法国 Photonis 是Exosens 集团成员,作为全球值得信赖的合作伙伴,Photonis 的使命是提供创新的成像和检测解决方案,以实现技术突破,建设一个更安全的世界。Photonis 在光电检测和弱光条件成像领域的技术创新、开发、制造和销售方面拥有超过 85 年的经验,是欧洲高科技公司和提供夜视设备的世界领导者。由于其持续和永久的投资,Photonis 是国际公认的光电子领域的主要创新者,在欧洲和美国的 5 个地点进行生产和研发。我们的设施遍布全球;我们的总部位于 Merignac(法国),我们的生产设施位于 Brive-la-Gaillarde(法国)、Roden(荷兰)、Sturbridge(美国)和 Lancaster(美国)。在这些设施中,我们的操作员每天都在为我们的客户提供范围广泛的高性能产品,每个产品都得到研发 (R&D)、工程和项目管理等部门的支持。我们的研发、工程和项目管理团队每天都在研究我们当前的产品线,以及创新的新技术和解决方案。这些发展对于确保我们为客户提供尽可能最好的产品极为重要。我们珍惜我们在世界各地的所有关系和客户。为了尽可能地为他们提供最好的服务,我们的全球销售团队在我们的业务开发团队、后台团队以及营销和传播专家的支持下回答了所有问题。由于我们全球团队的努力,我们已经向所有北约结盟国家的特种部队、欧洲核子研究中心的教授出售产品,并参与了多项太空任务。我们做什么我们是用于检测和放大离子、电子和光子的电光元件的全球制造商。我们专注于针对高要求客户的关键任务组件。我们创新和设计优质组件以集成到各种应用中,例如夜视光学、数码相机、质谱、物理研究、太空探索等。我们在全球各地的工厂进行设计和制造,并与客户合作,不断改进和创新我们的产品。我们是全球部署最广泛的夜视管,引领质谱探测器市场,产品安装在全球大多数太空望远镜和实验室的高能物理实验中。产品组合凭借其专业知识和工业质量,Photonis 创新并设计了最先进的夜视图像增强管、数码成像相机、科学工业探测器、核探测器、微波放大器。                                            Photonis 产品能够通过为客户提供量身定制的解决方案来应对极端苛刻环境中的复杂问题。我们的市场Photonis 是一家全球制造商,生产用于检测和放大离子、电子和光子的电光元件。 Photonis 涵盖广泛的市场,例如仪器仪表、生命科学、医疗、无损检测、环境、监控、国防、休闲等。Photonis 夜视产品是国防市场和全球许多军队中经过验证的技术。无论是在质谱还是核仪器领域,光子科学探测器都是众所周知的。 Photonis 数字视觉创新技术使生命科学取得突破,并在昼夜条件下实现更好的安全和监控。
  • PHOTONIS MegaSpiraltron™ Electron Multiplier 电子倍增器

    "Photonis is the original manufacturer of Channeltron® electron multipliers, which offer the highest dynamic range to assure an absolutely linear response beyond the limits of most analytical instruments.","Description","Our advanced designs provide the highest sensitivity through superior signal collection and noise reduction.","Available in various shapes, sizes, and voltages, Photonis’ Channeltron® electron multipliers are engineered to deliver the highest performance available on the market. Cones, grids, coatings, collectors and leads can all be specified, or you can choose one of our many standard models. Improvements in conversion dynode technology have resulted in structures capable of operation at higher voltages and materials with improved ion-to-electron conversion yields for better sensitivity at higher masses.","More than half of the world’s mass spectrometer manufacturers rely on Photonis’ Channeltron® detectors to improve the reliability of their instruments. Due to their low mass and high gain, Channeltron® electron multipliers are also used in many nuclear physics labs and space applications to count electrons and charged particles in pulse mode operation. Other applications include residual gas analysis, plasma analysis, Auger, electron spectrometers, SEM, FIB and leak detectors.","As the original manufacturer, Photonis is able to customize Channeltron® electron multipliers to fit various instruments. We can provide complete assemblies as well in order to simplify the installation process. If you are looking to replace the detector in your analytical instrument, download our OEM Replacement Guide to find the right detector for your instrument."
  • PHOTONIS Discrete Dynode Electron Multiplier 电子倍增器

    "Photonis manufactures a range of discrete dynode electron multipliers to provide plug‐and‐play replacement modules for ICP‐MS instruments.","Description","Discrete Dynode Electron Multipliers offer continuous high dynamic range from single ion to high concentrations by utilizing a dual-stage analog and pulse counting design that provides improved sensitivity, air stability and long life through the use of improved dynodes.","Our innovative detection technology provides a high mass range with extended lifetime for a reliable, long-lasting detection solution for superior accuracy and reliability, continuous high dynamic range from single ion to high concentrations by utilizing a dual-stage analog and pulse counting design that provides improved sensitivity, air stability and long life through the use of improved dynodes."
  • PHOTONIS MAGNUM™ Electron Multiplier 电子倍增器

    "Photonis is the original manufacturer of Channeltron® electron multipliers, which offer the highest dynamic range to assure an absolutely linear response beyond the limits of most analytical instruments.","Description","Our advanced designs provide the highest sensitivity through superior signal collection and noise reduction.","Available in various shapes, sizes, and voltages, Photonis’ Channeltron® electron multipliers are engineered to deliver the highest performance available on the market. Cones, grids, coatings, collectors and leads can all be specified, or you can choose one of our many standard models. Improvements in conversion dynode technology have resulted in structures capable of operation at higher voltages and materials with improved ion-to-electron conversion yields for better sensitivity at higher masses.","More than half of the world’s mass spectrometer manufacturers rely on Photonis’ Channeltron® detectors to improve the reliability of their instruments. Due to their low mass and high gain, Channeltron® electron multipliers are also used in many nuclear physics labs and space applications to count electrons and charged particles in pulse mode operation. Other applications include residual gas analysis, plasma analysis, Auger, electron spectrometers, SEM, FIB and leak detectors.","As the original manufacturer, Photonis is able to customize Channeltron® electron multipliers to fit various instruments. We can provide complete assemblies as well in order to simplify the installation process. If you are looking to replace the detector in your analytical instrument, download our OEM Replacement Guide to find the right detector for your instrument."
  • PHOTONIS Miniature Channeltron® Electron Multiplier 电子倍增器

    "Photonis is the original manufacturer of Channeltron® electron multipliers, which offer the highest dynamic range to assure an absolutely linear response beyond the limits of most analytical instruments.","Description","Our advanced designs provide the highest sensitivity through superior signal collection and noise reduction.","Available in various shapes, sizes, and voltages, Photonis’ Channeltron® electron multipliers are engineered to deliver the highest performance available on the market. Cones, grids, coatings, collectors and leads can all be specified, or you can choose one of our many standard models. Improvements in conversion dynode technology have resulted in structures capable of operation at higher voltages and materials with improved ion-to-electron conversion yields for better sensitivity at higher masses.","More than half of the world’s mass spectrometer manufacturers rely on Photonis’ Channeltron® detectors to improve the reliability of their instruments. Due to their low mass and high gain, Channeltron® electron multipliers are also used in many nuclear physics labs and space applications to count electrons and charged particles in pulse mode operation. Other applications include residual gas analysis, plasma analysis, Auger, electron spectrometers, SEM, FIB and leak detectors.","As the original manufacturer, Photonis is able to customize Channeltron® electron multipliers to fit various instruments. We can provide complete assemblies as well in order to simplify the installation process. If you are looking to replace the detector in your analytical instrument, download our OEM Replacement Guide to find the right detector for your instrument."
  • PHOTONIS Spiraltron™ High-Pressure Electron Multiplier 电子倍增器

    "Photonis is the original manufacturer of Channeltron® electron multipliers, which offer the highest dynamic range to assure an absolutely linear response beyond the limits of most analytical instruments.","Description","Our advanced designs provide the highest sensitivity through superior signal collection and noise reduction.","Available in various shapes, sizes, and voltages, Photonis’ Channeltron® electron multipliers are engineered to deliver the highest performance available on the market. Cones, grids, coatings, collectors and leads can all be specified, or you can choose one of our many standard models. Improvements in conversion dynode technology have resulted in structures capable of operation at higher voltages and materials with improved ion-to-electron conversion yields for better sensitivity at higher masses.","More than half of the world’s mass spectrometer manufacturers rely on Photonis’ Channeltron® detectors to improve the reliability of their instruments. Due to their low mass and high gain, Channeltron® electron multipliers are also used in many nuclear physics labs and space applications to count electrons and charged particles in pulse mode operation. Other applications include residual gas analysis, plasma analysis, Auger, electron spectrometers, SEM, FIB and leak detectors.","As the original manufacturer, Photonis is able to customize Channeltron® electron multipliers to fit various instruments. We can provide complete assemblies as well in order to simplify the installation process. If you are looking to replace the detector in your analytical instrument, download our OEM Replacement Guide to find the right detector for your instrument."

