上海和炬电子科技有限公司 成立于2001年。20多年来,公司主要从事各类高品质变送器、传感器的销售与服务,并为汽车及船舶行业提供相应的校验仪器仪表解决方案,业务内容涉及非标专用测试设备设计、系统集成、销售与技术服务。公司现已通过ISO9001认证。公司业务主要设销售、工程技术、售后服务三个部门。我公司销售团队由具有专业知识背景的人员组成;我司还专门聘请国内资深工程师进行技术支持;工程部由具有丰富机电工程经验工程师组成,专业从事机电一体化非标准设备的开发、设计和制造。在汽车行业,曾先后为许多汽车零配件公司设计制造了多种汽车关键部件的试验仪器设备和测试平台;在国内船舶行业,也多次参与船舶动力及轮机系统的各类设备配套,均深受用户好评。概况2001年 公司成立10+ 代理高端品牌15+ 团队人数20+ 核心客户代理品牌英国 DRUCK包括压力传感器、投入式液位传感器、便携式压力校验仪、压力控制器等。丹麦 HBK主要包括水听器、激振系统、传声器、加速度计、扭矩传感器等。美国 PCB主要包括振动传感器、加速度传感器、振动校验仪等。英国 DP公司水下声源系统、信号分析处理系统等。美国 OTS公司水下用品。
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 703 声级计和噪声剂量计

    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    面板 :Analog Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator
    特征 :Data Storage
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    端口:Other Computer Interface
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 703+ 声级计和噪声剂量计

    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    面板 :Analog Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator
    特征 :Data Storage
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 704 声级计和噪声剂量计

    显示 :Digital Readouts
    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    特征 :Data Storage
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 705 声级计和噪声剂量计

    特征 :Data Storage
    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    面板 :Analog Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 705+ 声级计和噪声剂量计

    面板 :Analog Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator
    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    特征 :Data Storage
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 706 声级计和噪声剂量计

    特征 :Data Storage
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Analog Meter or Indicator; Digital Readouts
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 706RC 声级计和噪声剂量计

    仪表类型:Noise Dosimeter
    阈值电平:40 to 146 dB re 20µPa
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    特征 :Data Storage
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    机构认证:ANSI, IEC, CSA
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 720 声级计和噪声剂量计

    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    特征 :Data Storage
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    端口:Serial Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    机构认证:ANSI/IEC Type 1
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 812 声级计和噪声剂量计

    特征 :Data Storage
    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    端口:Serial Interface
    机构认证:ANSI/IEC Type 1
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 820 声级计和噪声剂量计

    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    特征 :Data Storage
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    端口:Serial Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    机构认证:ANSI/IEC Type 1
  • PCB Piezotronics Model 831 声级计和噪声剂量计

    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    时间响应 :Fast; Slow; Impulse
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    特征 :Data Storage; Spectrum (Frequency) Analysis (optional feature)
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    机构认证:ISO 3382-2 and ASTM E2235
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
  • PCB Piezotronics SoundExpert™ LxT 声级计和噪声剂量计

    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL
    时间响应 :Fast; Slow; Impulse
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface; Application Software Included
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    特征 :Data Storage
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
  • PCB Piezotronics SoundTrack LxT® 声级计和噪声剂量计

    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL (optional feature)
    特征 :Data Storage; Spectrum (Frequency) Analysis
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters
    端口:Other Computer Interface
  • PCB Piezotronics System 824 声级计和噪声剂量计

    特征 :Data Storage
    面板 :Digital Front Panel; Computer Interface
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    仪表类型:Sound Level Meter
    测量模式 :A-Weighted SPL; C-Weighted SPL; Z-Weighted SPL
    时间响应 :Fast; Slow; Impulse
    端口:Other Computer Interface
    机构认证:ANSI/IEC Type 1
    产品类别 :Sound Level Meters and Noise Dosimeters

