How to Guard Against the Biggest Dangers of the Metaverse


The metaverse is one of the hottest trends in product design right now. Dozens of articles describe the concept of the metaverse and how it will be a successor of the modern internet. But fewer articles describe this technology's dangers to our society.

There are several problems that the metaverse might create if we don't design it carefully with the public's great good in mind.


Cyberbullying is one of the most notable problems of the internet. Approximately 37% of young people between the ages of 12 and 17 have been bullied online. Young people who suffer from cyberbullying have a higher chance of self-harm and suicide.

But the metaverse can move this problem to the next level. It's one thing when you read a nasty comment on Twitter or Facebook, and another thing seeing an abuser in front of you in virtual space. The virtual world will immerse us in interaction and blur the boundaries between real and virtual identities. As a result, any insulting or abusive behavior from the other person will feel much more personal. Without proper moderation, the problem of cyberbullying can boost the number of psychological traumas.

But moderation cannot happen without specific rules on how people are expected to behave. The metaverse creators will likely write a set of rules for the metaverse that will allow moderators and AI-based tools to evaluate user behavior in the virtual space and act accordingly. The rules will probably reflect real-world ethical codes with some specific relevance to the interaction in the virtual world.

Related: Why Your Business Needs to Prepare for the Metaverse

Social polarization

Social media has been a major factor in polarizing the United States. As was mentioned in the film The Social Dilemma, AI algorithms used by social media systems track users' behavior and preferences and provide them with content they love to consume. The Covid-19 pandemic demonstrated that this polarization of opinions can be dangerous.

If the metaverse is designed with the same foundation, we have an even higher risk of polarization in society and the tension that is typicaly caused by this. It's much easier to create communities in the virtual world when you can feel the presence of other people, and seeing how many other people share your point of view will give you more confidence.

Health issues

Virtual reality (VR) is considered a primary interaction medium in the metaverse. We will wear a VR headset when we interact in virtual space. It's a known fact that modern VR headsets can cause eye strain when people use them for prolonged periods. Our eyes and brain need to have a break from virtual activities, but the metaverse will be designed to increase user engagement. As a result, people will spend long hours in the virtual world, negatively affecting their health.

It's possible to mitigate some problems that people experience today with VR headsets by improving the technical side of the devices. For example, most VR headsets available today have a 60Hz or 90Hz refresh rate. Some experts believe that 120Hz is the minimum refresh rate that makes interaction in VR space more natural for the human eye (the higher the refresh rate, the smoother the motion).

But the metaverse creators should also introduce mechanisms that prevent users from staying long hours in the virtual space. It's also essential to introduce tools like parental controls that prevent teenagers from spending too much time in the virtual space.

Related: Don't Fear the Metaverse — We've Been Through This Before

Privacy violation

If the ad-based revenue model is transferred to the metaverse, we will likely see more privacy concerns.

The more data you can collect about the user, the better you can predict what the user will want. Imagine a virtual world where your every move is tracked so the business can collect the information about your preferences to show you relevant ads.

Despite the metaverse being based on web 3.0 and blockchain technology, data privacy might be an illusion. It's essential to have GDPR regulations in place prior to the first user joining the metaverse.

Data security

The worst data security problem that can happen to you today is if someone hacks your account and gets a fraction of your data (access to your bank account, photos, personal messages, etc.). The worst data security problem in the metaverse is if someone hacks your digital identity with all your digital assets. Improving data security will be one of the key goals for the metaverse creators.

Industry leaders are constantly searching for new ways to improve data security. Using biometric data during account creation and login is one of the ways to protect a user's digital identity. For example, facial recognition and fingerprint scanning will likely be a default part of the sign-in process in the metaverse.

元宇宙是目前产品设计中最热门的趋势之一。数十篇文章描述了元宇宙的概念,以及它将如何成为现代互联网的继承者。但是很少有文章描述这种技术对我们社会的危险。如果我们在设计时不考虑公众的利益,元世界可能会产生一些问题。网络欺凌是互联网最引人注目的问题之一。在12岁至17岁的青少年中,约有37%的人曾在网上受到欺凌。遭受网络欺凌的年轻人有更高的自残和自杀的几率。但是元宇宙可以把这个问题提升到下一个层次。当你在Twitter或Facebook上读到恶意评论时,这是一回事,而在虚拟空间中看到施暴者就在你面前是另一回事。虚拟世界会让我们沉浸在互动中,模糊真实身份和虚拟身份之间的界限。因此,来自对方的任何侮辱或辱骂行为都会让人感觉更加个人化。如果没有适当的节制,网络欺凌问题会增加心理创伤的数量。但是,如果没有对人们行为的具体规定,节制就不可能发生。元世界的创造者可能会为元世界编写一套规则,允许版主和基于人工智能的工具评估用户在虚拟空间中的行为,并据此采取行动。这些规则可能会反映现实世界的道德准则,与虚拟世界的互动有一些特定的相关性。相关文章:为什么你的企业需要为超级市场做准备社交媒体已经成为美国分化的一个主要因素。正如电影《社交困境》中提到的,社交媒体系统使用的AI算法跟踪用户'行为和偏好,为他们提供他们喜欢消费的内容。2019冠状病毒病大流行表明,这种意见两极分化可能是危险的。如果元宇宙是基于相同的基础设计的,那么我们就会面临社会两极分化的更高风险,以及由两极分化引起的典型张力。当你能感觉到其他人的存在时,在虚拟世界中创建社区就会容易得多,而且看到有多少人分享你的观点会给你更多的信心。虚拟现实(VR)被认为是元宇宙中主要的交互媒介。当我们在虚拟空间中互动时,我们会戴上VR头盔。众所周知,当人们长时间使用现代虚拟现实头盔时,会导致眼睛疲劳。我们的眼睛和大脑需要从虚拟活动中休息一下,但元世界的设计将提高用户的参与度。因此,人们会花很长时间在虚拟世界中,对他们的健康产生负面影响。通过改善设备的技术方面,可以缓解今天人们使用VR头戴设备所遇到的一些问题。例如,现在大多数VR头盔的刷新率都是60Hz或90Hz。有专家认为120Hz是使VR空间中的交互对人眼来说更自然的最低刷新率(刷新率越高,运动越流畅)。但元世界的创造者也应该引入机制,防止用户在虚拟空间中停留很长时间。引入像父母控制这样的工具也很重要,以防止青少年在虚拟空间中花费太多的时间。相关:Don't Fear the Metaverse - we 've Been Through This before如果基于广告的收入模式转移到元世界,我们可能会看到更多的隐私问题。收集的用户数据越多,就越能预测用户的需求。想象一下,在一个虚拟的世界里,你的一举一动都被跟踪,这样商家就可以收集你的偏好信息,向你展示相关的广告。 尽管元世界是基于web 3.0和区块链技术,数据隐私可能只是一种错觉。在第一个用户加入元世界之前,有必要制定GDPR法规。今天发生在你身上的最糟糕的数据安全问题是,如果有人入侵你的账户并获取了你的一小部分数据(访问你的银行账户、照片、个人信息等)。元世界中最糟糕的数据安全问题是,如果有人用你所有的数字资产入侵你的数字身份。提高数据安全性将是元域创建者的主要目标之一。行业领导者一直在寻找提高数据安全性的新方法。在帐户创建和登录过程中使用生物识别数据是保护用户数字身份的方法之一。例如,面部识别和指纹扫描可能是元世界中登录过程的默认部分。
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