江苏聚鑫慧自动化有限公司 自创建以来,积极崇尚,客户至上,科技创新,精益求精 ”的企业理念,建立了一支仪器仪表研发与生产的科技队伍,配备有齐全的生产设备、先进的检测设备和设施,拥有20余条自动化仪表、阀门生产线,配备有备有摇譬钻床、万能摇譬铣床、数控车床、氩弧焊机、线切割机等大中型生产设备200多台套,年生产仪表50万台(件),年产能可达3亿元。此外,聚鑫慧通过了ISO9001质量体系认证、ISO14001环境管理体系认证、0HSAS18001职业健康安全管理体系认证,测量管理体系认证,STL认证,CE认证,建立了完善的质量管理体系和过程控制、持续改进等措施。聚鑫慧产品不仅应用于全国各地,且形成批量出口的能力,广泛应用于石油、电力、化工、冶金、环保、造纸、食品等各个领域。多年来,企业一直以其雄厚的技术实力,先进的生产设备和生产工艺,健全的管理体系,优质的产品质量,优良的信誉,完善的服务,赢得了众多用户的信赖。在自产自销国内仪表的同时并代理了日本、美国、德国、英国、意大利等多种进口仪表,品牌丰富,货源正宗。为我国电力、石化、冶金等行业的工程自动化作出了贡献。秉承以人为本、竭诚为用户服务的宗旨,愿与海内外朋友共创伟业!
  • Euchner 安士能 TK 安全传感器开关

    "EUCHNER Safety Switches are used to protect personnel by monitoring and interrupting the safety circuit depending on the position of the machine guard. The locking solenoid holds the guard closed until a stored energy hazard has dissipated. It can also prevent damage to a part in process due to an inadvertent machine shutdown. To meet current worldwide standards, safety interlock components cannot be easily bypassed. These switches have positive opening contacts (in accordance to NFPA 79) and redundancy to guarantee that they fail to a safe state. The TK switch utilizes the same body as the TP switch however has a metal actuating head and locking pin. This unique switch does not require a separate actuator just a separate hole on the door opposite of the actuating pin of the switch."

