Peavey Electronics","Despite its compact dimensions for a dual 15 inch bass enclosure, the QW® 215 system can provide over 130 dB of serious low end and take 2,400 watts of power, resulting in large area coverage with excellent punch and high reliability. This subwoofer system utilizes two Pro Rider® 15 inch high power woofers with Kevlar® impregnated cones, 4 inch voice coils & extra-long cone excursion and provide extreme low frequency response down to 34 Hz. Inputs utilize 2 Neutrik® 4-pin input connectors in parallel for full-range, in addition to an 8-pin and a parallel 4-pin Neutrik® connector for bi-amping and daisy-chaining. This subwoofer is ideal for high power and high quality sound systems where space may be an issue. Trapezoidal enclosure design for speaker arraying.