Gootran 上海谷传工业
上海谷传工业设备有限公司是一家经营高端工业设备和精密零件的专业公司,公司致力于液压产品和工业自动化产品的推广与应用,以及与此有关的系统工程的设计与制造 ,技术咨询服务产品范围: 特种设备、液压元件、进口零件产品应用: 汽车行业、军工行业、高端制造业。我们的运营方式为客户提供优质的产品;以解决液压和工业自动化技术难题为乐趣,与您共享液压和工业自动化技术的成功!我们的服务宗旨充分利用已有的多种资源,通过技术、商务的优质服务,最终实现为用户提供完整的即科学合理又经济实用的解决方案我们的奋斗目标通过艰苦不懈的努力,旨在提升我国的液压系统和工业自动化制造技术,全面提高我国现代制造业水平,促进工业进步。我们将在最短的时间里为您提供最具性价比的优质产品欢迎来电咨询!
  • Senix ToughSonic® 12 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial
    产品类型:Sensor Only; Sensor System (optional feature)
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator; Digital Readouts
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level; Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    测量范围 :? to 144 inch (? to 3658 mm)
    测量技术:Ultrasonic or Sonic
    安装选项 :Side mount; Top mount
    开关点数量范围:1 to 2 (#)
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; AnalogCurrent
    用户接口:Computer Controllable
    特征 :Can handle liquids with suspended solids (slurries); Built in alarm indicator; Programmable; Controller
    现场可调:Field Adjustable Measurement Ranges
    现场可调性能 :Field Adjustable Measurement Ranges
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    温度范围:-40 to 158 F (-40 to 70 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Senix ToughSonic® 14 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial
    产品类型:Sensor Only; Sensor System (optional feature)
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator; Digital Readouts
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level; Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    测量范围 :4 to 168 inch (102 to 4267 mm)
    测量技术:Ultrasonic or Sonic
    安装选项 :Side mount; Top mount
    开关点数量范围:1 to 2 (#)
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; AnalogCurrent
    用户接口:Computer Controllable
    特征 :Can handle liquids with suspended solids (slurries); Built in alarm indicator; Programmable; Controller
    现场可调:Field Adjustable Measurement Ranges
    现场可调性能 :Field Adjustable Measurement Ranges
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    温度范围:-40 to 158 F (-40 to 70 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Senix ToughSonic® 30 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial
    产品类型:Sensor Only; Sensor System (optional feature)
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator; Digital Readouts
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level; Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    测量范围 :10 to 360 inch (254 to 9144 mm)
    测量技术:Ultrasonic or Sonic
    安装选项 :Side mount; Top mount
    开关点数量范围:1 to 2 (#)
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; AnalogCurrent
    用户接口:Computer Controllable
    特征 :Can handle liquids with suspended solids (slurries); Built in alarm indicator; Programmable; Controller
    现场可调:Field Adjustable Measurement Ranges
    现场可调性能 :Field Adjustable Measurement Ranges
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    温度范围:-40 to 158 F (-40 to 70 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Senix ToughSonic® 50 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial
    产品类型:Sensor Only; Sensor System (optional feature)
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator; Digital Readouts
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level; Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    测量范围 :12 to 600 inch (305 to 15240 mm)
    测量技术:Ultrasonic or Sonic
    安装选项 :Side mount; Top mount
    开关点数量范围:1 to 2 (#)
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; AnalogCurrent
    用户接口:Computer Controllable
    特征 :Can handle liquids with suspended solids (slurries); Built in alarm indicator; Programmable; Controller
    现场可调:Field Adjustable Measurement Ranges
    现场可调性能 :Field Adjustable Measurement Ranges
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    温度范围:-40 to 158 F (-40 to 70 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Senix ToughSonic® CHEM 10 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial
    产品类型:Sensor Only; Sensor System (optional feature)
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator; Digital Readouts
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level; Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    测量范围 :4 to 120 inch (102 to 3048 mm)
    测量技术:Ultrasonic or Sonic
    安装选项 :Side mount; Top mount
    开关点数量范围:1 to 2 (#)
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; AnalogCurrent
    用户接口:Computer Controllable
    特征 :Can handle liquids with suspended solids (slurries); Built in alarm indicator; Programmable; Controller
    现场可调:Field Adjustable Measurement Ranges
    现场可调性能 :Field Adjustable Measurement Ranges
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    温度范围:-40 to 158 F (-40 to 70 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Senix ToughSonic® CHEM 20 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial
    产品类型:Sensor Only; Sensor System
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator; Digital Readouts
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level; Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    测量范围 :8 to 240 inch (203 to 6096 mm)
    测量技术:Ultrasonic or Sonic
    安装选项 :Side mount; Top mount
    开关点数量范围:1 to 2 (#)
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; Analog Current
    用户接口:Computer Controllable
    特征 :Can handle liquids with suspended solids (slurries); Built in alarm indicator; Programmable; Controller
    现场可调:Field Adjustable Measurement Ranges
    现场可调性能 :Field Adjustable Measurement Ranges
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    温度范围:-40 to 158 F (-40 to 70 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Senix ToughSonic® CHEM 35 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial
    产品类型:Sensor Only; Sensor System
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator; Digital Readouts
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level; Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    测量范围 :12 to 420 inch (305 to 10668 mm)
    测量技术:Ultrasonic or Sonic
    安装选项 :Side mount; Top mount
    开关点数量范围:1 to 2 (#)
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; Analog Current
    用户接口:Computer Controllable
    特征 :Can handle liquids with suspended solids (slurries); Built in alarm indicator; Programmable; Controller
    现场可调:Field Adjustable Measurement Ranges
    现场可调性能 :Field Adjustable Measurement Ranges
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    温度范围:-40 to 158 F (-40 to 70 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Senix ToughSonic® REMOTE 30 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial
    产品类型:Sensor Only
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level
    测量范围 :10 to 360 inch (254 to 9144 mm)
    测量技术:Ultrasonic or Sonic
    安装选项 :Side mount; Top mount
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; AnalogCurrent
    特征 :Submersible
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    温度范围:-40 to 158 F (-40 to 70 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Senix ToughSonic® REMOTE 50 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial
    产品类型:Sensor Only
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level
    测量范围 :12 to 600 inch (305 to 15240 mm)
    测量技术:Ultrasonic or Sonic
    安装选项 :Side mount; Top mount
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; AnalogCurrent
    特征 :Submersible
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • Senix ToughSonic® REMOTE14 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial
    产品类型:Sensor Only
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level
    测量范围 :4 to 168 inch (102 to 4267 mm)
    测量技术:Ultrasonic or Sonic
    安装选项 :Side mount; Top mount
    输出选项 :Analog Voltage; AnalogCurrent
    特征 :Submersible
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    温度范围:-40 to 158 F (-40 to 70 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors

