深圳仪信电子科技有限公司 是一家从事仪器仪表销售、租赁、维修、计量、回收的专业公司。主要致力于包括Agilent、HP、Anritsu、Advantest、R&S、IFR/MARCONI、阳光等世界知名的网络分析仪、频谱分析仪、综合测试仪、数字通讯测试仪、高频信号源、高频示波器、调制度仪、电声测试仪音频分析仪、等二手高频通讯测试仪器仪表的销售及租赁业务。
  • R&S (ROHDE & SCHWARZ) 罗德与施瓦茨 UPP 音频放大器和前置放大器

    High measurement speed, parallel signal processing in multichannel applications, and high reliability in continuous operation are vital requirements to be met by audio analyzers for use in production. If, on top of that, a cost-efficient instrument for system use is what you need, the solution is the R&S®UPP audio analyzer.","The R&S®UPV audio analyzer – the high-end instrument from Rohde & Schwarz – has held a solid position in all audio T&M applications for years. Measurement accuracy and dynamic range at the limits of what is possible, combined with unique measurement capabilities, make the R&S®UPV ideal primarily for research, development and quality assurance tasks.","Many audio applications do not place such high requirements on dynamic range and versatility. The emphasis in production is often on high throughput, and the cost of production test assemblies also plays a major role. When testing consumer audio equipment, multichannel devices of surround-sound systems must also be measured using state-of-the-art interfaces such as HDMI. This is where the R&S®UPP audio analyzer family comes into its own. Depending on the model, two, four or eight channels are processed in parallel; and by cascading multiple instruments, users can simultaneously trigger up to 48 measurement channels, which cuts down on measurement time.","The compact cost-efficient R&S®UPP audio analyzer is designed for system applications. It features low height, and comes without front-panel control elements or integrated display. The instrument can be remote-controlled via LAN, USB or IEC\/IEEE bus. In combination with an external monitor, mouse and keyboard, it becomes a manually operable measuring instrument for a lab bench. It has an integrated control PC, and the required software is already installed. Users can start taking measurements right away.","Featuring the same operating philosophy and remote control, the R&S®UPV and R&S®UPP audio analyzers are a strong team: They provide the optimal solution for both R & D and production, respectively, and harmonize well together, for example when instrument settings or measurement routines have to be exchanged.","Key Facts
  • R&S (ROHDE & SCHWARZ) 罗德与施瓦茨 UPV 音频放大器和前置放大器

  • R&S (ROHDE & SCHWARZ) 罗德与施瓦茨 UPZ 音频放大器和前置放大器

    R&S®UPZ音频切换器是用于音频通道输入和输出的多通道切换器。与Rohde&Schwarz音频分析仪一起使用,它开辟了更多的应用领域。,各种音频测量的广泛应用,家庭环绕应用,录音室环境中的多声道混音控制台,多声道放大器以及生产中几个DUT的适配只是使用R&S®UPZ音频切换器的广泛应用的一些例子。作为R&S®UPV和R&S®UPP音频分析仪的附加装置,R&S®UPZ直接从图形用户界面操作。远程控制,例如在生产环境中,也可以通过音频分析仪运行。,用户也可以通过其RS-232-C或USB 2.0接口直接从PC控制R&S®UPZ音频切换器。,可用作输入和输出切换器,R&S®UPZ音频切换器–与R&S®UPV和R&S®UPP音频分析仪一样带卡侬接口。由于卡侬系统中的插头和插孔之间存在差异,R&S®UPZ既可用作输入也可用作输出型号。两种型号都具有两个开关通道,使用户能够同时操作音频分析仪的两个发电机或测量通道。,最多16个输入开关加16个输出开关可以级联,允许最多128个输入或输出通道被切换。,用于测试多通道放大器的应用,标准应用是待测dut或测量通道的成对或单独切换。在每种情况下,一个信号路径连接到一个指定的信道。,一个特殊特性是测量多信道放大器的各个信道的串扰,这需要一个特别关键的测量。,对于这种应用,耦合到信道中的信号将被测量,而所有其他放大器信道将在同时。输出切换器允许用户将信号路径B并联切换到所有通道,而信号路径A可以切换到任何可选通道。

