江苏晟暄工业电气有限公司 是中国工业控制自动化领域著名的服务贸易商及工业自动化系统集成商,专业从事各种国外中高端的工控自动化产品的进口贸易与工程服务。公司主要经营来自欧洲、美国、日本等国知名品牌的高精密编码器、传感器、可编程控制器,变频器,低压电器以及气动液压仪器仪表机电产品销售与工程配套服务等各类自动化产品,并被广泛用于钢铁、冶金、能源、石化、矿山、港口、轨道交通等众多行业的国家重点企业。江苏晟暄工业电气有限公司集科工贸于一体的大型工业电气自动化有限公司,成立于2010年,位于江苏省苏州市,扬州设有分公司。拥有独立进出口权,业务遍及全国。本公司目前大部分进口产品可以从国外厂家直接采购,价格有优势,欢迎询价,期待长期合作关系,实现双方诚信互赢。
  • Euchner 安士能 TK 安全传感器开关

    "EUCHNER Safety Switches are used to protect personnel by monitoring and interrupting the safety circuit depending on the position of the machine guard. The locking solenoid holds the guard closed until a stored energy hazard has dissipated. It can also prevent damage to a part in process due to an inadvertent machine shutdown. To meet current worldwide standards, safety interlock components cannot be easily bypassed. These switches have positive opening contacts (in accordance to NFPA 79) and redundancy to guarantee that they fail to a safe state. The TK switch utilizes the same body as the TP switch however has a metal actuating head and locking pin. This unique switch does not require a separate actuator just a separate hole on the door opposite of the actuating pin of the switch."

