Euro-me 深圳联欧
深圳市联欧贸易发展有限公司 诞生于中国最早最著名的经济特区--深圳,联欧伴随着中国的经济改革和工业发展逐步成长壮大。长期以来,作为多家知名欧美制造商在中国的授权代理和经销商,联欧致力于向国内用户推荐和引进国外的先进技术,提供质高价优的设备、系统和工业零部件。我们扎根于中国,但面前矗立的是整个世界。对国外制造商而言,联欧是在中国开展本土化销售值得信赖的伙伴。对国内客户而言,与联欧合作,就意味着获得了全球化的工业采购体系和完善的售后服务。 自1995年公司成立以来,联欧积累了丰富多样的市场资源。我们经营的主要产品范围包括:驱动传动、流体控制、液压气动、工厂自动化等。我们也可以根据客户的特定要求提供定制的系统、部件或解决方案。我们服务的主要行业包括:新能源(风电、光伏)、机床制造、冶金、汽车制造、石化、化工、医药、食品饮料、烟草机械、包装机械等等。尽管联欧的客户遍布全国各地,但我们精心建立了高效的网络,保证在第一时间对市场需求做出积极的回应。睿智、创新、专业、合作的员工团队是联欧力量的源泉。公司员工均年富力强,受过良好教育和专业培训,具备流畅的英文交流能力。产品经理和项目经理精通技术,了解行业动态,熟悉市场,贴近客户。联欧团队有良好的与客户沟通合作技巧,工作方法灵活多样,可以为客户提供策略性发展建议和个性化增值服务。在广袤的中国大地上到处都有我们工作的足迹,我们愿意随时为您提供专业、优质、快捷的服务。
  • Electro-Sensors 伊莱克森 Electro-Sentry 1 安全监控系统

    "Features","The Electro-Sentry 1 is a hazard monitoring system commonly used on grain elevator legs or conveyors to monitor critical points for shaft slowdown, bearing temperature, and belt alignment as part of a predictive maintenance program to protect against catastrophic breakdowns and machinery failure resulting in product waste, machinery damage, and process downtime. All Electro-Sentry 1 sensors provide a standard 4-20 mA signal for reliability and accuracy."
  • Electro-Sensors 伊莱克森 Electro-Sentry 16 安全监控系统

    "Features","The Electro-Sentry 16 is a hazard monitoring system commonly used on grain elevator legs or conveyors to monitor critical points for bearing temperature and belt alignment as part of a predictive maintenance program to protect against catastrophic breakdowns and machinery failure resulting in product waste, machinery damage, and process downtime. All Electro-Sentry 16 sensors provide a standard 4-20 mA signal for reliability and accuracy."
  • Electro-Sensors 伊莱克森 HazardPRO 安全监控系统

    "Electro-Sensors is revolutionizing the way hazard monitoring is done, with its turnkey HazardPRO™ systems. Rugged sensors and the most advanced wireless technology combine to create the best hazard monitoring solution with the lowest installed cost.","Status At-A-Glance","Real-Time Information","Intelligent transmitter nodes send information both on a scheduled periodic basis and when important changes are detected, ensuring that there are no polling delays or lapses in monitoring.","Full Integration With Your Controls","Easily integrate to your existing plant control or PLC system via:"

