Sensata Technologies | Lithium Balance Debuts ASIL C Certified Battery Management System for High Voltage Applications at Battery Show North America


  • The new Lithium Balance n3-BMS from Sensata Technologies comes functional safety certified off-the-shelf, significantly reducing the time to market and costs associated with the ISO 26262 certification process.
  • The battery management system is ideal for applications with power up to 1000 volts/2000 amps and features a unique software structure that allows developers to customize the BMS with their own code and algorithms while maintaining ASIL C certification.
  • Sensata will debut the Lithium Balance n3-BMS in booth #2817 at the Battery Show North America from September 13 – 15 in Novi, Michigan.

SWINDON, United Kingdom, September 13 2022 Sensata Technologies (NYSE: ST), today announced it will debut a new Battery Management System (BMS), the Lithium Balance n3-BMS, for high voltage applications at the Battery Show North America from September 13 – 15 in Novi, Michigan in booth# 2817.

The Lithium Balance n3-BMS is ideal for applications with power up to 1000 volts/2000 amps, especially for battery makers and manufacturers of electric trucks, buses, and other heavy commercial vehicles. The demand for ISO 26262 certified components is on the rise as battery packers and electric commercial vehicle OEMs prioritize functional safety in their platforms while striving for faster time-to-market. However, the ISO 26262 certification process is complex, costly and can take years to complete. An off-the-shelf, Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL C) certified solution like the Lithium Balance n3-BMS can reduce the development time and associated costs.

The unique layered software structure of the n3-BMS provides customers with the option to customize the battery management system with their own code and algorithms without impacting the ASIL C certification. The BMS software architecture consists of a “Base Software Layer” (BSW) and an “External Software Layer” (ESW) which are connected by an open API link layer. Since all the safety-critical functionalities of the BMS are in the BSW layer of the software, developers are free to implement their own software code and algorithms in the ESW without any risk to the ISO 26262 certification of the system.

Both the Lithium Balance n3-BMS and its previous generation, the n-BMS, are distributed systems that consist of up to 30 Cell Monitoring Units (CMUs) for monitoring individual cells and a Master Control Unit (MCU), which consolidates the information and controls the battery functions. The n-BMS’ MCU is fully compatible with the n3-BMS’ CMUs, so it is easy to upgrade from n-BMS to n3-BMS with the replacement of a single PCB board in a battery system of any size. For developers currently working on next generation, heavy electric vehicles that expect the need for an ISO 26262 certified system in the future, this provides a convenient and cost-effective pathway to achieve an ASIL C certified BMS with a simple upgrade (available early 2023).

Additional key features of the n3-BMS include:

  • Up to 1000V / 2000A
  • 24 – 360 cells in series
  • 3 CAN ports

For a preview of Sensata Technologies new functional safety certified Lithium Balance n3-bms, which will be available in early 2023, for electric trucks, buses and material handling equipment, visit

In addition to the new Lithium Balance n3-BMS, Sensata will showcase critical solutions that make energy systems safer, cleaner, more efficient and connected, such as contactors, fuses, IVTs and IMDs, in booth# 2817 at the Battery Show North America from September 13 – 15 in Novi, Michigan



森萨塔技术公司| Lithium Balance在北美电池展上首次推出ASIL C认证的高压应用电池管理系统
英国斯温顿2022年9月13日消息——森萨塔科技公司(纽约证券交易所:ST)今天宣布,将在9月13日至15日于密歇根州诺维市举行的2817号展位的北美电池展上首次亮相用于高压应用的新型电池管理系统(BMS)锂平衡n3-BMS。锂平衡n3-BMS适用于功率高达1000伏/2000安培的应用,特别是电池制造商和电动卡车、公共汽车和其他重型商用车的制造商。随着电池包装商和电动商用车oem在争取更快的上市时间的同时,优先考虑其平台的功能安全,对ISO 26262认证组件的需求正在上升。然而,ISO 26262的认证过程是复杂的,昂贵的,可能需要数年才能完成。像Lithium Balance n3-BMS这样的现成的汽车安全完整性级别(ASIL C)认证解决方案可以减少开发时间和相关成本。n3-BMS独特的分层软件结构为客户提供了使用自己的代码和算法定制电池管理系统的选项,而不影响ASIL C认证。BMS软件体系结构由一个“基础软件层”(BSW)和一个“外部软件层”(ESW)组成,它们由一个开放的API链路层连接。由于BMS的所有安全关键功能都在软件的BSW层中,开发人员可以自由地在ESW中实现自己的软件代码和算法,而不会对系统的ISO 26262认证产生任何风险。Lithium Balance n3-BMS和上一代的n-BMS都是分布式系统,由多达30个电池监测单元(cmu)和一个主控制单元(MCU)组成,用于监测单个电池,主控单元(MCU)负责整合信息并控制电池功能。n-BMS ' MCU与n3-BMS ' cmu完全兼容,因此很容易从n-BMS升级到n3-BMS,只需更换任何尺寸的电池系统中的一个PCB板。对于目前致力于下一代重型电动汽车的开发人员来说,他们预计未来需要ISO 26262认证的系统,这为通过简单升级(2023年初可用)获得ASIL C认证的BMS提供了一个方便且经济的途径。欲了解森萨塔技术公司新功能安全认证锂平衡n3-BMS的预览,该产品将于2023年初上市,用于电动卡车、公共汽车和材料搬运设备,请访问。除了新款Lithium Balance n3-BMS外,森萨塔还将在9月13日至15日于密歇根州诺维举行的北美电池展2817号展位展示关键解决方案,使能源系统更安全、更清洁、更高效和更互联,如接触器、熔丝、ivt和imd。
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