深圳市恩基利尔科技有限公司位于中国改革开放的桥头倨--深圳,恩基利尔旨在向用户提供一流的传感检测,流体控制,等离子表面外理,工业信息化与数字化系统产品及服务。恩基利尔拥有经验丰富的专家团队,负责向各领域用户提供专业化的产品及服务,除了向用户提供标准化产品外,恩基利尔也可以根据用户的持殊应用提供定制化产品及服务,我们所提供的所有产品都会在恩基利尔标定实验室进行二次检测,我们采用谨慎而专业的态度对待每一个用户,以在全球市场树立恩基利尔牢国而专业的品牌形。恩基利尔同国内多所高等院校、研究所及计量院建立长期合作关系,以推进产学研的转化,并以市场角色进入前熊技术的研究,以成为业内新型工业自动化技术的开拓者,而非仅退随者。恩基利尔的传感检测产品涵盖称重测力、温度、声童、环境、压力、流量、安防、料位、气象、电磁、气体、化学、位移、接近、温度、振动与加速度、真空、速度、安全、编码器、张力、扭矩、视览与色彩、姿态、倾角、粘度、密度和比重等。恩基利尔的流体控制产品涵盖气动执行器,电动执行器,旋塞阀,球阀,蜂阀,仪表阀,气体灌装系统,精密孔口,流量计,泵等。恩基利尔等离子表面处理产品涵盖等离子发生器,等离子喷枪,等离子处理系统,大气等离子喷涂机,去毛刺机,等高子涂胶系统等。恩基利尔信息化与数字化产品涵盖智能制造及管理(CRM/ERP/MES)定制化系统开发,基于物联网(1OT)的智能运维系统,基于PRO/E模块定制开发MathCad计算平台,及二维、三维工具开发,PLC远程调试,以及定制化系统方案等。恩基利尔专注的应用领域包括国防军工、航空航天、核电、火电、风电、水利水电、新能源、石油、天然气、海工船舶、港口码头、冶金矿产、化工、食品、制药、医疗器械、汽车制造、3C、TP PCB、FPC、半导体、机器人、塑料、包装、薄膜、造纸、印染、喷涂、水处理、暖通空调、电线电线、物流仓储及工业目动化等。目前恩基利尔在美国,德国,意大利,英国,瑞士澳大利亚,日本等国设有分支机构。恩某利尔的销售及服务网络遍布全国,以增强用户体验为服务宗旨,采用24小时服务制,向各领域用户提供最优质的服务。您的成功是恩基利尔不竭的动力,让我们携起手来,互利共赢,乘承实干兴邦、实业报国的精神,共创工业4.0的美好时代!
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-52-0994 G 流量控制器

    性能:流量,特性•1\/2\到4\管道尺寸,0-800 GPM•高度精确± 1%满刻度,± 0.5%重复性•本地或远程读数和控制•易于安装和使用•方便的现场校准•高度灵活•与计量泵、图表记录器接口,警报或可编程逻辑控制器。•本质安全型可用•质量标准:UL、CSA、CE(5600型除外),规格这些高性能电子流量监控/控制系统由三个组件组成: 1。流量计 2。串联\/插入式流量传感器 3。安装配件 可提供多种不同配置,以提供一个系统,该系统将监控或控制流体的移动,并与腐蚀性化学品兼容。这些仪器在车间环境中可以长期防水。可以组装一个系统来监控工艺流量(GPM、LPM或任何其他单位)或在一段时间内跟踪累积流量(总计加仑或升)。可选择为配料混合应用或触发酸和碱进料泵提供预设电气输出信号的仪表。它们还可以与工厂中的其他仪器(包括计算机)连接。精度和可靠性来自专利流量传感器设计,它将管道中的流体速度转换为电子信号。测量信号并通过基于微处理器的固态电路传输到适当的仪表:流速、积算器或控制器。该设备的成本效益使工厂应用成为可能。最初的投资通过提高流程效率节省成本而迅速收回成本。对于简单到复杂的工业应用来说,这些系统是一个极好的选择。
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-52-0994 L 流量控制器

    性能:流量,特性•1\/2\到4\管道尺寸,0-800 GPM•高度精确± 1%满刻度,± 0.5%重复性•本地或远程读数和控制•易于安装和使用•方便的现场校准•高度灵活•与计量泵、图表记录器接口,警报或可编程逻辑控制器。•本质安全型可用•质量标准:UL、CSA、CE(5600型除外),规格这些高性能电子流量监控/控制系统由三个组件组成: 1。流量计 2。串联\/插入式流量传感器 3。安装配件 可提供多种不同配置,以提供一个系统,该系统将监控或控制流体的移动,并与腐蚀性化学品兼容。这些仪器在车间环境中可以长期防水。可以组装一个系统来监控工艺流量(GPM、LPM或任何其他单位)或在一段时间内跟踪累积流量(总计加仑或升)。可选择为配料混合应用或触发酸和碱进料泵提供预设电气输出信号的仪表。它们还可以与工厂中的其他仪器(包括计算机)连接。精度和可靠性来自专利流量传感器设计,它将管道中的流体速度转换为电子信号。测量信号并通过基于微处理器的固态电路传输到适当的仪表:流速、积算器或控制器。该设备的成本效益使工厂应用成为可能。最初的投资通过提高流程效率节省成本而迅速收回成本。对于简单到复杂的工业应用来说,这些系统是一个极好的选择。
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-52-0995 流量控制器

    Performance: Flow","Features •1\/2\" to 4\" pipe size, 0 - 800 GPM • Highly accurate ± 1% full scale, ± 0.5% repeatability • Local or remote readout and control • Easy to install and use • Convenient field calibration • Highly flexible •Interface with metering pumps, chart recorders, alarms or programmable logic controllers. • Intrinsically safe model available • Quality standards: UL, CSA, CE (except Model 5600)","Specifications These high performance electronic flow monitoring \/ control systems consist of three components: 1. Flow Meter 2. In-line\/Insertion Flow Sensor 3. Installation Fitting A variety of different configurations is available to provide a system that will monitor or control the movement of fluids and is compatible with corrosive chemicals. The instruments are waterproof for long life in shop environments. A system may be assembled to monitor a process flow rate (GPM, LPM or any other units) or keep track of accumulated flow for a period of time (totalize gallons or liters). Instruments can be selected that provide a pre-set electrical output signal for batchmixing applications or triggering acid and caustic feed pumps. They can also be interfaced with other instruments in your plant, including a computer. The accuracy and reliability come from patented Flow Sensor designs that convert fluid velocity in a pipe into an electronic signal. The signal is measured and channeled through microprocessor based solid state circuitry to the appropriate meter: flow rate, totalizer or controller. Cost effectiveness of this equipment makes plant applications feasible. The initial investment pays for itself quickly by providing cost savings from improved process efficiency. These systems are an excellent choice for the simple to the complex industrial application
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-52-0998 G 流量控制器

    性能:流量,特性•1\/2\到4\管道尺寸,0-800 GPM•高度精确± 1%满刻度,± 0.5%重复性•本地或远程读数和控制•易于安装和使用•方便的现场校准•高度灵活•与计量泵、图表记录器接口,警报或可编程逻辑控制器。•本质安全型可用•质量标准:UL、CSA、CE(5600型除外),规格这些高性能电子流量监控/控制系统由三个组件组成: 1。流量计 2。串联\/插入式流量传感器 3。安装配件 可提供多种不同配置,以提供一个系统,该系统将监控或控制流体的移动,并与腐蚀性化学品兼容。这些仪器在车间环境中可以长期防水。可以组装一个系统来监控工艺流量(GPM、LPM或任何其他单位)或在一段时间内跟踪累积流量(总计加仑或升)。可选择为配料混合应用或触发酸和碱进料泵提供预设电气输出信号的仪表。它们还可以与工厂中的其他仪器(包括计算机)连接。精度和可靠性来自专利流量传感器设计,它将管道中的流体速度转换为电子信号。测量信号并通过基于微处理器的固态电路传输到适当的仪表:流速、积算器或控制器。该设备的成本效益使工厂应用成为可能。最初的投资通过提高流程效率节省成本而迅速收回成本。对于简单到复杂的工业应用来说,这些系统是一个极好的选择。
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-52-0998 L 流量控制器

    Performance: Flow","Features •1\/2\" to 4\" pipe size, 0 - 800 GPM • Highly accurate ± 1% full scale, ± 0.5% repeatability • Local or remote readout and control • Easy to install and use • Convenient field calibration • Highly flexible •Interface with metering pumps, chart recorders, alarms or programmable logic controllers. • Intrinsically safe model available • Quality standards: UL, CSA, CE (except Model 5600)","Specifications These high performance electronic flow monitoring \/ control systems consist of three components: 1. Flow Meter 2. In-line\/Insertion Flow Sensor 3. Installation Fitting A variety of different configurations is available to provide a system that will monitor or control the movement of fluids and is compatible with corrosive chemicals. The instruments are waterproof for long life in shop environments. A system may be assembled to monitor a process flow rate (GPM, LPM or any other units) or keep track of accumulated flow for a period of time (totalize gallons or liters). Instruments can be selected that provide a pre-set electrical output signal for batchmixing applications or triggering acid and caustic feed pumps. They can also be interfaced with other instruments in your plant, including a computer. The accuracy and reliability come from patented Flow Sensor designs that convert fluid velocity in a pipe into an electronic signal. The signal is measured and channeled through microprocessor based solid state circuitry to the appropriate meter: flow rate, totalizer or controller. Cost effectiveness of this equipment makes plant applications feasible. The initial investment pays for itself quickly by providing cost savings from improved process efficiency. These systems are an excellent choice for the simple to the complex industrial application
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-52-0999 G 流量控制器

    Performance: Flow","Features •1\/2\" to 4\" pipe size, 0 - 800 GPM • Highly accurate ± 1% full scale, ± 0.5% repeatability • Local or remote readout and control • Easy to install and use • Convenient field calibration • Highly flexible •Interface with metering pumps, chart recorders, alarms or programmable logic controllers. • Intrinsically safe model available • Quality standards: UL, CSA, CE (except Model 5600)","Specifications These high performance electronic flow monitoring \/ control systems consist of three components: 1. Flow Meter 2. In-line\/Insertion Flow Sensor 3. Installation Fitting A variety of different configurations is available to provide a system that will monitor or control the movement of fluids and is compatible with corrosive chemicals. The instruments are waterproof for long life in shop environments. A system may be assembled to monitor a process flow rate (GPM, LPM or any other units) or keep track of accumulated flow for a period of time (totalize gallons or liters). Instruments can be selected that provide a pre-set electrical output signal for batchmixing applications or triggering acid and caustic feed pumps. They can also be interfaced with other instruments in your plant, including a computer. The accuracy and reliability come from patented Flow Sensor designs that convert fluid velocity in a pipe into an electronic signal. The signal is measured and channeled through microprocessor based solid state circuitry to the appropriate meter: flow rate, totalizer or controller. Cost effectiveness of this equipment makes plant applications feasible. The initial investment pays for itself quickly by providing cost savings from improved process efficiency. These systems are an excellent choice for the simple to the complex industrial application
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-52-0999 L 流量控制器

    性能:流量,特性•1\/2\到4\管道尺寸,0-800 GPM•高度精确± 1%满刻度,± 0.5%重复性•本地或远程读数和控制•易于安装和使用•方便的现场校准•高度灵活•与计量泵、图表记录器接口,警报或可编程逻辑控制器。•本质安全型可用•质量标准:UL、CSA、CE(5600型除外),规格这些高性能电子流量监控/控制系统由三个组件组成: 1。流量计 2。串联\/插入式流量传感器 3。安装配件 可提供多种不同配置,以提供一个系统,该系统将监控或控制流体的移动,并与腐蚀性化学品兼容。这些仪器在车间环境中可以长期防水。可以组装一个系统来监控工艺流量(GPM、LPM或任何其他单位)或在一段时间内跟踪累积流量(总计加仑或升)。可选择为配料混合应用或触发酸和碱进料泵提供预设电气输出信号的仪表。它们还可以与工厂中的其他仪器(包括计算机)连接。精度和可靠性来自专利流量传感器设计,它将管道中的流体速度转换为电子信号。测量信号并通过基于微处理器的固态电路传输到适当的仪表:流速、积算器或控制器。该设备的成本效益使工厂应用成为可能。最初的投资通过提高流程效率节省成本而迅速收回成本。对于简单到复杂的工业应用来说,这些系统是一个极好的选择。
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-56-0428 流量控制器

    Performance: Flow","Features •1\/2\" to 4\" pipe size, 0 - 800 GPM • Highly accurate ± 1% full scale, ± 0.5% repeatability • Local or remote readout and control • Easy to install and use • Convenient field calibration • Highly flexible •Interface with metering pumps, chart recorders, alarms or programmable logic controllers. • Intrinsically safe model available • Quality standards: UL, CSA, CE (except Model 5600)","Specifications These high performance electronic flow monitoring \/ control systems consist of three components: 1. Flow Meter 2. In-line\/Insertion Flow Sensor 3. Installation Fitting A variety of different configurations is available to provide a system that will monitor or control the movement of fluids and is compatible with corrosive chemicals. The instruments are waterproof for long life in shop environments. A system may be assembled to monitor a process flow rate (GPM, LPM or any other units) or keep track of accumulated flow for a period of time (totalize gallons or liters). Instruments can be selected that provide a pre-set electrical output signal for batchmixing applications or triggering acid and caustic feed pumps. They can also be interfaced with other instruments in your plant, including a computer. The accuracy and reliability come from patented Flow Sensor designs that convert fluid velocity in a pipe into an electronic signal. The signal is measured and channeled through microprocessor based solid state circuitry to the appropriate meter: flow rate, totalizer or controller. Cost effectiveness of this equipment makes plant applications feasible. The initial investment pays for itself quickly by providing cost savings from improved process efficiency. These systems are an excellent choice for the simple to the complex industrial application
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-56-0428 N 流量控制器

    性能:流量,特性•1\/2\到4\管道尺寸,0-800 GPM•高度精确± 1%满刻度,± 0.5%重复性•本地或远程读数和控制•易于安装和使用•方便的现场校准•高度灵活•与计量泵、图表记录器接口,警报或可编程逻辑控制器。•本质安全型可用•质量标准:UL、CSA、CE(5600型除外),规格这些高性能电子流量监控/控制系统由三个组件组成: 1。流量计 2。串联\/插入式流量传感器 3。安装配件 可提供多种不同配置,以提供一个系统,该系统将监控或控制流体的移动,并与腐蚀性化学品兼容。这些仪器在车间环境中可以长期防水。可以组装一个系统来监控工艺流量(GPM、LPM或任何其他单位)或在一段时间内跟踪累积流量(总计加仑或升)。可选择为配料混合应用或触发酸和碱进料泵提供预设电气输出信号的仪表。它们还可以与工厂中的其他仪器(包括计算机)连接。精度和可靠性来自专利流量传感器设计,它将管道中的流体速度转换为电子信号。测量信号并通过基于微处理器的固态电路传输到适当的仪表:流速、积算器或控制器。该设备的成本效益使工厂应用成为可能。最初的投资通过提高流程效率节省成本而迅速收回成本。对于简单到复杂的工业应用来说,这些系统是一个极好的选择。
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-56-0429 流量控制器

    Performance: Flow","Features •1\/2\" to 4\" pipe size, 0 - 800 GPM • Highly accurate ± 1% full scale, ± 0.5% repeatability • Local or remote readout and control • Easy to install and use • Convenient field calibration • Highly flexible •Interface with metering pumps, chart recorders, alarms or programmable logic controllers. • Intrinsically safe model available • Quality standards: UL, CSA, CE (except Model 5600)","Specifications These high performance electronic flow monitoring \/ control systems consist of three components: 1. Flow Meter 2. In-line\/Insertion Flow Sensor 3. Installation Fitting A variety of different configurations is available to provide a system that will monitor or control the movement of fluids and is compatible with corrosive chemicals. The instruments are waterproof for long life in shop environments. A system may be assembled to monitor a process flow rate (GPM, LPM or any other units) or keep track of accumulated flow for a period of time (totalize gallons or liters). Instruments can be selected that provide a pre-set electrical output signal for batchmixing applications or triggering acid and caustic feed pumps. They can also be interfaced with other instruments in your plant, including a computer. The accuracy and reliability come from patented Flow Sensor designs that convert fluid velocity in a pipe into an electronic signal. The signal is measured and channeled through microprocessor based solid state circuitry to the appropriate meter: flow rate, totalizer or controller. Cost effectiveness of this equipment makes plant applications feasible. The initial investment pays for itself quickly by providing cost savings from improved process efficiency. These systems are an excellent choice for the simple to the complex industrial application
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-56-0429 N 流量控制器

    Performance: Flow","Features •1\/2\" to 4\" pipe size, 0 - 800 GPM • Highly accurate ± 1% full scale, ± 0.5% repeatability • Local or remote readout and control • Easy to install and use • Convenient field calibration • Highly flexible •Interface with metering pumps, chart recorders, alarms or programmable logic controllers. • Intrinsically safe model available • Quality standards: UL, CSA, CE (except Model 5600)","Specifications These high performance electronic flow monitoring \/ control systems consist of three components: 1. Flow Meter 2. In-line\/Insertion Flow Sensor 3. Installation Fitting A variety of different configurations is available to provide a system that will monitor or control the movement of fluids and is compatible with corrosive chemicals. The instruments are waterproof for long life in shop environments. A system may be assembled to monitor a process flow rate (GPM, LPM or any other units) or keep track of accumulated flow for a period of time (totalize gallons or liters). Instruments can be selected that provide a pre-set electrical output signal for batchmixing applications or triggering acid and caustic feed pumps. They can also be interfaced with other instruments in your plant, including a computer. The accuracy and reliability come from patented Flow Sensor designs that convert fluid velocity in a pipe into an electronic signal. The signal is measured and channeled through microprocessor based solid state circuitry to the appropriate meter: flow rate, totalizer or controller. Cost effectiveness of this equipment makes plant applications feasible. The initial investment pays for itself quickly by providing cost savings from improved process efficiency. These systems are an excellent choice for the simple to the complex industrial application
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-56-0571 流量控制器

    Performance: Flow","Features •1\/2\" to 4\" pipe size, 0 - 800 GPM • Highly accurate ± 1% full scale, ± 0.5% repeatability • Local or remote readout and control • Easy to install and use • Convenient field calibration • Highly flexible •Interface with metering pumps, chart recorders, alarms or programmable logic controllers. • Intrinsically safe model available • Quality standards: UL, CSA, CE (except Model 5600)","Specifications These high performance electronic flow monitoring \/ control systems consist of three components: 1. Flow Meter 2. In-line\/Insertion Flow Sensor 3. Installation Fitting A variety of different configurations is available to provide a system that will monitor or control the movement of fluids and is compatible with corrosive chemicals. The instruments are waterproof for long life in shop environments. A system may be assembled to monitor a process flow rate (GPM, LPM or any other units) or keep track of accumulated flow for a period of time (totalize gallons or liters). Instruments can be selected that provide a pre-set electrical output signal for batchmixing applications or triggering acid and caustic feed pumps. They can also be interfaced with other instruments in your plant, including a computer. The accuracy and reliability come from patented Flow Sensor designs that convert fluid velocity in a pipe into an electronic signal. The signal is measured and channeled through microprocessor based solid state circuitry to the appropriate meter: flow rate, totalizer or controller. Cost effectiveness of this equipment makes plant applications feasible. The initial investment pays for itself quickly by providing cost savings from improved process efficiency. These systems are an excellent choice for the simple to the complex industrial application
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-56-0574 流量控制器

    性能:流量,特性•1\/2\到4\管道尺寸,0-800 GPM•高度精确± 1%满刻度,± 0.5%重复性•本地或远程读数和控制•易于安装和使用•方便的现场校准•高度灵活•与计量泵、图表记录器接口,警报或可编程逻辑控制器。•本质安全型可用•质量标准:UL、CSA、CE(5600型除外),规格这些高性能电子流量监控/控制系统由三个组件组成: 1。流量计 2。串联\/插入式流量传感器 3。安装配件 可提供多种不同配置,以提供一个系统,该系统将监控或控制流体的移动,并与腐蚀性化学品兼容。这些仪器在车间环境中可以长期防水。可以组装一个系统来监控工艺流量(GPM、LPM或任何其他单位)或在一段时间内跟踪累积流量(总计加仑或升)。可选择为配料混合应用或触发酸和碱进料泵提供预设电气输出信号的仪表。它们还可以与工厂中的其他仪器(包括计算机)连接。精度和可靠性来自专利流量传感器设计,它将管道中的流体速度转换为电子信号。测量信号并通过基于微处理器的固态电路传输到适当的仪表:流速、积算器或控制器。该设备的成本效益使工厂应用成为可能。最初的投资通过提高流程效率节省成本而迅速收回成本。对于简单到复杂的工业应用来说,这些系统是一个极好的选择。
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-56-0576 流量控制器

    Performance: Flow","Features •1\/2\" to 4\" pipe size, 0 - 800 GPM • Highly accurate ± 1% full scale, ± 0.5% repeatability • Local or remote readout and control • Easy to install and use • Convenient field calibration • Highly flexible •Interface with metering pumps, chart recorders, alarms or programmable logic controllers. • Intrinsically safe model available • Quality standards: UL, CSA, CE (except Model 5600)","Specifications These high performance electronic flow monitoring \/ control systems consist of three components: 1. Flow Meter 2. In-line\/Insertion Flow Sensor 3. Installation Fitting A variety of different configurations is available to provide a system that will monitor or control the movement of fluids and is compatible with corrosive chemicals. The instruments are waterproof for long life in shop environments. A system may be assembled to monitor a process flow rate (GPM, LPM or any other units) or keep track of accumulated flow for a period of time (totalize gallons or liters). Instruments can be selected that provide a pre-set electrical output signal for batchmixing applications or triggering acid and caustic feed pumps. They can also be interfaced with other instruments in your plant, including a computer. The accuracy and reliability come from patented Flow Sensor designs that convert fluid velocity in a pipe into an electronic signal. The signal is measured and channeled through microprocessor based solid state circuitry to the appropriate meter: flow rate, totalizer or controller. Cost effectiveness of this equipment makes plant applications feasible. The initial investment pays for itself quickly by providing cost savings from improved process efficiency. These systems are an excellent choice for the simple to the complex industrial application
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-56-0752 流量控制器

    Performance: Flow","Features •1\/2\" to 4\" pipe size, 0 - 800 GPM • Highly accurate ± 1% full scale, ± 0.5% repeatability • Local or remote readout and control • Easy to install and use • Convenient field calibration • Highly flexible •Interface with metering pumps, chart recorders, alarms or programmable logic controllers. • Intrinsically safe model available • Quality standards: UL, CSA, CE (except Model 5600)","Specifications These high performance electronic flow monitoring \/ control systems consist of three components: 1. Flow Meter 2. In-line\/Insertion Flow Sensor 3. Installation Fitting A variety of different configurations is available to provide a system that will monitor or control the movement of fluids and is compatible with corrosive chemicals. The instruments are waterproof for long life in shop environments. A system may be assembled to monitor a process flow rate (GPM, LPM or any other units) or keep track of accumulated flow for a period of time (totalize gallons or liters). Instruments can be selected that provide a pre-set electrical output signal for batchmixing applications or triggering acid and caustic feed pumps. They can also be interfaced with other instruments in your plant, including a computer. The accuracy and reliability come from patented Flow Sensor designs that convert fluid velocity in a pipe into an electronic signal. The signal is measured and channeled through microprocessor based solid state circuitry to the appropriate meter: flow rate, totalizer or controller. Cost effectiveness of this equipment makes plant applications feasible. The initial investment pays for itself quickly by providing cost savings from improved process efficiency. These systems are an excellent choice for the simple to the complex industrial application
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-56-0753 流量控制器

    性能:流量,特性•1\/2\到4\管道尺寸,0-800 GPM•高度精确± 1%满刻度,± 0.5%重复性•本地或远程读数和控制•易于安装和使用•方便的现场校准•高度灵活•与计量泵、图表记录器接口,警报或可编程逻辑控制器。•本质安全型可用•质量标准:UL、CSA、CE(5600型除外),规格这些高性能电子流量监控/控制系统由三个组件组成: 1。流量计 2。串联\/插入式流量传感器 3。安装配件 可提供多种不同配置,以提供一个系统,该系统将监控或控制流体的移动,并与腐蚀性化学品兼容。这些仪器在车间环境中可以长期防水。可以组装一个系统来监控工艺流量(GPM、LPM或任何其他单位)或在一段时间内跟踪累积流量(总计加仑或升)。可选择为配料混合应用或触发酸和碱进料泵提供预设电气输出信号的仪表。它们还可以与工厂中的其他仪器(包括计算机)连接。精度和可靠性来自专利流量传感器设计,它将管道中的流体速度转换为电子信号。测量信号并通过基于微处理器的固态电路传输到适当的仪表:流速、积算器或控制器。该设备的成本效益使工厂应用成为可能。最初的投资通过提高流程效率节省成本而迅速收回成本。对于简单到复杂的工业应用来说,这些系统是一个极好的选择。
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-56-0754 流量控制器

    Performance: Flow","Features •1\/2\" to 4\" pipe size, 0 - 800 GPM • Highly accurate ± 1% full scale, ± 0.5% repeatability • Local or remote readout and control • Easy to install and use • Convenient field calibration • Highly flexible •Interface with metering pumps, chart recorders, alarms or programmable logic controllers. • Intrinsically safe model available • Quality standards: UL, CSA, CE (except Model 5600)","Specifications These high performance electronic flow monitoring \/ control systems consist of three components: 1. Flow Meter 2. In-line\/Insertion Flow Sensor 3. Installation Fitting A variety of different configurations is available to provide a system that will monitor or control the movement of fluids and is compatible with corrosive chemicals. The instruments are waterproof for long life in shop environments. A system may be assembled to monitor a process flow rate (GPM, LPM or any other units) or keep track of accumulated flow for a period of time (totalize gallons or liters). Instruments can be selected that provide a pre-set electrical output signal for batchmixing applications or triggering acid and caustic feed pumps. They can also be interfaced with other instruments in your plant, including a computer. The accuracy and reliability come from patented Flow Sensor designs that convert fluid velocity in a pipe into an electronic signal. The signal is measured and channeled through microprocessor based solid state circuitry to the appropriate meter: flow rate, totalizer or controller. Cost effectiveness of this equipment makes plant applications feasible. The initial investment pays for itself quickly by providing cost savings from improved process efficiency. These systems are an excellent choice for the simple to the complex industrial application
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-56-0755 流量控制器

    性能:流量,特性•1\/2\到4\管道尺寸,0-800 GPM•高度精确± 1%满刻度,± 0.5%重复性•本地或远程读数和控制•易于安装和使用•方便的现场校准•高度灵活•与计量泵、图表记录器接口,警报或可编程逻辑控制器。•本质安全型可用•质量标准:UL、CSA、CE(5600型除外),规格这些高性能电子流量监控/控制系统由三个组件组成: 1。流量计 2。串联\/插入式流量传感器 3。安装配件 可提供多种不同配置,以提供一个系统,该系统将监控或控制流体的移动,并与腐蚀性化学品兼容。这些仪器在车间环境中可以长期防水。可以组装一个系统来监控工艺流量(GPM、LPM或任何其他单位)或在一段时间内跟踪累积流量(总计加仑或升)。可选择为配料混合应用或触发酸和碱进料泵提供预设电气输出信号的仪表。它们还可以与工厂中的其他仪器(包括计算机)连接。精度和可靠性来自专利流量传感器设计,它将管道中的流体速度转换为电子信号。测量信号并通过基于微处理器的固态电路传输到适当的仪表:流速、积算器或控制器。该设备的成本效益使工厂应用成为可能。最初的投资通过提高流程效率节省成本而迅速收回成本。对于简单到复杂的工业应用来说,这些系统是一个极好的选择。
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-56-0756 流量控制器

    Performance: Flow","Features •1\/2\" to 4\" pipe size, 0 - 800 GPM • Highly accurate ± 1% full scale, ± 0.5% repeatability • Local or remote readout and control • Easy to install and use • Convenient field calibration • Highly flexible •Interface with metering pumps, chart recorders, alarms or programmable logic controllers. • Intrinsically safe model available • Quality standards: UL, CSA, CE (except Model 5600)","Specifications These high performance electronic flow monitoring \/ control systems consist of three components: 1. Flow Meter 2. In-line\/Insertion Flow Sensor 3. Installation Fitting A variety of different configurations is available to provide a system that will monitor or control the movement of fluids and is compatible with corrosive chemicals. The instruments are waterproof for long life in shop environments. A system may be assembled to monitor a process flow rate (GPM, LPM or any other units) or keep track of accumulated flow for a period of time (totalize gallons or liters). Instruments can be selected that provide a pre-set electrical output signal for batchmixing applications or triggering acid and caustic feed pumps. They can also be interfaced with other instruments in your plant, including a computer. The accuracy and reliability come from patented Flow Sensor designs that convert fluid velocity in a pipe into an electronic signal. The signal is measured and channeled through microprocessor based solid state circuitry to the appropriate meter: flow rate, totalizer or controller. Cost effectiveness of this equipment makes plant applications feasible. The initial investment pays for itself quickly by providing cost savings from improved process efficiency. These systems are an excellent choice for the simple to the complex industrial application
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-56-0757 流量控制器

    性能:流量,特性•1\/2\到4\管道尺寸,0-800 GPM•高度精确± 1%满刻度,± 0.5%重复性•本地或远程读数和控制•易于安装和使用•方便的现场校准•高度灵活•与计量泵、图表记录器接口,警报或可编程逻辑控制器。•本质安全型可用•质量标准:UL、CSA、CE(5600型除外),规格这些高性能电子流量监控/控制系统由三个组件组成: 1。流量计 2。串联\/插入式流量传感器 3。安装配件 可提供多种不同配置,以提供一个系统,该系统将监控或控制流体的移动,并与腐蚀性化学品兼容。这些仪器在车间环境中可以长期防水。可以组装一个系统来监控工艺流量(GPM、LPM或任何其他单位)或在一段时间内跟踪累积流量(总计加仑或升)。可选择为配料混合应用或触发酸和碱进料泵提供预设电气输出信号的仪表。它们还可以与工厂中的其他仪器(包括计算机)连接。精度和可靠性来自专利流量传感器设计,它将管道中的流体速度转换为电子信号。测量信号并通过基于微处理器的固态电路传输到适当的仪表:流速、积算器或控制器。该设备的成本效益使工厂应用成为可能。最初的投资通过提高流程效率节省成本而迅速收回成本。对于简单到复杂的工业应用来说,这些系统是一个极好的选择。
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-56-0758 流量控制器

    Performance: Flow","Features •1\/2\" to 4\" pipe size, 0 - 800 GPM • Highly accurate ± 1% full scale, ± 0.5% repeatability • Local or remote readout and control • Easy to install and use • Convenient field calibration • Highly flexible •Interface with metering pumps, chart recorders, alarms or programmable logic controllers. • Intrinsically safe model available • Quality standards: UL, CSA, CE (except Model 5600)","Specifications These high performance electronic flow monitoring \/ control systems consist of three components: 1. Flow Meter 2. In-line\/Insertion Flow Sensor 3. Installation Fitting A variety of different configurations is available to provide a system that will monitor or control the movement of fluids and is compatible with corrosive chemicals. The instruments are waterproof for long life in shop environments. A system may be assembled to monitor a process flow rate (GPM, LPM or any other units) or keep track of accumulated flow for a period of time (totalize gallons or liters). Instruments can be selected that provide a pre-set electrical output signal for batchmixing applications or triggering acid and caustic feed pumps. They can also be interfaced with other instruments in your plant, including a computer. The accuracy and reliability come from patented Flow Sensor designs that convert fluid velocity in a pipe into an electronic signal. The signal is measured and channeled through microprocessor based solid state circuitry to the appropriate meter: flow rate, totalizer or controller. Cost effectiveness of this equipment makes plant applications feasible. The initial investment pays for itself quickly by providing cost savings from improved process efficiency. These systems are an excellent choice for the simple to the complex industrial application
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-99-0285 A 流量控制器

    Performance: Flow","Features •1\/2\" to 4\" pipe size, 0 - 800 GPM • Highly accurate ± 1% full scale, ± 0.5% repeatability • Local or remote readout and control • Easy to install and use • Convenient field calibration • Highly flexible •Interface with metering pumps, chart recorders, alarms or programmable logic controllers. • Intrinsically safe model available • Quality standards: UL, CSA, CE (except Model 5600)","Specifications These high performance electronic flow monitoring \/ control systems consist of three components: 1. Flow Meter 2. In-line\/Insertion Flow Sensor 3. Installation Fitting A variety of different configurations is available to provide a system that will monitor or control the movement of fluids and is compatible with corrosive chemicals. The instruments are waterproof for long life in shop environments. A system may be assembled to monitor a process flow rate (GPM, LPM or any other units) or keep track of accumulated flow for a period of time (totalize gallons or liters). Instruments can be selected that provide a pre-set electrical output signal for batchmixing applications or triggering acid and caustic feed pumps. They can also be interfaced with other instruments in your plant, including a computer. The accuracy and reliability come from patented Flow Sensor designs that convert fluid velocity in a pipe into an electronic signal. The signal is measured and channeled through microprocessor based solid state circuitry to the appropriate meter: flow rate, totalizer or controller. Cost effectiveness of this equipment makes plant applications feasible. The initial investment pays for itself quickly by providing cost savings from improved process efficiency. These systems are an excellent choice for the simple to the complex industrial application
  • Serfilco, Ltd. P-99-1107 流量控制器

    Performance: Flow","Features •1\/2\" to 4\" pipe size, 0 - 800 GPM • Highly accurate ± 1% full scale, ± 0.5% repeatability • Local or remote readout and control • Easy to install and use • Convenient field calibration • Highly flexible •Interface with metering pumps, chart recorders, alarms or programmable logic controllers. • Intrinsically safe model available • Quality standards: UL, CSA, CE (except Model 5600)","Specifications These high performance electronic flow monitoring \/ control systems consist of three components: 1. Flow Meter 2. In-line\/Insertion Flow Sensor 3. Installation Fitting A variety of different configurations is available to provide a system that will monitor or control the movement of fluids and is compatible with corrosive chemicals. The instruments are waterproof for long life in shop environments. A system may be assembled to monitor a process flow rate (GPM, LPM or any other units) or keep track of accumulated flow for a period of time (totalize gallons or liters). Instruments can be selected that provide a pre-set electrical output signal for batchmixing applications or triggering acid and caustic feed pumps. They can also be interfaced with other instruments in your plant, including a computer. The accuracy and reliability come from patented Flow Sensor designs that convert fluid velocity in a pipe into an electronic signal. The signal is measured and channeled through microprocessor based solid state circuitry to the appropriate meter: flow rate, totalizer or controller. Cost effectiveness of this equipment makes plant applications feasible. The initial investment pays for itself quickly by providing cost savings from improved process efficiency. These systems are an excellent choice for the simple to the complex industrial application

