入Airspeeder成为其官方情报合作伙伴,凭借其英特尔®酷睿®处理器和英特尔®至强®可扩展处理器,帮助规划这项运动的未来,并增加其对赛车手和粉丝的吸引力。新的战略赞助协议是在3月25日在阿德莱德赛车运动展上举行的联合发布会上宣布的,阿德莱德的Alauda公司也展示了其新的Mk4 Airspeeder -这是第一架参加Airspeeder系列比赛的有人驾驶飞机。“我们对英特尔的加入感到非常兴奋。它为Airspeeder带来的技术、洞察力和创新将改变我们的赛车系列,使飞行员更加身临其境,更有活力,对观众来说更壮观,”Alauda Aeronautics首席执行官马特·皮尔森(Matt Pearson)说。“同样重要的是,英特尔的‘无处不在的连接’完全符合我们对永远连接、垂直支持的未来的愿景。通过人工智能提供的可操作的见解,我们可以实现更高级别的eVTOL性能和控制,我们认为这是开启私人空中交通未来的关键。”英特尔董事总经理Andrew McLean说:“这是英特尔继续提供计算能力所需的另一个例子,扩展了可能的概念,使曾经的科幻小说成为现实,并改变了我们的生活方式。”“帮助Airspeeder将这一新概念带入生活,不仅有可能改变我们的比赛方式,还为城市交通开辟了无限的可能性。”阅读更多:伊恩就读于加州多明尼加大学,于2019年获得英语学士学位。他一生热爱写作和讲故事,对技术有着浓厚的兴趣,现在是DroneLife的特约撰稿人。TWITTER:@ spaldingbarker订阅DroneLife。

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