Onset 铨州光电
台湾铨州光电股份有限公司 成立于1990年,在雷射系统、光电仪器、光学组件及设备等方面,一直居于业界的领导地位,近年更在 光电系统整合领域,广受业界的好评。目前公司员工共22人,配置于研发部、品保部、业务部、财务部、资材部、服务课、维修课、仓管课等。领先业界  各国肯定铨州光电客户遍及光电产业,LCD厂、LED厂、Projector厂、主、被动组件厂、镜头厂、光电半导体厂等。另外如生技产业、材料产业、工程业界亦广布铨州的客户群。另外在研究单位如国家级研究单位、财团法人、各大专院校等亦都是铨州服务的对象。此外,在外销的部份,铨州已将产品推至美、英、法、澳、纽、香港、新加坡、印度、印度尼西亚、大陆等世界各国,并获致极佳产品肯定。专注研发  提升质量铨州目前代理及经销各家世界大厂之光电产品,如ZABER, gentec-eo, VincentAssociates, StellarNet, PHASICS, AA Opto Electronic, HOLOEYE, optotune, ON-TRAK, Opto, MEIRITZ, LEUKOS, SIGMAKOKI, PowerTechnology, Arroyo Instruments, LASOS, TecOptics, SCIENCETECH, NATIONAL LASER, CHROMA, XIMEA, TWINSE, YAMAMOTO, SPECTRAL PRODUCTS, CONOPTICS, Clark-MXR, LASER COMPONENTS, amus, Optometrics, Artifex, TECHNIQUIP, nanoplus, Depths of the Earth, IFO, EKSMA OPTICS, OPTOGAMA, HelioScreen, Edmund, THORLABS等,另自行设计制造精密位移机构及光学镜架等光学机构。并专注于产品的研发改进,以期提升产品质量,提高客户满意度。更强调透过专业的团队合作,在系统整合部份,迅速提供解决方案,发展工作平台,以达成客户对光检测系统、光学架设等整合需求。专业服务 放眼世界展望未来,在这个光机电整合、奈米化的新时代,铨州期盼能秉持着最热忱的态度、最迅捷的反应,提供给客户最专业的服务,最满意的答复,并在世界上光电产业的版图中,以铨州为台湾留下最耀眼的位置。中国大陆业务苏州铨州光电贸易有限公司
  • StellarNet C (UV-VIS) 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Battery Powered (optional feature); Automatic Calibration; Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface; Parallel Interface
    响应时间:0.0020 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:850 nm (8500 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet CXR (UV-VIS) 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Battery Powered (optional feature); Automatic Calibration; Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface; Parallel Interface
    响应时间:0.0020 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:900 nm (9000 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet C-SR 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Battery Powered (optional feature); Automatic Calibration; Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface; Parallel Interface
    响应时间:0.0020 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:1080 nm (10800 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet CXR-SR 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Battery Powered (optional feature); Automatic Calibration; Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface; Parallel Interface
    响应时间:0.0020 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:1100 nm (11000 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet NIR 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:1150 nm (11500 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet NIR2 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:1000 nm (10000 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet NIR2b 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:1150 nm (11500 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet NIR3 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:840 nm (8400 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet NIR3b 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:935 nm (9350 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet NIR4 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:700 nm (7000 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet NIR4b 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:800 nm (8000 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet UV 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:600 nm (6000 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet UV2 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:400 nm (4000 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet UV3 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:350 nm (3500 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet UVIS 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:1100 nm (11000 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet UVN 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:1100 nm (11000 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet UVNb 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:1050 nm (10500 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet VIS 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:1150 nm (11500 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet VIS2 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:780 nm (7800 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet NIR3-HR 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface; Parallel Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:1640 nm (16400 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet NIRX 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface; Parallel Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:2200 nm (22000 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet NIRX-SR 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface; Parallel Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:2300 nm (23000 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters
  • StellarNet NIRb 水质光度计和色度计

    特征:Data Storage or Data Logging
    接口选项:Serial Interface; Parallel Interface
    响应时间:1.00E-3 seconds
    软件:Application Software Included
    计算机接口:Computer Interface
    光源最大波长:1600 nm (16000 Å)
    产品类别:Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters

