Cole-Parmer / Antylia 科尔帕默
Cole-Parmer 科尔帕默 是 Antylia Scientific™ 旗下品牌。 自 1955 年以来,Antylia 直都是实验室和工业流体处理产品、设备和备件领域的全球知名提供商。在温度测量和控制、电化学以及流体处理领域,我们是广受认可的专家。我们的产品通过公司掌握的各种客户渠道以及强大的国际贸易网络销往全球各地。除了我们行业一流品牌的产品组合以及自有品牌产品之外,Antylia 还以优质的服务和技术支持著称。Antylia 不仅提供高响应度的客户服务,还能通过 ISO-17025 认证的计量学实验室来执行仪器的校准和维修,此外还可利用 BioConnect® 程序制造单一用途的自定义组件。我们训练有素且经验丰富的应用专家团队值得客户信赖,他们能够协助客户为具体应用选择正确的产品、排除设备故障,以及解决合规性问题。这些共同组成了 Antylia 时时刻刻都在都为之努力的承诺:为您带来值得信赖的解决方案。 Antylia 是一家什么样的公司?Antylia 如今已走过了 60 多年的风风雨雨,但仍然像一家新兴公司一样充满活力。公司发展十分迅速,我们的卓越团队每天都在努力超越客户的期望。随着业务在全球范围内的增长和扩张,Antylia 也在不断蜕变。和我们的员工一样,公司的每个部门和分部都拥有自己的个性,但同时又能够融入公司、同心同德,这就是我们的运营方式。 Cole-Parmer 科尔帕默 经过一系列战略收购后,于2021年更名为 Antylia Scientific™,旗下拥有我们的标志性品牌组合:ZeptoMetrix®     SPEX®     Traceable®     Cole-Parmer® Essentials       Environmental Express®特色品牌Cole-Parmer        OAKTON       Traceable 中国业务科尔帕默仪器(上海)有限公司
  • Cole-Parmer GO-90025-79 工业温度计

    产品类别:Industrial Thermometers
    范围:10 to 80 F (-12.22 to 26.67 C)
  • Cole-Parmer GO-90025-86 工业温度计

    产品类别:Industrial Thermometers
    范围:-20 to 50 C (-4 to 122 F)
  • Cole-Parmer GO-90250-60 工业温度计

    产品类别:Industrial Thermometers
    范围:-40 to 27 C (-40 to 80.6 F)
  • Cole-Parmer GO-90025-80 工业温度计

    产品类别:Industrial Thermometers
    范围:-10 to 80 F (-23.33 to 26.67 C)
  • Cole-Parmer GO-35208-90 工业温度计

    产品类别:Industrial Thermometers
  • Cole-Parmer GO-90025-85 工业温度计

    产品类别:Industrial Thermometers
    范围:-50 to 200 C (-58 to 392 F)
  • Cole-Parmer GO-90025-77 工业温度计

    产品类别:Industrial Thermometers
    范围:-40 to 15 C (-40 to 59 F)
  • Cole-Parmer GO-03013-62 工业温度计

    "• Integral LED illumination and magnifying lens make viewing easy • Supplied with a blue-spirit-filled thermometer for mercury-free temperature measurements Take melting point measurements of up to three samples at once for greater efficiency. Simple to operate, the instructions are printed directly on the unit. Place your sample in a capillary tube and insert it into the aluminum block. Manually set the heating rate between 1C and 20C per minute, up to a maximum of 250C. Lowering the heating rate as you near the expected melting point temperature will increase the accuracy of the reading. Observe the sample through the magnifying lens until the melt occurs and read the melt temperature from the thermometer. |

    Apparatus is supplied with open-ended capillary tubes. One end should be sealed with a Bunsen burner; or purchase optional capillary tubes separately that are already sealed. Order the optional brass cooling plug to speed up cooling when multiple runs are needed."

  • Cole-Parmer GO-90025-83 工业温度计

    产品类别:Industrial Thermometers
    范围:100 to 200 F (37.78 to 93.33 C)
  • Cole-Parmer GO-90025-84 工业温度计

    产品类别:Industrial Thermometers
    范围:0.0 to 220 F (-17.78 to 104 C)
  • Cole-Parmer GO-90025-81 工业温度计

    产品类别:Industrial Thermometers
    范围:-30 to 25 C (-22 to 77 F)
  • Cole-Parmer GO-90025-82 工业温度计

    产品类别:Industrial Thermometers
    范围:-10 to 50 C (14 to 122 F)
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