Surise Innovation 上海旭为光电
上海旭为光电科技有限公司(Surise Innovation Co., Ltd.)是一家专业从事超快激光、自适应光学等领域相关产品的研发、引进、销售、方案设计、组装集成、技术服务的现代高科技企业。专注于光电领域的技术服务与产品经销。公司致力于引进国外很具先进性与创新性的光电技术与可靠产品,为国内前沿的科研与工业领域提供优质的产品与服务。其代理品牌均处于相关领域的发展前沿,产品包括各类激光器、光电调制器、光学测量设备、精密光学元件等,所涉足的领域涵盖了材料加工、光通讯、生物医疗、科学研究与国防等。从事光电科技、机电科技、机械科技、电子科技、计算机科技领域内的技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务;机电设备、机械设备、通讯器材、电子产品、计算机软件及辅助设备的销售;从事货物及技术的进出口业务。公司LOGO首先是一个波和粒子的组合,光本身就是一个波,也是Sin函数开始就是一个S,而光有波粒二象性。公司一开始主营的方向是超快激光器,自适应光学。蓝色主要代表的是自适应光学方面,其实也是光场调制,激光的控制。红色主要代表的是超快激光方面,各种激光器,激光的产生。黄色其实主要代表的是希望通过我们提供的激光器和激光调制的产品,能带给客户,国内的科研和产业,像一颗冉冉升起的太阳一样。很多一些公司会说自己是专业的代理公司,光电的超市公司,光学方面的专家,系统的解决商之类,我一直在想,希望我们是一个链接,把产品和客户之间,客户和客户之间链接起来,就像是一个螺丝,很小的纽带,能给行业带来一些贡献。很多时候的意义,是你坚持去做了,慢慢一些事情才有意义。经营产品激光器Class5多光子显微成像飞秒,Cycle 超快激光时间同步,Coherent超快飞秒激光,AVESTA飞秒超快激光,Menhir高重频低噪声飞秒,Lithium紧凑型高功率飞秒,Radiantis超快OPO系统,FYLA超连续谱超快激光,Refined可调谐皮秒光纤,Santec波长可调谐激光器,OCTLIGHT高速扫频激光器,NP Photonics窄线宽激光,SLS超稳频激光器,MOGLabs可调谐猫眼激光,Block QCL量子级联激光自适应光学ALPAO高速自适应光学,NightN高功率自适应光学,OKO自适应光学,ISP SYSTEM精密光学控制,Dyoptyka散斑抑制变形镜,Phasics波前传感器,Difrotec点衍射激光干涉仪,Santec空间光调制器,Holoeye空间光调制器,Vialux数字微镜阵列,Jenoptik一维空间光调制器,LEXITEK 湍流模拟器,LC-TEC液晶高速光开光,ARCoptix可变螺旋板,RPC涡旋相位板常用仪器Xenics红外相机,Raytrix光场相机,NUVÜ背照式EMCCD,UQDevices多光子计数,Pi Imaging单光子相机,AOS FBG窄带滤波器,Miratlas一体化大气监测仪,LyncéeTec数字全息显微镜,WOP飞秒激光微加工系统,Femtonics多光子显微镜,SCANLAB扫描振镜,Duma光束分析仪,Liquid多功能测量仪,Licel激光雷达数据采集,AlazarTech OCT数据采集合作自营国盾量子科学仪器,国盾量子飞秒激光频率梳,赋同量子SNSPD系统,卓镭皮秒纳秒激光,SURISE热风式大气湍流模拟,SURISE全息光镊系统,SURISE数字微镜阵列DMD,SURISE高性能激光器,SURISE夏克哈特曼波前传感,SURISE大气光学参数测量仪,SURISE液晶大气湍流模拟器,SURISE光学仪器专用干燥柜解决方案自适应光学多光子显微成像光学相干层析成像OCT大气湍流大气激光雷达量子光学
  • Photonis / Exosens Discrete Dynode Electron Multiplier 电子倍增器

    "Photonis manufactures a range of discrete dynode electron multipliers to provide plug‐and‐play replacement modules for ICP‐MS instruments.","Description","Discrete Dynode Electron Multipliers offer continuous high dynamic range from single ion to high concentrations by utilizing a dual-stage analog and pulse counting design that provides improved sensitivity, air stability and long life through the use of improved dynodes.","Our innovative detection technology provides a high mass range with extended lifetime for a reliable, long-lasting detection solution for superior accuracy and reliability, continuous high dynamic range from single ion to high concentrations by utilizing a dual-stage analog and pulse counting design that provides improved sensitivity, air stability and long life through the use of improved dynodes."
  • Photonis / Exosens MAGNUM™ Electron Multiplier 电子倍增器

    "Photonis is the original manufacturer of Channeltron® electron multipliers, which offer the highest dynamic range to assure an absolutely linear response beyond the limits of most analytical instruments.","Description","Our advanced designs provide the highest sensitivity through superior signal collection and noise reduction.","Available in various shapes, sizes, and voltages, Photonis’ Channeltron® electron multipliers are engineered to deliver the highest performance available on the market. Cones, grids, coatings, collectors and leads can all be specified, or you can choose one of our many standard models. Improvements in conversion dynode technology have resulted in structures capable of operation at higher voltages and materials with improved ion-to-electron conversion yields for better sensitivity at higher masses.","More than half of the world’s mass spectrometer manufacturers rely on Photonis’ Channeltron® detectors to improve the reliability of their instruments. Due to their low mass and high gain, Channeltron® electron multipliers are also used in many nuclear physics labs and space applications to count electrons and charged particles in pulse mode operation. Other applications include residual gas analysis, plasma analysis, Auger, electron spectrometers, SEM, FIB and leak detectors.","As the original manufacturer, Photonis is able to customize Channeltron® electron multipliers to fit various instruments. We can provide complete assemblies as well in order to simplify the installation process. If you are looking to replace the detector in your analytical instrument, download our OEM Replacement Guide to find the right detector for your instrument."
  • Photonis / Exosens MegaSpiraltron™ Electron Multiplier 电子倍增器

    "Photonis is the original manufacturer of Channeltron® electron multipliers, which offer the highest dynamic range to assure an absolutely linear response beyond the limits of most analytical instruments.","Description","Our advanced designs provide the highest sensitivity through superior signal collection and noise reduction.","Available in various shapes, sizes, and voltages, Photonis’ Channeltron® electron multipliers are engineered to deliver the highest performance available on the market. Cones, grids, coatings, collectors and leads can all be specified, or you can choose one of our many standard models. Improvements in conversion dynode technology have resulted in structures capable of operation at higher voltages and materials with improved ion-to-electron conversion yields for better sensitivity at higher masses.","More than half of the world’s mass spectrometer manufacturers rely on Photonis’ Channeltron® detectors to improve the reliability of their instruments. Due to their low mass and high gain, Channeltron® electron multipliers are also used in many nuclear physics labs and space applications to count electrons and charged particles in pulse mode operation. Other applications include residual gas analysis, plasma analysis, Auger, electron spectrometers, SEM, FIB and leak detectors.","As the original manufacturer, Photonis is able to customize Channeltron® electron multipliers to fit various instruments. We can provide complete assemblies as well in order to simplify the installation process. If you are looking to replace the detector in your analytical instrument, download our OEM Replacement Guide to find the right detector for your instrument."
  • Photonis / Exosens Miniature Channeltron® Electron Multiplier 电子倍增器

    "Photonis is the original manufacturer of Channeltron® electron multipliers, which offer the highest dynamic range to assure an absolutely linear response beyond the limits of most analytical instruments.","Description","Our advanced designs provide the highest sensitivity through superior signal collection and noise reduction.","Available in various shapes, sizes, and voltages, Photonis’ Channeltron® electron multipliers are engineered to deliver the highest performance available on the market. Cones, grids, coatings, collectors and leads can all be specified, or you can choose one of our many standard models. Improvements in conversion dynode technology have resulted in structures capable of operation at higher voltages and materials with improved ion-to-electron conversion yields for better sensitivity at higher masses.","More than half of the world’s mass spectrometer manufacturers rely on Photonis’ Channeltron® detectors to improve the reliability of their instruments. Due to their low mass and high gain, Channeltron® electron multipliers are also used in many nuclear physics labs and space applications to count electrons and charged particles in pulse mode operation. Other applications include residual gas analysis, plasma analysis, Auger, electron spectrometers, SEM, FIB and leak detectors.","As the original manufacturer, Photonis is able to customize Channeltron® electron multipliers to fit various instruments. We can provide complete assemblies as well in order to simplify the installation process. If you are looking to replace the detector in your analytical instrument, download our OEM Replacement Guide to find the right detector for your instrument."
  • Photonis / Exosens Spiraltron™ High-Pressure Electron Multiplier 电子倍增器

    "Photonis is the original manufacturer of Channeltron® electron multipliers, which offer the highest dynamic range to assure an absolutely linear response beyond the limits of most analytical instruments.","Description","Our advanced designs provide the highest sensitivity through superior signal collection and noise reduction.","Available in various shapes, sizes, and voltages, Photonis’ Channeltron® electron multipliers are engineered to deliver the highest performance available on the market. Cones, grids, coatings, collectors and leads can all be specified, or you can choose one of our many standard models. Improvements in conversion dynode technology have resulted in structures capable of operation at higher voltages and materials with improved ion-to-electron conversion yields for better sensitivity at higher masses.","More than half of the world’s mass spectrometer manufacturers rely on Photonis’ Channeltron® detectors to improve the reliability of their instruments. Due to their low mass and high gain, Channeltron® electron multipliers are also used in many nuclear physics labs and space applications to count electrons and charged particles in pulse mode operation. Other applications include residual gas analysis, plasma analysis, Auger, electron spectrometers, SEM, FIB and leak detectors.","As the original manufacturer, Photonis is able to customize Channeltron® electron multipliers to fit various instruments. We can provide complete assemblies as well in order to simplify the installation process. If you are looking to replace the detector in your analytical instrument, download our OEM Replacement Guide to find the right detector for your instrument."

