Web3.0: The Next Big Thing?


The internet was an innovation that took the world by storm when it was introduced in 1983. Internet is a global computer network that allows a variety of information to be shared. It also facilitates communication as the internet is a vast network of computers connected all around the world. People have often used the terms 'internet' and 'web' interchangeably. However, that cannot be further from the truth. Internet is the computer network that connects computers all over the globe and the web works on the internet. The advent of Internet initiated a snowball effect.


Six years later, the web was introduced in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee. This version of web was called Web 1.0 and it mainly consisted of personal web pages which were mostly static in nature. The static pages were hosted by ISP-run web servers or on free web hosting services.

The second generation of Web, popularly known as Web 2.0 was defined by Dale Dougherty as the "read and write web" in 2004. The previous generation of Web was known as "Read-only Web". Tim O'Reily defined the web 2.0 as a business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the internet as platform and an attempt to understand the rules for success on the new platform. Web 2.0 has also been called the participative social web. Web 2.0 refers to the way web pages are designed and used and there is no modification in the technical specification. Interaction and collaboration with individuals are allowed by Web 2.0 in a social media dialogue as the creator of user-generated content in a virtual community. Web 2.0 is an enhanced version of Web 1.0.

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Web 2.0 contains a number of online tools and platforms where people share their perspectives, opinions, thoughts and experiences. The applications of Web 2.0 interact more with the user. The advent of Web 2.0 led to the initiation of activities like podcasting, blogging, tagging, social bookmarking, social networking, social media, etc.

As technology has evolved and penetrated almost all the sectors of the world, the web is also evolving itself. Web3.0 is considered as an evolution of web utilization as well as the interaction which includes altering the Web into a database. Web 3.0 lays emphasis on data not being owned rather being shared. Web 3.0 is also called "The Semantic Web" and intends to establish the information on the web in a more reasonable way than Google. Web 3.0 emphasises on individual focus rather than its previous counterparts that emphasised on company focus and community focus.

The core principle of Web 3.0 is decentralization. The centralisation of the Web has given hegemony to some companies that are in charge of running the Web which has more often than not been rigid as people enjoyed the new technology that was being offered to them. Decentralization of the web is a boon for crypto markets which would make the transition to a decentralized network much easier. Crypto would help solve the problem by coordinating the decentralization and providing incentives for development.

Web 2.0 has also witnessed the collapse of privacy with cyber attacks being the bane of its existence. Hacking and data theft has become a real problem with the Web 2.0. The Web 3.0, however, ensures data privacy. The foundations of the Web 3.0 are being laid but problems persist as the Web 3.0 startups look for agreements from the companies around the Web 3.0 protocol.

Web 3.0 would play an important role as the world digitizes its working. The computers are taking over the world and are emulating some of the concepts that people apply in the real world. Registry is one such thing that the digital world is trying to emulate. The blockchain is a decentralized ledger which holds information of the transactions made by the user.

"The underlying database or registry in which ownership of any asset can be registered is the blockchain. Instead of being maintained by the government, this database is maintained by a network of computers around the world and secured using cryptography. Any transaction involving the transfer of ownership of assets is recorded on the blockchain with the new owner getting a NFT as proof of ownership," said Praphul Chandra, founder, KoineArth.

Source: Pexels

The core principle of decentralisation in the Web 3.0 helps enable blockchain, NFTs, cryptocurrencies, metaverse, etc. The advent of web 3.0 has helped NFT become an avenue for budding artists as artists are interested in selling their art digitally as NFTs for which they can be paid using cryptocurrency or fiat currency. People can build their own organization without a central authority using smart contracts or the blockchain. This organization is known as Decentralized Authority Organization (DAO). Brands are also boarding the train of this trend.

The interconnectedness of NFTs, crypto, blockchain, metaverse and other avenues makes it immensely easier for the Web 3.0 operability.

"With its roots in decentralization, Web3 can enable a metaverse where a user has freedom and control over its own finances, content, merchandise, real estate, etc, without having to pay or deal with intermediaries. Through Web3, creators can earn directly for their curated content or products without having to accommodate third parties, thus, for the entertainment sector, the intersection of Web3 and metaverse has led to innumerable opportunities to earn, innovate, and interact with their fans," said Aniket Jindal, co-founder, Biconomy.

Blockchain has been one of the more revered innovations by human beings. However, the Web 2.0 has limited its functioning due to its centralised setup. Web 3.0 looks to transform blockchain. According to Aniket Jindal, blockchain technology has been increasingly used in the traditional sectors to leverage security and open mechanisms.

"Blockchain is among the 3 pillars (AI, IoT and Blockchain) of Web 3. While AI helps in decoding and filtering data, Blockchain helps in achieving decentralized data storage offering the much needed security (which is a challenge in Web2) and finally IoT which helps with the interoperability of Web 3 to connect the internet to smart devices," said Tarusha Mittal, co-founder and COO, UniFarm.

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The metaverse is another such avenue that Web 3.0 has enabled. An extension of the expansive nature of the Web 3.0, metaverse has also become buzzword. A virtual world where people can explore digitally fabricated environments using the virtual reality, augmented reality or the mixed reality devices. The metaverse as a sector has received a lot of attention from the gaming sector.

"The revolution that Jio brought in India has enabled high-speed internet in the hinterlands as well as the smartphone penetration has gone through the roofs. India is now one of the best places where the games could be launched as an audience. Many of these games need volume. Gaming guilds in the Web 3.0 space would also be a huge area in India," said Sandeep Nailwal, co-founder, Polygon.

The decentralized ledger technology (DLT) is said to be the foundation of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. The DLT enables the cohesive and machine-driven smart contracts based Web 3.0. The focus of decentralized technologies is to have an open and secure network where data breaches, manipulation, and alteration of data becomes harder which makes it less susceptible to fraudulent activities. Transactions made on the ledger are recorded with an immutable cryptographic signature called a hash. This makes the tokens interoperable hence providing a safe, secure and decentralized ecosystem to trade in digital currency. Furthermore, through native tokens, firms can build their own strong community which would also be a part of various major discussions and would have decision making power through the tokens. Additionally, tokens can also have utility, allowing users to have decision making and discussion powers. This enables users to have a say in important company decisions and makes the community-run concept smooth. Before blockchain and Web3, decentralized autonomous organizations were a far off concept but currently, with the accelerated growth of Web 3.0, multiple organizations are exploring this infrastructure to have a strong community of like-minded people who are all willing to expand and grow the company further.

The world is moving at a rapid pace and has witnessed quick and increased adoption of the COVID norms. The COVID-19 pandemic has seen the world move towards becoming digital natives. Decentralization as a central aspect of the Web 3.0 helps with the the transparency and interoperability provided by it.

"Unlike the current financial system, users do not have to go through the traditional numerous, friction-filled steps to interact with and participate in the network. All they need to do is download or install a wallet, and they can start sending and receiving payments without any gatekeeping. Web3.0 also enables access to various global investment options, NFTs, digital art, virtual real estate, etc, which would be inaccessible or difficult to own in the real world," said Kaavya Prasad, founder, Lumos Labs.

Source: Freepik

Web 3.0 has not only generated a lot of buzz but also backs that buzz. The use cases are numerous as well as enabling all the latest technology with ease while connecting them in a way that all of the products are interoperable. Web 3.0 as an opportunity is massive. Even though, it is in a nascent stage, there have been multiple developments. Once it is fully enabled, the sky would be the limit.

互联网是一项在1983年被引入时席卷全球的创新。因特网是一个全球性的计算机网络,它允许人们共享各种各样的信息。它也促进了交流,因为互联网是一个连接世界各地的巨大的计算机网络。人们经常使用'internet'和& # 39;网络# 39;互换。然而,事实并非如此。互联网是连接全球计算机的计算机网络,网络在互联网上工作。互联网的出现引发了滚雪球效应。六年后,1989年蒂姆·伯纳斯-李(Tim Berners-Lee)引入了万维网。这个版本的网络被称为web 1.0,它主要由个人网页组成,这些网页基本上是静态的。静态页面由isp运行的web服务器或免费的web主机服务托管。第二代Web,通常被称为Web 2.0,由Dale Dougherty定义为读写Web "在2004年。上一代Web被称为"只读Web"。Tim O'Reily将web 2.0定义为计算机行业的一场商业革命,起因是将互联网作为平台,并试图理解在新平台上取得成功的规则。Web 2.0也被称为参与式社交网络。Web 2.0指的是网页的设计和使用方式,在技术规范中没有任何修改。Web 2.0允许在社交媒体对话中作为虚拟社区中用户生成内容的创建者与个人进行交互和协作。Web 2.0是Web 1.0的增强版本。阅读更多:NFTsWeb 2.0的初始数字资产和增长包含许多在线工具和平台,人们可以在这里分享他们的观点、观点、想法和经验。Web 2.0的应用程序与用户进行更多的交互。Web 2.0的出现导致了播客、博客、标签、社交书签、社交网络、社交媒体等活动的兴起。随着技术的发展并渗透到世界上几乎所有的领域,Web自身也在不断发展。Web3.0被认为是web利用和交互的进化,其中包括将web变成数据库。Web 3.0强调数据不是被拥有,而是被共享。Web 3.0也被称为语义Web"并打算以比谷歌更合理的方式在网上建立信息。Web 3.0强调个人关注,而不是以前的版本强调公司关注和社区关注。Web 3.0的核心原则是去中心化。网络的集中化给了一些负责网络运营的公司霸权,当人们享受提供给他们的新技术时,这些公司往往是僵化的。网络去中心化对加密市场来说是一个福音,它将使向去中心化网络的过渡更加容易。加密技术将通过协调去中心化和提供发展激励来帮助解决这个问题。Web 2.0也见证了隐私的崩溃,网络攻击是它存在的祸根。黑客攻击和数据窃取已经成为Web 2.0的一个现实问题。然而,Web 3.0确保了数据隐私。Web 3.0的基础正在建立,但问题仍然存在,因为Web 3.0的初创公司在寻找围绕Web 3.0协议的公司的协议。随着世界的工作数字化,Web 3.0将扮演重要的角色。计算机正在接管世界,并且正在模仿人们在现实世界中应用的一些概念。数字世界试图模仿的就是注册表。区块链是一个去中心化的账本,它包含用户进行交易的信息。 可以注册任何资产所有权的底层数据库或注册中心是区块链。该数据库不是由政府维护,而是由世界各地的计算机网络维护,并使用密码保护。任何涉及资产所有权转移的交易都记录在区块链上,新所有者将获得NFT作为所有权的证明,"KoineArth创始人普拉福·钱德拉说。Web 3.0中去中心化的核心原则有助于实现区块链、NFTs、加密货币、元世界等。web 3.0的出现帮助NFT成为崭露头角的艺术家的一个途径,因为艺术家们有兴趣以数字形式出售他们的艺术作品,他们可以使用加密货币或法定货币支付。人们可以使用智能合约或区块链在没有中央权威的情况下构建自己的组织。这种组织被称为分散式权威组织(Decentralized Authority organization, DAO)。各大品牌也搭上了这股潮流的快车。NFTs、加密、区块链、元世界和其他途径的互联使得Web 3.0的可操作性变得非常容易。基于去中心化的根源,Web3可以实现元世界,用户可以自由地控制自己的财务、内容、商品、房地产等,而无需支付或与中介机构打交道。通过Web3,创作者可以直接赚取他们策划的内容或产品,而不必容纳第三方,因此,对于娱乐部门,Web3和元世界的交叉已经带来了无数的机会来赚取,创新,并与他们的粉丝互动,"Biconomy的联合创始人安尼特·金达尔说。区块链一直是人类最受尊敬的创新之一。然而,由于其集中设置,Web 2.0限制了其功能。Web 3.0看起来对区块链进行了转换。Aniket Jindal表示,区块链技术已经越来越多地用于传统行业,以利用安全和开放机制。区块链是Web 3的3大支柱(AI、IoT和区块链)之一。人工智能帮助解码和过滤数据,区块链帮助实现去中心化数据存储,提供急需的安全性(这是Web2的一个挑战),最后物联网帮助Web 3的互操作性,将互联网连接到智能设备,"联合创始人兼首席运营官塔鲁沙·米塔尔说。阅读更多:科技巨头在元世界硬件上押下重注元世界是Web 3.0启用的另一个这样的途径。作为Web 3.0扩展特性的一种扩展,元世界也已成为流行词。在虚拟世界中,人们可以使用虚拟现实、增强现实或混合现实设备探索数字制造的环境。metaverse作为一个行业受到了游戏行业的广泛关注。Jio在印度带来的革命使得内陆地区的高速互联网得以实现,同时智能手机的普及率也突飞猛进。印度现在是奥运会可以以观众身份举办的最佳地点之一。许多此类游戏都需要数量。Web 3.0领域的游戏公会在印度也将是一个巨大的领域。Polygon联合创始人Sandeep Nailwal说。 去中心化账本技术(DLT)被认为是区块链和加密货币技术的基础。DLT支持基于Web 3.0的内聚和机器驱动的智能合约。去中心化技术的重点是拥有一个开放和安全的网络,使数据泄露、操纵和更改变得更加困难,从而使其更不容易受到欺诈活动的影响。账本上进行的交易用一种称为哈希的不可变密码签名记录下来。这使得代币可互操作,从而为数字货币交易提供了一个安全、安全和去中心化的生态系统。此外,通过原生代币,公司可以建立自己的强大社区,该社区也将成为各种主要讨论的一部分,并通过代币拥有决策权。此外,令牌还具有实用性,允许用户拥有决策和讨论的权力。这使得用户能够在重要的公司决策中拥有发言权,并使社区运营理念更加顺畅。在区块链和Web3之前,去中心化的自治组织是一个遥远的概念,但现在,随着Web 3.0的加速发展,多个组织正在探索这个基础设施,以拥有一个由志同道合的人组成的强大社区,他们都愿意进一步扩大和发展公司。世界发展速度很快,新冠肺炎规范得到迅速和更多的采用。2019冠状病毒病大流行见证了世界走向数字原住民。去中心化作为Web 3.0的一个核心方面,有助于它所提供的透明性和互操作性。与当前的金融系统不同,用户不必经历传统的大量的、充满摩擦的步骤来与网络交互和参与网络。他们所需要做的只是下载或安装一个钱包,然后他们就可以开始发送和接收支付,而无需任何把关。Web3.0还允许访问各种全球投资选项、NFTs、数字艺术、虚拟房地产等,这些在现实世界中是无法访问或难以拥有的,"荧光实验室创始人卡瓦亚·普拉萨德说。来源:FreepikWeb 3.0不仅创造了许多话题,还支持了这些话题。用例很多,并且可以轻松地启用所有最新的技术,同时以一种所有产品都可互操作的方式将它们连接起来。Web 3.0是一个巨大的机会。尽管它还处于初期阶段,但已经有了多种发展。一旦它完全启用,天空将是限制。








