烁晋自动化控制系统(上海)有限公司 注册地址位于上海市松江区泖港镇中厍路181号,注册机关为松江区市场监督管理局,法人代表为余勇涛,经营范围包括许可项目:货物进出口;技术进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准)一般项目:从事自动化科技、机械科技、电子科技、计算机科技领域内的技术开发、技术咨询、技术服务、技术转让,机械设备、机电设备、工业自动化控制设备、电子产品、仪器仪表、电子元器件、计算机软件及辅助设备、电线电缆、通讯器材、金属材料、建筑材料、化工原料及产品(除危险化学品、监控化学品、烟花爆竹、民用爆炸物品、易制毒化学品)、润滑油的销售。
  • enDAQ Vibration Solutions S5-E2000D40 冲击传感器

    最大加速度:40 to 2000 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ Vibration Solutions S5-R2000D40 冲击传感器

    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    最大加速度:40 to 2000 g
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ Vibration Solutions S5-R500D40 冲击传感器

    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    特征:Battery Powered
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    最大加速度:40 to 500 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    最大冲击:3000 g
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ Vibration Solutions S3-E2000D40 冲击传感器

    最大加速度:40 to 2000 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    特征:Battery Powered
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    最大冲击:3000 g
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ Vibration Solutions S3-E500D40 冲击传感器

    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    最大加速度:40 to 500 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ Vibration Solutions S4-E2000D40 冲击传感器

    最大加速度:40 to 2000 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ Vibration Solutions S4-R2000D40 冲击传感器

    最大加速度:40 to 2000 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ Vibration Solutions S4-R500D40 冲击传感器

    最大加速度:40 to 500 g
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ S2-D40D200 冲击传感器

    传感器安装:Screw or Double Sided Tape ;Adhesive Base;Stud or Bolt-on
    最大冲击:3000 g
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    传感器输出:Acceleration; Temperature; Pressure, Humidity, Light
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大加速度:40 to 200 g
    频率范围:3200 to 4000 Hz
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ S3-E100D40 冲击传感器

    传感器输出:Acceleration; Temperature; Pressure, Humidity, Light
    传感器安装:Screw or Double Sided Tape ;Adhesive Base;Stud or Bolt-on
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    最大加速度:40 to 100 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ S4-E100D40 冲击传感器

    传感器输出:Acceleration; Temperature; Pressure, Humidity, Light
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    最大加速度:40 to 100 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ S5-E100D40 冲击传感器

    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    传感器输出:Acceleration; Temperature; Pressure, Humidity, Light
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    最大加速度:40 to 100 g
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors

