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  • E+E Elektronik 益加义 EE671 气体流量传感器

    气体流速速范围:0.0 to 3937 SFPM (0.0 to 2000 cm/s)
    仪表类型:Insertion Probe Type
    测量类型:Air Velocity
    安装:Fixtured or Permanent
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    输出选项:Outputs an analog voltage signal
    技术类型:Thermal Anemometer
    探头直径:0.4724 inch (12 mm)
    产品类别 :Air Flow Sensors
  • E+E Elektronik 益加义 EE75 气体流量传感器

    气体流速速范围:0.0 to 7874 SFPM (0.0 to 4000 cm/s)
    仪表类型:Insertion Probe Type
    测量类型:Air Velocity
    安装:Fixtured or Permanent
    工作温度:-22 to 140 F (-30 to 60 C)
    输出选项:Outputs an analog voltage signal; Outputs an analog current signal
    技术类型:Thermal Anemometer
    特征 :Temperature compensation; Selectable Range
    探头直径:0.3150 inch (8 mm)
    探头长度:7.87 to 23.62 inch (200 to 600 mm)
    产品类别 :Air Flow Sensors
  • E+E Elektronik 益加义 OMNIPORT 30 气体流量传感器

    气体流速速范围:0.0 to 3937 SFPM (0.0 to 2000 cm/s)
    仪表类型:Insertion Probe Type
    测量类型:Air Velocity
    安装:Hand-held or Portable
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0.0 to 50 C)
    技术类型:Thermal Anemometer
    特征 :Also measures temperature
    探头直径:0.2362 to 0.4724 inch (6 to 12 mm)
    探头长度:7.87 inch (200 mm)
    产品类别 :Air Flow Sensors
  • E+E Elektronik 益加义 EE576 气体流量传感器

    精度:2 to 4 ±% Full Scale
    气体流速速范围:0.0 to 394 SFPM (0.0 to 200 cm/s)
    仪表类型:Insertion Probe Type
    测量类型:Air Velocity
    安装:Fixtured or Permanent
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    输出选项:Outputs an analog voltage signal
    技术类型:Thermal Anemometer
    探头直径:0.4724 inch (12 mm)
    产品类别 :Air Flow Sensors
  • E+E Elektronik 益加义 EE650 气体流量传感器

    气体流速速范围:0.0 to 3937 SFPM (0.0 to 2000 cm/s)
    仪表类型:Insertion Probe Type
    测量类型:Air Velocity
    安装:Fixtured or Permanent
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    输出选项:Outputs an analog voltage signal; Outputs an analog current signal
    技术类型:Thermal Anemometer
    特征 :Selectable Range
    探头直径:0.4724 inch (12 mm)
    探头长度:3.94 to 7.87 inch (100 to 200 mm)
    产品类别 :Air Flow Sensors
  • E+E Elektronik 益加义 EE660 气体流量传感器

    气体流速速范围:0.0 to 394 SFPM (0.0 to 200 cm/s)
    仪表类型:Insertion Probe Type
    测量类型:Air Velocity
    安装:Fixtured or Permanent
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    输出选项:Outputs an analog voltage signal; Outputs an analog current signal
    技术类型:Thermal Anemometer
    特征 :Selectable Range
    探头直径:0.4724 inch (12 mm)
    探头长度:3.94 to 7.87 inch (100 to 200 mm)
    产品类别 :Air Flow Sensors

