Vaisala 维萨拉
维萨拉是世界大的气象和环境设备生产厂商。凭借80多年的经验, 为全球160多个国家和地区的客户提供适应其应用的气象观测系统、环境观测系统和优质服务。维萨拉致力于提供优质产品以提高人们生活质量、保护环境、使生产过程高效安全和节能。维萨拉的客户遍及全球,包括气象和水文部门、民航组织、国防部门、道路和交通部门、系统集成商和不同工业领域的用户,维萨拉的许多技术以及相关产品均处于世界领先地位。1994年4月在中国成立了芬兰维萨拉公司北京代表处,从事中国的业务联络,销售及售后服务工作。自创办至今,维萨拉公司始终致力于气象设备、温湿度测量、环境检测产品的开发与生产,其技术始终处于世界领先地位。维萨拉公司的产品除了常规气象传感器之外,还生产控空系统、风廓线雷达、闪电定位系统以及气象雷达等多个系统。他们广泛的应用于高空及地面气象自动观测,机场气象自动观测,船载气象观测,高速公路气象观测以及工业测量等领域。公司工业测量部的产品涵盖了测量温湿度、露点、油中微量水份、二氧化碳、风速风向、大气压力以及其它气象参数,广泛应用于电力行业的燃汽轮机进气监测、氢冷发电、变压器油、高压电器设备的在线监测、暖通控制工程、高科技以及各种工业行业中。自2005年维萨拉成立了中国售后服务中心以及校准实验室。维萨拉(北京)测量技术有限公司有多名受过维萨拉专业培训的技术服务工程师,可以及时地为中国用户提供可靠的售后服务和技术支持。
  • Vaisala 维萨拉 OPT100 Optimus™ 油传感器和分析仪

    用于电力变压器在线监测,最终,世界上第一台免维护的多气体DGA监测仪,无需任何类型的消耗品。,•无需定期监测和更换的载体或校准气体•无需定期更换内部柱或测量元件•无固定过滤器\/过滤器轮,膜或毛细管会磨损,需要修理或更换,这怎么可能?通过使用维萨拉’s专利不分散红外线(NDIR)技术和专利真空抽气系统,我们能够在市场上实现最佳的长期稳定性、可靠性和测量性能,所有这些都不会出现错误警报,也无需维修或维护。,想要更多吗??\请参阅下面的快速入门和如何快速使用U26中的U2Ir-U2U专用技术,快速查看U2Ir-U2Ir的快速入门视频指南下面的视频,关键优势, •无更多虚假警报  •监视器’s红外传感器基于维萨拉核心测量技术和维萨拉洁净室制造的关键传感器组件。真空抽气意味着没有数据波动,由于油温,压力,或类型,而密封和保护光学防止传感器污染。最终结果是什么?完全消除假警报的监视器。 •可在任何地方工作的监视器 •不锈钢管,IP66等级,温控外壳,以及磁力泵和阀门,从北极到热带都能提供卓越的性能和耐用性。也没有消耗品需要维修或更换。 •无障碍监控的智能功能  •监视器具有基于web的界面,完全不需要额外的软件,而且设备可以快速安装–只需连接机油、电源和数据连接,就可以开始使用了。并且,在发生诸如断电之类的干扰时,自我诊断允许监视器自行调整。​
  • Vaisala 维萨拉 MMT162 油传感器和分析仪

    For Transformer Applications and OEM Systems","Excellent economical solution for reliable on-line detection of moisture in oil even in the most demanding applications. The sensor’s excellent chemical tolerance provides accurate and reliable measurement over the measurement range.","Features","Key Benefits"," • Small size   • Easy to integrate.  • Excellent chemical tolerance   • Accurate and reliable measurement over the measurement range.  • Reliable   • The Vaisala HUMICAP® Sensor has been successfully used in applications for over 40 years.
  • Vaisala 维萨拉 Series MMT330 油传感器和分析仪

    For Hydraulic and Lubrication Systems and Transformer Oil Monitoring","Vaisala HUMICAP® Moisture and Temperature Transmitter MMT330 series enables fast and reliable detection of moisture in oil in central lubrication systems, hydraulic systems and power transformers. The series is also compliant with DNV GL 2.4 type approval (Class B). There are three probe types to enable various types of installations:","Features  • Continuous online measurement of moisture in oil  • Installation through ball valve. No need to shut down the process.  • Proven Vaisala HUMICAP® sensor, used for over 15 years in oil application  • Easy field calibration and maintenance – compatible with Vaisala HUMICAP® Hand-Held Moisture Meter for Oil MM70  • Online, real-time detection of moisture in oil without sampling.  • Integrated data logging, with over four years of measurement history  • Traceable calibration to national standards (certificate included)  • Multi-year Calibration Care agreement option to ensure as-good-as new accuracy for years","Key Benefits"," • Easy to install and operate   • Installation through ball valve. No need to shut down the process.  • Fast   • Online, real-time detection of moisture in oil without sampling.  • Reliable   • Tells the true margin to water saturation point in all changing conditions, taking into account e.g. temperature changes and aging of oil.
  • Vaisala 维萨拉 MMP8 油传感器和分析仪

    对于连续在线测量​,维萨拉HUMICAP®油中水分探头MMP8能够快速可靠地测量油中的水分。它使用经验证的维萨拉HUMICAP®传感器,该传感器是为变压器和润滑油、液压油和其他液体中的湿度测量而开发的。,MMP8根据水活度(aw)、相对饱和度(%RS)和温度(T)测量油中的溶解水分。它还计算特定油的ppm浓度。,MMP8是Indigo系列的一部分,与Indigo 200系列变送器兼容。它可与维萨拉Insight PC软件一起使用,实现数据可视化、轻松配置探头和自校准。,功能 •连续在线测量油中水分和温度 •测量温度范围-70。。。+180°C(-94。。。+356°F) •测量精度高达±0.02 aw\/2%RS •温度测量精度高达0.1°C(0.18°F) \u022经验证的维萨拉恒湿器®传感器,在石油应用中使用超过15年 • Modbus RTU over RS-485进行灵活连接 •包括可追溯的校准证书:五个湿度点,一个温度点 •兼容Indigo系列变送器 •传感器在干端范围内具有极好的灵敏度,键优点, •测量准确可靠  • MMP8采用了最新一代维萨拉HUMICAP® 180L2传感器,这是超过15年现场经验的结果。它是为变压器、润滑油和其他液体中的湿度测量而开发的。该传感器优良的化学耐受性在广泛的测量范围内提供准确可靠的测量,在变压器应用中通常需要的范围的干端具有突出的灵敏度。 •测量含水饱和度裕度  • MMP8根据水活度(aw)、相对饱和度(%RS)和温度(T)测量油中的水分。是否存在相对含水饱和度直接指示地层是否存在相对含水率。该数据与润滑油应用相关,在润滑油应用中,检测进水和防止自由水形成至关重要。测量与油的类型和年龄无关。除了水的活性外,MMP8还可以输出ppm,即油中水的平均质量浓度。维萨拉的矿物变压器油的转化率很高。对于其他油,如果已知油的水溶性,并且溶解度特性保持不变,则可以计算油比转换系数。这允许在电力变压器状态监测中连续测量ppm浓度。 • Easy Installation  • MMP8可与球阀安装套件一起安装,即使在工艺运行过程中需要安装或拆除探头的过程中也是如此。探头安装深度可调,压力配件选项为ISO 1\/2\和NPT 1\/2\。MMP8带有一个手动按压手柄,允许将探头推向工艺压力下。 •单独使用或与Indigo变送器一起使用  •其测量智能和探针内RS-485连接上的数字Modbus RTU意味着MMP8可作为独立设备使用。它也可以很容易地集成到其他系统中。MP8是维萨拉Indigo系列的一部分,因此可以与维萨拉Indigo 200变送器一起使用。变送器还提供了各种额外的优点,如数据可视化显示、探头配置的方便访问以及连接、电源电压和接线的更多选项。无论是单独使用MMP8还是与Indigo变送器一起使用,都可以将其连接到维萨拉Insight软件,以便于现场校准,探测器配置和设备分析。
  • Vaisala 维萨拉 Indigo 200 Series 油传感器和分析仪

    For Vaisala's Smart Humidity, Temperature, Dew Point, Moisture in Oil, CO2 and H2O2 Probes","Vaisala Indigo 200 Series host devices are part of Vaisala Indigo product family and intended for Vaisala's intelligent, stand-alone humidity probes (HMP3, HMP4, HMP5, HMP7, HMP8 and HMP9), dew point probes (DMP5, DMP6, DMP7 and DMP8), temperature probe (TMP1), CO2 probes (GMP251 and GMP252), moisture in oil probe MMP8, as well as our vaporized hydrogen peroxide probe series HPP270: including HPP271 to measure hydrogen peroxide vapor (ppm), or the HPP272 to measure hydrogen peroxide vapor (ppm), temperature, and humidity (relative humidity and relative saturation). The HPP272 probe includes other calculated parameters such as dew point and vapor pressure measurements.","Typical applications include industrial and compressed air drying, life science incubators, hatchers and setters, greenhouses, cold storage & refrigeration, food transportation, CO2 safety, hydraulic and lubrication oil monitoring, demanding HVAC such as animal shelters, swimming pools, parking garages, and facilities using vaporized hydrogen peroxide decontamination.","Indigo 200 allows for easy evaluation and visualization of data, also wirelessly. The installation is uncomplicated, which saves time. Also the probe types are interchangeable reducing downtime. The enclosure with an IP65 classification is safe for harsh environments and resistant to dust and most chemicals. The smooth surface of the enclosure makes cleaning easy.","Features  • Plug-and-play probe connection for Vaisala Indigo compatible probes  • Wireless interface for configuration and temporary use  • Operating temperature: -40 ... +60 °C, with display -20 ...+60 °C  • LCD color display (optional non-display version for analog model)  • IP65 enclosure  • 24 V power supply input  • Indigo 201 model: 3 analog outputs (mA or V)  • Indigo 202 model: RS485 with Modbus RTU  • 2 configurable relays","Key Benefits"," • Easy access to data   • It's easy to view and evaluate data, also wirelessly.  • For harsh environments   • The enclosure with an IP65 classification is safe for harsh environments and resistant to dust and most chemicals. The smooth surface of the enclosure makes cleaning easy.  • Easy installation   • True plug-and-play attachments of probes to the display, which saves time and reduces downtime.
  • Vaisala 维萨拉 MHT410 油传感器和分析仪

    For Power Transformer Online Monitoring","The Vaisala Moisture, Hydrogen and Temperature Transmitter MHT410 for Transformer Oil measures directly from representative transformer oil giving both reliable hydrogen trend as well as fast moisture data. Continuously monitoring hydrogen and moisture levels with an in-situ probe is the first step in extending the life of a transformer through implementation of predictive maintenance practices leading to lower total cost of ownership. The 5-year warranty proves outstanding reliability of this single gas monitor","Key Benefits"," • Measures directly from oil   • No need of pumps, membranes etc. Transmitter MHT410 measures directly from representative transformer oil giving both reliable hydrogen trend as well as fast moisture data.  • Fast measurement   • Monitors health of the transformer in real time giving both reliable hydrogen trend as well as fast moisture data.  • Unique probe design, robust and easy to install   • Isolated inputs and outputs, EMC tolerant device with IP66 metal housing.Supplied with standard DNP3.0 and MODBUS communication protocols, thus allowing easy deployment within existing communications and SCADA networks. The MHT410 also includes three analog outputs for SCADA interface.

