  • POSITAL / FRABA 博思特 Linarix CANopen 光学线性编码器

    电气输出:Switched / Alarm
    形状:Threaded Barrel; Rectangular; Ring; Slot
    测量范围 :1 to 160 inch (25.4 to 4064 mm)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    产品类别 :Optical Linear Encoders
  • POSITAL / FRABA 博思特 Linarix DeviceNet 光学线性编码器

    线性度:0.0012 to 1 ±% Full Scale
    重复性:0.0012 to 1 mils (0.0305 to 25.4 µm)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出:Switched / Alarm
    测量范围 :1 to 160 inch (25.4 to 4064 mm)
    精度:0.0180 to 100 %
    分辨率:0.0244 to 1000 mm (9.61E-4 to 39.37 inches)
    形状:Threaded Barrel; Rectangular; Ring; Slot
    产品类别 :Optical Linear Encoders
  • POSITAL / FRABA 博思特 Linarix EtherCat 光学线性编码器

    测量范围 :1 to 160 inch (25.4 to 4064 mm)
    精度:0.0180 to 100 %
    形状:Threaded Barrel; Rectangular; Ring; Slot
    线性度:0.0012 to 1 ±% Full Scale
    重复性:0.0012 to 1 mils (0.0305 to 25.4 µm)
    分辨率:0.0244 to 1000 mm (9.61E-4 to 39.37 inches)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出:Switched / Alarm
    产品类别 :Optical Linear Encoders
  • POSITAL / FRABA 博思特 Linarix MODBUS 光学线性编码器

    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出:Switched / Alarm
    测量范围 :1 to 160 inch (25.4 to 4064 mm)
    重复性:0.0012 to 1 mils (0.0305 to 25.4 µm)
    分辨率:0.0244 to 1000 mm (9.61E-4 to 39.37 inches)
    线性度:0.0012 to 1 ±% Full Scale
    形状:Threaded Barrel; Rectangular; Ring; Slot
    精度:0.0180 to 100 %
    产品类别 :Optical Linear Encoders
  • POSITAL / FRABA 博思特 Linarix Parallel 光学线性编码器

    测量范围 :1 to 160 inch (25.4 to 4064 mm)
    重复性:0.0012 to 1 mils (0.0305 to 25.4 µm)
    电气输出:Switched / Alarm
    线性度:0.0012 to 1 ±% Full Scale
    分辨率:0.0244 to 1000 mm (9.61E-4 to 39.37 inches)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    形状:Threaded Barrel; Rectangular; Ring; Slot
    精度:0.0180 to 100 %
    产品类别 :Optical Linear Encoders
  • POSITAL / FRABA 博思特 Linarix SSI 光学线性编码器

    工作温度 :-40 to 175 F (-40 to 79.44 C)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    精度:0.0180 to 100 %
    线性度:0.0012 to 1 ±% Full Scale
    重复性:0.0012 to 1 mils (0.0305 to 25.4 µm)
    分辨率:0.0244 to 1000 mm (9.61E-4 to 39.37 inches)
    测量范围 :1 to 160 inch (25.4 to 4064 mm)
    形状:Cylindrical; Threaded Barrel; Rectangular; Ring; Slot
    产品类别 :Optical Linear Encoders
  • POSITAL / FRABA 博思特 Linarix Analog 光学线性编码器

    精度:0.0180 to 100 %
    线性度:0.0012 to 1 ±% Full Scale
    重复性:0.0012 to 1 mils (0.0305 to 25.4 µm)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出:Voltage; Current; Frequency
    形状:Threaded Barrel; Rectangular; Ring; Slot
    测量范围 :1 to 160 inch (25.4 to 4064 mm)
    分辨率:0.0244 to 1000 mm (9.61E-4 to 39.37 inches)
    产品类别 :Optical Linear Encoders
  • POSITAL / FRABA 博思特 Linarix Powerlink 光学线性编码器

    分辨率:0.0244 to 1000 mm (9.61E-4 to 39.37 inches)
    线性度:0.0012 to 1 ±% Full Scale
    重复性:0.0012 to 1 mils (0.0305 to 25.4 µm)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出:Switched / Alarm
    形状:Threaded Barrel; Rectangular; Ring; Slot
    测量范围 :1 to 160 inch (25.4 to 4064 mm)
    精度:0.0180 to 100 %
    产品类别 :Optical Linear Encoders
  • POSITAL / FRABA 博思特 Linarix PROFIBUS 光学线性编码器

    测量范围 :1 to 160 inch (25.4 to 4064 mm)
    精度:0.0180 to 100 %
    线性度:0.0012 to 1 ±% Full Scale
    电气输出:Switched / Alarm
    形状:Threaded Barrel; Rectangular; Ring; Slot
    重复性:0.0012 to 1 mils (0.0305 to 25.4 µm)
    分辨率:0.0244 to 1000 mm (9.61E-4 to 39.37 inches)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    产品类别 :Optical Linear Encoders
  • POSITAL / FRABA 博思特 Linarix PROFINET 光学线性编码器

    测量范围 :1 to 160 inch (25.4 to 4064 mm)
    线性度:0.0012 to 1 ±% Full Scale
    重复性:0.0012 to 1 mils (0.0305 to 25.4 µm)
    形状:Threaded Barrel; Rectangular; Ring; SlotThreaded Barrel; Rectangular; Ring; Slot
    精度:0.0180 to 100 %
    分辨率:0.0244 to 1000 mm (9.61E-4 to 39.37 inches)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出:Switched / Alarm
    产品类别 :Optical Linear Encoders
  • POSITAL / FRABA 博思特 Linarix EtherNet&IP 光学线性编码器

    形状:Threaded Barrel; Rectangular; Ring; Slot
    测量范围 :1 to 160 inch (25.4 to 4064 mm)
    重复性:0.0012 to 1 mils (0.0305 to 25.4 µm)
    分辨率:0.0244 to 1000 mm (9.61E-4 to 39.37 inches)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出:Switched / Alarm
    精度:0.0180 to 100 %
    线性度:0.0012 to 1 ±% Full Scale
    产品类别 :Optical Linear Encoders
  • POSITAL / FRABA 博思特 Linarix J1939 光学线性编码器

    精度:0.0180 to 100 %
    重复性:0.0012 to 1 mils (0.0305 to 25.4 µm)
    形状:Threaded Barrel; Rectangular; Ring; Slot
    测量范围 :1 to 160 inch (25.4 to 4064 mm)
    线性度:0.0012 to 1 ±% Full Scale
    分辨率:0.0244 to 1000 mm (9.61E-4 to 39.37 inches)
    电源要求:DC Powered
    电气输出:Switched / Alarm
    产品类别 :Optical Linear Encoders

