大德汇成科技(厦门)有限公司本着“以诚为本、卓越品质、合作共赢、持续改进”的工作方针,致力于工业自动化控制领域的产品开发、工程配套和系统集成,拥有丰富的自动化产品的应用和实践经验以及雄厚的技术力量,大德汇成公司多年来以销售SIEMENS、ABB在可编程控制器、PLC复杂控制系统、交直流传动装置方面的业务逐年成倍增长,为广大用户提供了SIEMENS、ABB品质与成本的保证,尤其以 PLC复杂控制系统、传动技术应用、伺服控制系统、数控备品备件、人机界面及网络/软件、工业机器人备件为公司的销售特长。
  • ABB Electrification Products TVOC-2 周界围栏

    "The Arc Guard TVOC-2 builds on the well-appreciated TVOC design and offers unmatched arc monitoring. With over 35 years of experience, Arc Guard System ™ has become an industry standard in several key markets, helping to protect personnel and businesses","around the world. The TVOC-2 is an optical detection system that together with an external breaker can limit the damage done to personnel and equipment in case of an arc accident happening.","Main benefits ","Main features"

