长沙艾克赛普仪器设备有限公司(简称艾克赛普/Accexp)是一家长期服务于仪器仪表及测控集成的高科技企业。艾克赛普通过应用测试仪器平台传感器等先进技术及物联网、云计算的整合,为客户的测试需求提供针对行业应用的完整解决方案。您我身边世界的运转都离不开科学,而没有测试和仪器,便没有科学。艾克赛普致力于提供更科学智能的测试软硬件方案。        我们拥有中国先进地区(珠三角、长三角)多年工业科研测控集成经验,与国内外众多测试仪器品牌有长期合作,主要客户有湖南大学、中南大学等教育科研单位和中车集团、中联重科、湘潭电机等知名企业,经过数年的努力,公司目前已经成为专业的测试仪器系统集成商和产品经销商、综合服务商。 艾克赛普公司通过应用国际领先的测试仪器平台传感器等领先技术及物联网、云计算的整合,为客户的测试需求提供针对行业应用的完整解决方案。
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR® 4300 热像仪

    重量:7.28 lbs (3.3 kg)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    测量范围:-40 to 300 C (-40 to 572 F)
    精度:2 ±% Full Scale
    水平分辨率:320 lines
    垂直分辨率:256 lines
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    光谱范围:2 to 5.5 microns (2 to 5.5 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    最大帧速率:75 to 706 frames per second
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR® 5300 热像仪

    光谱范围:2 to 5.5 microns (2 to 5.5 micrometers)
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    垂直分辨率:256 lines
    重量:7.28 lbs (3.3 kg)
    测量范围:-40 to 3000 C (-40 to 5432 F)
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    温度分辨率:0.0150 C (0.0270 F)
    最大帧速率:481 to 105000 frames per second
    水平分辨率:320 lines
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR® 8300 Z 热像仪

    光谱范围:3.6 to 4.9 microns (3.6 to 4.9 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    最大帧速率:50 to 5000 frames per second
    探测器类型:Indium Antimonide (InSB) Detector ;Other
    水平分辨率:640 to 1280 lines
    最大尺寸:14.17 inch (360 mm)
    测量范围:-10 to 500 C (14 to 932 F)
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    垂直分辨率:512 to 1024 lines
    重量:38.59 lbs (17.5 kg)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®10300 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    水平分辨率:1920 lines
    重量:10.36 lbs (4.7 kg)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    光谱范围:3.6 to 4.9 microns (3.6 to 4.9 micrometers)
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    测量范围:-40 to 1200 C (-40 to 2192 F)
    最大帧速率:113 to 2493 frames per second
    垂直分辨率:1536 lines
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    温度分辨率:0.0220 to 0.0350 C (0.0396 to 0.0630 F)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®7300 热像仪

    温度分辨率:0.0250 C (0.0450 F)
    垂直分辨率:512 lines
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    测量范围:-40 to 300 C (-40 to 572 F)
    光谱范围:2 to 5.7 microns (2 to 5.7 micrometers)
    精度:2 ±% Full Scale
    最大帧速率:75 to 1200 frames per second
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    水平分辨率:640 lines
    重量:7.28 lbs (3.3 kg)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®8300 热像仪

    测量范围:-40 to 3000 C (-40 to 5432 F)
    最大帧速率:151 to 5000 frames per second
    重量:7.28 lbs (3.3 kg)
    水平分辨率:640 lines
    垂直分辨率:512 lines
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    温度分辨率:0.0250 C (0.0450 F)
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    光谱范围:2 to 5.7 microns (2 to 5.7 micrometers)
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®8300 hp 热像仪

    测量范围:-40 to 3000 C (-40 to 5432 F)
    温度分辨率:0.0250 C (0.0450 F)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    光谱范围:2 to 5.7 microns (2 to 5.7 micrometers)
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    重量:7.28 lbs (3.3 kg)
    最大帧速率:232 to 5000 frames per second
    水平分辨率:640 lines
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    垂直分辨率:512 lines
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®8800 热像仪

    温度分辨率:0.0250 C (0.0450 F)
    最大帧速率:233 to 14593 frames per second
    水平分辨率:640 lines
    重量:8.82 lbs (4 kg)
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    光谱范围:7.7 to 10.2 microns (7.7 to 10.2 micrometers)
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    垂直分辨率:512 lines
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    最大尺寸:9.61 inch (244 mm)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®9300 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    光谱范围:2 to 5.7 microns (2 to 5.7 micrometers)
    重量:8.82 lbs (4 kg)
    最大帧速率:106 to 3200 frames per second
    水平分辨率:1280 lines
    垂直分辨率:1024 lines
    温度分辨率:0.0250 C (0.0450 F)
    最大尺寸:9.25 inch (235 mm)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®9300 Z 热像仪

    测量范围:-10 to 500 C (14 to 932 F)
    最大帧速率:50 to 5000 frames per second
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    水平分辨率:640 to 1280 lines
    最大尺寸:14.17 inch (360 mm)
    重量:38.59 lbs (17.5 kg)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    光谱范围:3.6 to 4.9 microns (3.6 to 4.9 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    探测器类型:Indium Antimonide (InSB) Detector ;Other
    垂直分辨率:512 to 1024 lines
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®9400 热像仪

    光谱范围:2 to 5.5 microns (2 to 5.5 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 to 0.0300 C (0.0360 to 0.0540 F)
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    最大帧速率:180 to 3343 frames per second
    重量:9.48 lbs (4.3 kg)
    水平分辨率:1280 to 2560 lines
    垂直分辨率:1024 to 2048 lines
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®9400 hp 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    水平分辨率:1280 to 2560 lines
    光谱范围:2 to 5.5 microns (2 to 5.5 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 to 0.0300 C (0.0360 to 0.0540 F)
    垂直分辨率:1024 to 2048 lines
    重量:9.48 lbs (4.3 kg)
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    最大帧速率:180 to 3343 frames per second
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®9400 hs 热像仪

    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 to 0.0300 C (0.0360 to 0.0540 F)
    垂直分辨率:1024 to 2048 lines
    重量:9.48 lbs (4.3 kg)
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    光谱范围:2 to 5.5 microns (2 to 5.5 micrometers)
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    水平分辨率:1280 to 2560 lines
    最大帧速率:180 to 3343 frames per second
    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 ImageIR®9500 热像仪

    致冷:Active Built-in Cryogenic Cooling
    水平分辨率:1280 to 2560 lines
    重量:10.36 lbs (4.7 kg)
    光谱范围:3.5 to 4.8 microns (3.5 to 4.8 micrometers)
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    最大尺寸:9.49 inch (241 mm)
    环境温度范围:-4 to 122 F (-20 to 50 C)
    测量范围:-20 to 2000 C (-4 to 3632 F)
    温度分辨率:0.0250 C (0.0450 F)
    最大帧速率:120 to 16053 frames per second
    垂直分辨率:720 to 1440 lines
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM® HD Head 600 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    特征:Built-in Color / Visual Camera; Built-in Microphone
    水平分辨率:640 to 2048 lines
    最大尺寸:8.7 inch (221 mm)
    最大帧速率:30 to 240 frames per second
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    垂直分辨率:480 to 1536 lines
    重量:2.54 lbs (1.15 kg)
    模拟视频格式:NTSC; PAL; FBAS
    便携式:Battery Powered; Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM® HD Head 700 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    特征:Built-in Color / Visual Camera; Built-in Microphone
    水平分辨率:640 to 2048 lines
    最大尺寸:8.7 inch (221 mm)
    最大帧速率:30 to 240 frames per second
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    垂直分辨率:480 to 1536 lines
    重量:2.54 lbs (1.15 kg)
    模拟视频格式:NTSC; PAL; FBAS
    便携式:Battery Powered; Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM® HD Head 800 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    特征:Built-in Color / Visual Camera; Built-in Microphone
    水平分辨率:640 to 2048 lines
    最大尺寸:8.27 inch (210 mm)
    最大帧速率:30 to 240 frames per second
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    垂直分辨率:480 to 1536 lines
    重量:3.53 lbs (1.6 kg)
    模拟视频格式:NTSC; PAL; FBAS
    便携式:Battery Powered; Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM® HDx Research 600 热像仪

    精度:2 ±% Full Scale
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    特征:Built-in Color / Visual Camera; Built-in Microphone
    水平分辨率:640 lines
    最大尺寸:8.27 inch (210 mm)
    最大帧速率:30 to 60 frames per second
    测量范围:-40 to 1700 C (-40 to 3092 F)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0300 C (0.0540 F)
    垂直分辨率:480 lines
    重量:3.53 lbs (1.6 kg)
    便携式:Portable; Battery Powered; Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM®HD Head 900 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    特征:Built-in Color / Visual Camera; Built-in Microphone
    水平分辨率:640 to 2048 lines
    最大尺寸:8.27 inch (210 mm)
    最大帧速率:30 to 240 frames per second
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    垂直分辨率:480 to 1536 lines
    重量:3.53 lbs (1.6 kg)
    模拟视频格式:NTSC; PAL; FBAS
    便携式:Portable; Battery Powered; Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM®HD Inspect 900 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    特征:Built-in Color / Visual Camera; Built-in Microphone
    水平分辨率:640 to 2048 lines
    最大尺寸:8.27 inch (210 mm)
    最大帧速率:30 to 240 frames per second
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    垂直分辨率:480 to 1536 lines
    重量:3.53 lbs (1.6 kg)
    模拟视频格式:NTSC; PAL; FBAS
    便携式:Portable; Battery Powered; Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM®HD Research 900 热像仪

    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    特征:Built-in Color / Visual Camera; Built-in Microphone
    水平分辨率:640 to 2048 lines
    最大尺寸:8.27 inch (210 mm)
    最大帧速率:30 to 240 frames per second
    测量范围:-40 to 2000 C (-40 to 3632 F)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0200 C (0.0360 F)
    垂直分辨率:480 to 1536 lines
    重量:3.53 lbs (1.6 kg)
    模拟视频格式:NTSC; PAL; FBAS
    便携式:Portable; Battery Powered; Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM®HD Z 热像仪

    水平分辨率:1024 lines
    垂直分辨率:768 lines
    重量:7.5 lbs (3.4 kg)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    精度:5 ±% Full Scale
    最大帧速率:30 to 240 frames per second
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    最大尺寸:15.83 inch (402 mm)
    环境温度范围:-13 to 122 F (-25 to 50 C)
    测量范围:-20 to 1200 C (-4 to 2192 F)
    温度分辨率:0.1000 C (0.1800 F)
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM®HDx Head 600 热像仪

    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    最大尺寸:8.7 inch (221 mm)
    温度分辨率:0.0300 C (0.0540 F)
    水平分辨率:640 lines
    垂直分辨率:480 lines
    重量:2.54 lbs (1.15 kg)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    精度:2 ±% Full Scale
    测量范围:-40 to 1700 C (-40 to 3092 F)
    最大帧速率:30 to 60 frames per second
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    便携式:Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers
  • InfraTec 英福泰克 VarioCAM®HDx Inspect 625 热像仪

    精度:2 ±% Full Scale
    环境温度范围:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    探测器类型:Array; Microbolometer
    特征:Built-in Color / Visual Camera; Built-in Microphone
    水平分辨率:640 to 1280 lines
    最大尺寸:8.27 inch (210 mm)
    最大帧速率:30 to 60 frames per second
    测量范围:-40 to 1700 C (-40 to 3092 F)
    光谱范围:7.5 to 14 microns (7.5 to 14 micrometers)
    温度分辨率:0.0300 C (0.0540 F)
    垂直分辨率:480 to 960 lines
    重量:3.53 lbs (1.6 kg)
    便携式:Portable; Battery Powered; Removable Data Storage
    产品类别:Thermal Imagers

