Could Grinding Up Lithium Batteries Help Recycle Them?


Grinding up old batteries might lead to a low-energy way to recycle the lithium and other metals used in them.

Lithum-ion batteries are in all our personal technology — such as phones, laptops and wireless headphones — and they power electric vehicles. Without them, our lives would look very different.

The lithium in rechargeable batteries is currently recycled by either heating them to high temperatures or treating them with concentrated acids and organic solvents. Estimates for how much lithium is recycled vary, but calculations by lithium-battery consultant Hans Eric Melin suggest that perhaps 15% of the metal in batteries is recovered.

Oleksandr Dolotko, a materials scientist at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, and his colleagues used mechanochemistry — the initiation of a chemical reaction by mechanical force from grinding or milling — to recover lithium from lithium-ion batteries.

Such batteries contain lithium compounds and other metals, such as cobalt or nickel. Although the supply of these metals is not critically running low, recycling them is becoming more important because battery-powered devices are becoming more prevalent as part of the transition away from fossil-fuel energy. The European Union has set a target of 80% lithium recovery for all batteries by 2031.

Dolotko’s team developed two extraction methods, with varying success. They first took the cathode material from a lithium cobalt oxide battery and combined it with the same amount of aluminium foil. Real-life batteries contain aluminium, which they use as a ‘current collector’ to allow electrons to move out of the battery. The researchers mixed the compounds using a grinder called a ball miller. After 3 hours, the aluminium had reacted with the cathode material and produced a mixture of insoluble aluminium oxides, as well as metallic cobalt and water-soluble lithium oxides.

A separation method known as water-based leaching and further purification produced the recycled lithium compound: lithium carbonate, which can be used to make more batteries.

But these reactions recovered only 30% of the metal. “Somewhere there was a loss of lithium,” says Dolotko. So Dolotko’s team tweaked their experiment. The second version had fewer steps — they heated the mixture that came out of the ball milling with water. This prevented the formation of insoluble lithium aluminium oxides, which lock up the lithium.

The team tested both processes with different cathode materials used in batteries, as well as a mixture of the cathodes. The improved process recovered 75% of the lithium from a mix of cathode materials.

Mechanochemistry is not typically used in commercial chemical processes, and exactly how mechanical force initiates chemical reactions isn’t completely understood, says Dolotko. “It is really hard to say how it happens,” he says. Perhaps the temperature increases at specific points in the process, or friction produces some intermediate products, he suggests. But the milling did prompt the aluminium to act as a reducing agent, as he expected.

This mechanochemical recycling process is a demonstration, at the scale of a small laboratory, and as such is a proof of principle rather than a game-changing technology, says Melin, director of Circular Energy Storage, a London-based consultancy focused on the lithium-ion-battery end-of-life market. He points out that battery recycling is more complicated than simply developing a new technique, and is as much about the economics of the raw materials and the take-up of technologies that use batteries, such as electric vehicles.

“We are in a situation where we don’t really know today where the lithium we need in 2030 will come from,” Melin says.

Dolotko says that there are opportunities to refine the process, and he is also working to extract other metals from batteries at the same time, including cobalt and nickel.

This article is reproduced with permission and was first published on March 29, 2022.

磨碎旧电池可能是一种低能量回收锂和其他金属的方法。锂离子电池应用于我们所有的个人科技产品中,比如手机、笔记本电脑和无线耳机,它们也为电动汽车提供动力。没有它们,我们的生活将会大不相同。可充电电池中的锂目前是通过加热到高温或用浓缩酸和有机溶剂处理来回收的。对锂回收量的估计各不相同,但锂电池顾问汉斯·埃里克·梅林(Hans Eric Melin)的计算表明,电池中大约15%的金属被回收。德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院的材料科学家Oleksandr Dolotko和他的同事们利用机械化学——通过研磨或铣削产生的机械力引发化学反应——从锂离子电池中回收锂。这种电池含有锂化合物和其他金属,如钴或镍。尽管这些金属的供应并没有严重不足,但回收利用它们正变得越来越重要,因为作为从化石燃料能源过渡的一部分,电池供电的设备正变得越来越普遍。欧盟设定了到2031年所有电池锂回收率达到80%的目标。多洛特科的团队开发了两种提取方法,效果各不相同。他们首先从锂钴氧化物电池中取出正极材料,并将其与等量的铝箔结合在一起。现实生活中的电池中含有铝,他们用铝作为“电流收集器”,让电子从电池中移动出去。研究人员使用一种叫做球磨机的研磨机混合这些化合物。3小时后,铝与正极材料发生反应,产生了一种不溶性氧化铝的混合物,以及金属钴和水溶性锂氧化物。一种被称为水基浸出和进一步提纯的分离方法产生了可回收的锂化合物:碳酸锂,它可以用来制造更多的电池。但是这些反应只能回收30%的金属。多洛特科说:“在某个地方,锂元素丢失了。”所以Dolotko的团队调整了他们的实验。第二个版本的步骤更少——他们用水加热球磨出来的混合物。这阻止了不溶性锂铝氧化物的形成,锂离子被锁住了。研究小组用电池中使用的不同阴极材料以及阴极的混合物测试了这两种工艺。改进后的工艺从混合正极材料中回收了75%的锂。机械化学通常不用于商业化学过程,机械力如何启动化学反应还不完全清楚,Dolotko说。“很难说这是怎么发生的,”他说。他认为,也许是在这个过程的特定时刻温度升高了,或者摩擦产生了一些中间产物。但正如他所料,铣削过程确实促使铝起到了还原剂的作用。专注于锂离子电池报废市场的伦敦咨询公司循环能源存储(Circular Energy Storage)的主管梅林(Melin)说,这种机械化学回收过程是一个小型实验室规模的示范,因此是一种原则的证明,而不是一种改变游戏规则的技术。他指出,电池回收比简单地开发一种新技术要复杂得多,它同样关乎原材料的经济性,以及采用电动汽车等使用电池的技术。梅林说:“我们现在的情况是,我们真的不知道2030年我们需要的锂从哪里来。”多洛特科表示,有机会改进这一过程,同时他也在努力从电池中提取其他金属,包括钴和镍。本文经授权转载,首次发表于2022年3月29日。
  • 手机回收
  • 电池
  • 锂电池设备
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