北京华仪通泰环保科技有限公司 拥有多个国际一线品牌的授权资质,数千种进口检测仪器仪表产品及配件;产品涉及甲醛检测仪,气体分析仪,水质分析仪,辐射检测仪,地质勘探测试仪器,农业测试仪器,环保仪器,电工仪器仪表等领域。我公司本着“诚信为本,用户至上”的经营理念,为广大用户提供各类质量优良、价格合理的检测仪器。同时,给客户提供良好的售前及售后服务,在友好的合作中谋求共同发展。51仪器仪表网(www.511718.com)是北京华仪通泰环保科技有限公司根据国内仪器仪表市场实际情况,为广大用户量身打造的仪器仪表销售平台。
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Scales and Balances
    Capacity:1000 lbs (454 kg)
    Material:Stainless Steel (optional feature); Steel (optional feature)
    Ratings / Certifications:NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, FM Approved
    Type:Bench / Counter Scale; Floor Scale
    Resolution:0.2000 lbs (0.0907 kg)
    Width:30 inch (762 mm)
    Length:24 inch (610 mm)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Scales and Balances
    Type:Bench / Counter Scale; Floor Scale
    Width:20 inch (508 mm)
    Ratings / Certifications:NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, FM Approved
    Resolution:0.0200 lbs (0.0091 kg)
    Length:20 inch (508 mm)
    Material:Stainless Steel (optional feature); Steel (optional feature)
    Capacity:100 lbs (45.35 kg)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Scales and Balances
    Length:20 inch (508 mm)
    Material:Stainless Steel (optional feature); Steel (optional feature)
    Ratings / Certifications:NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, FM Approved
    Type:Bench / Counter Scale; Floor Scale
    Capacity:250 lbs (113 kg)
    Resolution:0.0500 lbs (0.0227 kg)
    Width:20 inch (508 mm)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Scales and Balances
    Type:Bench / Counter Scale; Floor Scale
    Capacity:500 lbs (227 kg)
    Resolution:0.1000 lbs (0.0454 kg)
    Width:20 inch (508 mm)
    Length:20 inch (508 mm)
    Material:Stainless Steel (optional feature); Steel (optional feature)
    Ratings / Certifications:NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, FM Approved
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Scales and Balances
    Capacity:500 lbs (227 kg)
    Length:24 inch (610 mm)
    Material:Stainless Steel (optional feature); Steel (optional feature)
    Ratings / Certifications:NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, FM Approved
    Type:Bench / Counter Scale; Floor Scale
    Resolution:0.1000 lbs (0.0454 kg)
    Width:30 inch (762 mm)

