黛尔特(北京)科技有限公司专业从事国外知名品牌仪器仪表系统集成和销售、技术咨询和培训、仪器仪表维修和租赁等服务一体化的高新技术公司。我们的销售人员具有多年的专业技术背景和丰富的行业专业知识,能够为客户带来价值,与客户—起成长、壮大。黛尔特(北京)科技有限公司主要经营瑞士SIMTEC AG公司的空速管,大气数据计算机,高度空速传感器,迎角传感器和侧滑角传感器、气压高度计等产品;英国DRUCK德鲁公司的ADTS542F大气数据测试仪和ADTS552F动静压测试仪;Laversab公司大气数据测试系统;HONEYWELL公司的HG1120、HG4930.HGUIDE I300及HGUIDE N380等惯性测量单元IMU和组合导航仪产品,爱尔兰InnaLabs公司导航级石英加速度计和陀螺仪﹔美国New Avionics公司的结冰探测器和结冰传感器,航姿参考系统AHRS;德国Messkonzept GmbH公司的热导氢气分析仪、氦气分析仪、氩气分析仪、氢气纯度分析仪和氦气传感器等;DELTA公司NDIR-N2O红外笑气分析仪、红外溴甲烷传感器、硫酰氟传感器和SF6传感器等;德国KNESTEL公司的QCL量子级联激光气体分析仪等产品。黛尔特(北京)科技有限公司产品主要应用于能源电力、石油化工、冶金矿业、天然气、生物制药和科学研究等行业。我们愿为中国制造2025贡献应有的绵薄之力。
  • Nissha FIS CHM-1 气相色谱仪

    仪表类型 :Portable
    应用领域:Environmental; Medical / Biological
    烘箱温度范围 :50 to 86 F (10 to 30 C)
    注入进样法:Syringe Injection
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
  • Nissha FIS CHM-2 气相色谱仪

    烘箱温度范围 :50 to 86 F (10 to 30 C)
    注入进样法:Syringe Injection
    远程接口:Computer Interface; Serial communication protocol such as RS-232, RS-485, USB.; Application Software Included.
    工作温度:50 to 86 F (10 to 30 C)
    仪表类型 :Portable
    应用领域:Environmental; Medical / Biological
    探测器类型:Semiconducter Gas Sensor
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
    一般特征 :Programmable
  • Nissha FIS ODNA-P2 气相色谱仪

    烘箱温度范围 :50 to 86 F (10 to 30 C)
    注入进样法:Syringe Injection
    用户接口:Analog Front Panel
    远程接口:Computer Interface; Serial communication protocol such as RS-232, RS-485, USB.; Application Software Included.
    仪表类型 :Portable
    应用领域:Environmental; Medical / Biological
    探测器类型:Semiconducter Gas Sensor
    工作温度:50 to 86 F (10 to 30 C)
    一般特征 :Programmable
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
    载气内容:Pumped and Filtered Clean Ambient Air
  • Nissha FIS ODSA-P2 气相色谱仪

    仪表类型 :Portable
    远程接口:Computer Interface; Serial communication protocol such as RS-232, RS-485, USB.; Application Software Included.
    注入进样法:Syringe Injection
    探测器类型:Semiconducter Gas Sensor ;Other
    用户接口:Analog Front Panel
    工作温度:50 to 86 F (10 to 30 C)
    应用领域:Environmental; Medical / Biological
    烘箱温度范围 :50 to 86 F (10 to 30 C)
    一般特征 :Programmable
    载气内容:Pumped and Filtered Clean Ambient Air
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
  • Nissha FIS SGEA-P2 气相色谱仪

    工作温度:50 to 86 F (10 to 30 C)
    仪表类型 :Portable
    应用领域:Environmental; Medical / Biological
    注入进样法:Syringe Injection
    用户接口:Analog Front Panel
    远程接口:Computer Interface; Serial communication protocol such as RS-232, RS-485, USB.; Application Software Included.
    烘箱温度范围 :50 to 86 F (10 to 30 C)
    探测器类型:Semiconducter Gas Sensor
    一般特征 :Programmable
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
    载气内容:Pumped and Filtered Clean Ambient Air
  • Nissha FIS SGHA-P2 气相色谱仪

    用户接口:Analog Front Panel
    远程接口:Computer Interface; Serial communication protocol such as RS-232, RS-485, USB.; Application Software Included.
    工作温度:50 to 86 F (10 to 30 C)
    仪表类型 :Portable
    应用领域:Environmental; Medical / Biological
    烘箱温度范围 :50 to 86 F (10 to 30 C)
    注入进样法:Syringe Injection
    探测器类型:Semiconducter Gas Sensor
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
    载气内容:Pumped and Filtered Clean Ambient Air
    一般特征 :Programmable
  • Nissha FIS SGVA-P2 气相色谱仪

    远程接口:Computer Interface; Serial communication protocol such as RS-232, RS-485, USB.; Application Software Included.
    工作温度:50 to 86 F (10 to 30 C)
    应用领域:Environmental; Medical / Biological
    烘箱温度范围 :50 to 86 F (10 to 30 C)
    注入进样法:Syringe Injection
    探测器类型:Semiconducter Gas Sensor
    仪表类型 :Portable
    用户接口:Analog Front Panel
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
    载气内容:Pumped and Filtered Clean Ambient Air
    一般特征 :Programmable

