Since 1999, InspectorTools has been distributing high quality test equipment to building inspection, facility maintenance, and energy conservation professionals. Based in Southern California, InspectorTools is a stocking distributor for over 20 major brands.
Bacharach最新的手持式制冷剂检漏仪专为技术人员设计,该检漏仪易于使用、可靠且价格低廉,能够快速准确地标记任何泄漏点。 Tru Pointe的设计可对所有制冷剂立即做出响应。它甚至在制冷剂蒸汽含量高的环境中使用时也非常精确。检查过程中无需手动调整灵敏度。只需打开装置,让它标记位置!。 Tru Pointe适用于暖通空调服务技术人员、制冷剂维修技术人员、工厂维修部门、汽车维修设施以及需要小型,重量轻、坚固耐用的仪器,能够在狭小空间(如制冷装置和汽车发动机舱)内检测并确定小到大的制冷剂泄漏。特点
The Tru Pointe® 1100 is a state-of-the-art digital ultrasonic inspection system for leak detection, mechanical inspection and troubleshooting. The principle of operation of the Tru Pointe® 1100 is based on the detection of ultrasonic acoustics produced by the turbulent flow of gases and liquids in leaks, both internal and external. Carrying multiple patents, the Tru Pointe® 1100 incorporates two independent sensors that identify external (airborne) leaks and internal (structural) leaks of any gas.","The Tru Pointe® 1100 accurately detects ultrasounds generated by leaks which are inaudible to humans and pinpoints them at the speed of sound. Ultrasound from leaks or mechanical problems like bearing wear is translated into audible tones by an electronic process called heterodyning where they can be heard in the headset. Simultaneously, the audio intensity is displayed on dual displays - a bar graph with peak hold and an alphanumeric multifunctional display. Independent sensitivity and volume controls allow the user to ‘tune’ into a sound through the unique AudioZoom™ feature and on-the-fly sensitivity changes.","The Tru Pointe® 1100 detects airborne leaks or electrical arcing in the frequency band of 34 kHz to 42 kHz and 16 kHz to 24 kHz for internal leaks or bearing wear using the patented Touch Probe. The user can easily toggle between the two modes in four button clicks without having to reset any previous selections.","Features
现在,一个较小的投资可以让你找到一个更好的方法来追踪漏水。新一代Ear-LE是一种简化的、更经济的工具,具有比其他系统更强的扩声能力。使用它可以精确定位住宅和商业供水管道中的漏水情况,无论它们是在混凝土板下、墙壁上、游泳池和热水浴缸中。这种紧凑型放大器很容易放在手掌中。它提供无噪音放大和内置的预设音频过滤器,因此您不需要猜测使用什么设置。高性能耳机具有噪音消除功能,可阻挡周围环境噪音的干扰。地面传感器监听从混凝土、沥青或瓷砖下面破裂的管道中漏出的水的汩汩声或锤击声。对于柔软的表面,如草地或地毯,使用探杆。或者,对于地上管道或消防栓,您可以同时使用探杆或磁铁附件。对于特别难以发现的泄漏,声音放大模块会向管路中添加空气,从而增加水压。这将放大泄漏声音,使其更容易定位。 Gen Ear LE将节省您大量的猜测和不必要的挖掘。这为你节省了很多金钱功能