深圳众事德控制系统有限公司是一家从事全球各类工业自动化产品销售的专业公司。尤其以 仪器仪表控制系统,DCS控制系统,PLC复杂控制系统,伺服控制系统,工业机器人备件应用为公司的技术特长。公司强调技术先导,注重质量管理,使全球各类工,自动化产品具有技术起点高、品种全、功能强、价格低等特点。产品现已广泛应用数控机械 冶金、石油天然气、造纸印刷、纺织印染、机械、电子制造、汽车制造、烟草、塑胶机械、电力、水利、水处理/环保、市政工程、锅炉供暖、能源、输配电等行业赢得了广大用户的好评与信赖。通过长期的发展,与世界知名品牌ABB,SIEMENS-西门子,SCHNEIDER-施耐德,BENTIY-本特利,REXROTH-力士乐,ALLEN BRADEY-罗克韦尔,HONEYWELL-霍尼韦尔,YASKAWA-安川,SEW-赛威,E+H-恩德斯豪斯,FOXBORO-福克斯波罗,FANUC-发那科,FLUKE-福禄克,HEIDENHAIN-海德汉,B&R-贝加莱,WATLOW-瓦特隆,KOLLMORGEN-科尔摩根,YOKOGAWA-横河等公司建立了良好的合作关系。
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 IG-010 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    扫描/响应速度:2040 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    T/R 间隔:0.0 to 39.37 inch (0.0 to 1000 mm)
    重复性:2E-04 inches
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class I
    量程:0.0 to 0.3900 inch (0.0 to 9.91 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    最小分辨率:4.00E-5 inch (0.0010 mm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 IG-028 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    显示 :Digital Display
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact ;Other
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class I
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    最小分辨率:4.00E-5 inch (0.0010 mm)
    安装/加载选项 :Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    量程:0.0 to 1.1 inch (0.0 to 27.94 mm)
    重复性:2E-04 inches
    扫描/响应速度:2040 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    T/R 间隔:0.0 to 59.06 inch (0.0 to 1500 mm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-9006M 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    扫描/响应速度:16000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Other; USB, Ethernet, 10x Discrete IO, 7x Status IO
    量程:4.00E-4 to 0.2400 inch (0.0102 to 6.1 mm)
    重复性:±0.0012 Mil (0.03µm)
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.0018 Mil (0.5µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-9030 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    扫描/响应速度:16000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Other; USB, Ethernet, 10x Discrete IO, 7x Status IO
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    量程:0.0030 to 1.18 inch (0.0762 to 29.97 mm)
    重复性:±0.004 Mil (0.1µm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-9030M 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    扫描/响应速度:16000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    重复性:±0.004 Mil (0.1µm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    显示 :Digital Display
    量程:0.0030 to 1.18 inch (0.0762 to 29.97 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Other; USB, Ethernet, 10x Discrete IO, 7x Status IO
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 TM-040 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    最小分辨率:5.00E-6 inch (1.27E-4 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; USB, Ethernet
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    重复性:±0.005 Mil (0.15µm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    量程:0.0100 to 1.57 inch (0.2540 to 39.88 mm)
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 TM-065 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    量程:0.0200 to 2.56 inch (0.5080 to 65.02 mm)
    最小分辨率:7.00E-6 inch (1.78E-4 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; USB, Ethernet
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    精度:±0.12 Mil (3µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-5041 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    最小分辨率:1.00E-5 inch (2.54E-4 mm)
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    量程:0.0100 to 1.57 inch (0.2540 to 39.88 mm)
    T/R 间隔:4.73 to 7.87 inch (120 to 200 mm)
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    扫描/响应速度:1200 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-5121 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    最小分辨率:4.00E-5 inch (0.0010 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    量程:0.0300 to 4.72 inch (0.7620 to 120 mm)
    T/R 间隔:11.81 to 39.37 inch (300 to 1000 mm)
    激光 / 可见度类型:Visible Laser Light (680nM); Laser Class II
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    扫描/响应速度:1200 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量技术 :Optical; Non-contact
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging
    精度:±0.32 Mil (8µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7010 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    最小分辨率:2.00E-6 inch (5.08E-5 mm)
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    量程:0.0020 to 0.2400 inch (0.0508 to 6.1 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    T/R 间隔:2.36 inch (59.94 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    精度:±0.12 Mil (3µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7010M 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    显示 :Digital Display
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    重复性:±0.002 Mil (0.06µm)
    最小分辨率:2.00E-6 inch (5.08E-5 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    量程:0.0020 to 0.2400 inch (0.0508 to 6.1 mm)
    T/R 间隔:2.36 inch (59.94 mm)
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.12 Mil (3µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7030 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    重复性:±0.006 Mil (0.15µm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    最小分辨率:6.00E-6 inch (1.52E-4 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    量程:0.0100 to 1.18 inch (0.2540 to 29.97 mm)
    T/R 间隔:4.73 to 7.87 inch (120 to 200 mm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7030M 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    最小分辨率:6.00E-6 inch (1.52E-4 mm)
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    量程:0.0200 to 2.56 inch (0.5080 to 65.02 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    重复性:±0.006 Mil (0.15µm)
    T/R 间隔:4.73 to 7.87 inch (120 to 200 mm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.08 Mil (2µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7070 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    显示 :Digital Display
    量程:0.0200 to 2.56 inch (0.5080 to 65.02 mm)
    T/R 间隔:7.87 to 11.81 inch (200 to 300 mm)
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    最小分辨率:8.00E-6 inch (2.03E-4 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    重复性:±0.008 Mil (0.2µm)
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.12 Mil (3µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-7070M 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    量程:0.0200 to 2.56 inch (0.5080 to 65.02 mm)
    重复性:±0.008 Mil (0.2µm)
    T/R 间隔:7.87 to 11.81 inch (200 to 300 mm)
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    最小分辨率:8.00E-6 inch (2.03E-4 mm)
    扫描/响应速度:2400 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    输出类型 :Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; Hi, Go, Lo
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.12 Mil (3µm)
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 LS-9006 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    扫描/响应速度:16000 Samples/sec or Scans/sec
    重复性:±0.0012 Mil (0.03µm)
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Non-contact
    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    量程:4.00E-4 to 0.2400 inch (0.0102 to 6.1 mm)
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Other; USB, Ethernet, 10x Discrete IO, 7x Status IO
    精度:±0.0018 Mil (0.5µm)
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
  • KEYENCE 基恩士 TM-006 光学千分尺和激光千分尺

    镜头类型:Single-piece head; Two-piece head
    输出类型 :Analog Current; Analog Voltage; Digital Serial; Digital Parallel; Other; USB, Ethernet
    显示 :Digital Display
    安装/加载选项 :Benchtop or Floor; Machine Mounted; Automatic or Inline
    量程:1.00E-3 to 0.2400 inch (0.0254 to 6.1 mm)
    重复性:±0.002 Mil (0.06µm)
    测量能力 :Edge; Diameter; Gap; Segmentation; Averaging; SPC Capability
    测量技术 :Optical; LED / Optical; Video / Imaging; Non-contact
    测量刻度 / 单位:English; Metric
    产品类别 :Optical Micrometers and Laser Micrometers
    精度:±0.02 Mil (0.5µm)

