How This Startup Became Academia's Trusted Source Of Wearable Devices' Health Biomarkers


While the trend toward amplified wellness has been developing for some time now, the widespread implications of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have brought consumers' personal health straight into the spotlight of public consciousness. For some, this has meant adopting a strict workout regimen, while others have taken on new habits like wearing smartwatches and fitness trackers to keep an eye on important health criteria, including heart rate, blood oxygen level, and alerts for irregular heart rhythms.

Though reportedly more than 21 per cent of US adults regularly use data trackers such as these for wellness purposes, the majority of these users are completely unaware of the complete underutilization of the technology's tracking capabilities. This data can provide insight into an individual's unique biomarkers, and subsequently has the potential to make healthcare more personalized and more effective when put into the right hands. The possibilities of wearable devices in the future of healthcare are already palpable throughout the medical community, as studies published throughout the COVID-19 pandemic revealed wearable data trackers' power to detect the virus up to 9 days early.

For Labfront, a technology biomarker startup trusted by top research and academic institutions, the answers to the most pressing personalized health care questions live in the data gathered from innovative digital devices. Taking this information and decoding the hidden indications of these digital biomarkers through expertise and the aid of machine learning, Labfront's innovative approach looks to unlock each of its clients' unique wellness requisites and ultimately lead people toward living healthier lives.

Founded by CEO Chris Peng in partnership with former university teammate Jordan Masys, Labfront has already begun shifting the paradigm of modern medical information, earning endorsements from Stanford University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Harvard University, awards from Techstars Global Startup Weekend, and recognition as the Top Innovation Fighting Covid-19 from the World Economic Forum. In fact, the Labfront team spun out of the runner-up XPRIZE Tricorder team. Labfront's expertise in digital biomarkers is a melange of Peng's and Masys's innovative foresight as well as the direct expertise of Dr. Ahn, Co-Director of the Center for Dynamical Biomarkers, a lab at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard.

This is far from Peng and Masys' first foray into the healthcare space; the duo previously built and launched Ethiopia's first 911 ambulance system together, and later built the health data tracking tool NEO at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic to help consumers track the health of their fellow family members.

To accomplish its lofty goals, Labfront utilizes the best of modern machine learning and artificial intelligence to help analyze medical data for institutions and patients through streamlined 'no-code' tools. Rather than simply track and provide data, Labfront's aim is to give its users the power to understand their personal information in a simplified manner, which subsequently allows for a higher standard of care and targeted solutions to patients' unique health requisites.

After years of meticulous development, Labfront's core software launched in 2021 to provide researchers with CRM-esque management capabilities and flexible data capture systems to put the power of digital biomarkers to use in health research. This has wider applications into wearable technology like smartwatches and other forms of remote technology, allowing for a continual acquisition of data that's key to Labfront's health-democratizing ethos. While only the first step in Labfront's vision, the AI-based analytics engine is anticipated to be a major backbone in Labfront's quest to improve the overall understanding of the health of its users – and ultimately, improve the health of humanity.

Already finding a place for use in the globe's leading research and academic institutions, Labfront's innovative technology helps lower the cost for researchers throughout their projects, while also equipping them with the means to interpret this data from the get-go and increase efficiency. This has been particularly important for Peng, who is looking to empower young researchers – much like his former colleagues – with Labfront to help take their projects to the next level, regardless of funding limitations.

As the quest toward a post-Covid reality continues to forge on, companies like Peng and Masys' Labfront are paving the way toward a new era of modern health, tackling healthcare's inherent issues head-on with machine learning, artificial intelligence, and above all, a humanitarian moral mission.

虽然健康增强的趋势已经发展了一段时间,但持续的COVID-19大流行的广泛影响给消费者带来了'个人健康问题成为公众关注的焦点。对一些人来说,这意味着采取严格的锻炼方案,而另一些人则养成了新的习惯,比如佩戴智能手表和健身追踪器,以关注重要的健康标准,包括心率、血氧水平和心律不规律的警报。尽管据报道,超过21%的美国成年人经常出于健康目的使用这类数据追踪器,但其中大多数用户完全没有意识到这些技术的跟踪功能完全没有得到充分利用。这些数据可以深入了解个人独特的生物标志物,并有可能使医疗保健更加个性化和更有效,如果将这些数据交到正确的人手中。在整个医学界,可穿戴设备在未来医疗保健中的可能性已经很明显,在COVID-19大流行期间发表的研究揭示了可穿戴数据跟踪器'可提前9天检测到病毒。Labfront是一家受到顶级研究和学术机构信任的科技生物标志物初创公司。对于它来说,最紧迫的个性化医疗保健问题的答案就存在于从创新数字设备收集的数据中。利用这些信息,并通过专业知识和机器学习的帮助解码这些数字生物标志物的隐藏迹象,labfront的创新方法有望解锁其每个客户'独特的健康要求,并最终引导人们过上更健康的生活。Labfront由首席执行官Chris Peng和前大学队友Jordan Masys共同创立,已经开始改变现代医疗信息的范式,获得了斯坦福大学、麻省理工学院(MIT)和哈佛大学的支持,获得了Techstars全球创业周末的奖项,并被世界经济论坛评为抗击Covid-19的顶级创新。事实上,Labfront团队是从亚军XPRIZE Tricorder团队中分离出来的。Labfront's在数字生物标志物方面的专业知识是peng&# 39;s和Masys's的创新远见以及Ahn博士的直接专业知识,Ahn博士是动态生物标志物中心的联合主任,贝斯以色列女Deaconess医学中心/哈佛。这与Peng和Masys'首先进军医疗保健领域;这两家公司此前曾共同建立和推出埃塞俄比亚的第一个911救护车系统,后来在Covid-19大流行的高峰期建立了健康数据跟踪工具NEO,以帮助消费者跟踪家人的健康状况。为了实现其崇高的目标,Labfront利用最好的现代机器学习和人工智能,通过精简的'no-code'工具。labfront的目标不是简单地跟踪和提供数据,而是让它的用户能够以一种简化的方式了解他们的个人信息,从而为患者提供更高标准的护理和针对性的解决方案'独特的卫生条件。 经过多年的精心开发,Labfront's的核心软件于2021年推出,为研究人员提供crm式的管理能力和灵活的数据捕获系统,将数字生物标志物的力量用于健康研究。这在可穿戴技术上有更广泛的应用,如智能手表和其他形式的远程技术,允许持续获取数据,这是labfront健康民主化思潮的关键。虽然这只是labfront愿景的第一步,但基于人工智能的分析引擎预计将成为labfront追求的主要支柱,以提高对用户健康的整体理解,并最终改善人类健康。labfront已经在全球领先的研究和学术机构中找到了使用的地方,labfront的创新技术有助于降低研究人员在整个项目中的成本,同时也为他们配备了从一开始就解释这些数据和提高效率的手段。这对彭于伦来说尤其重要,他正在寻求让年轻的研究人员——就像他以前的同事一样——与Labfront一起帮助他们的项目进入下一个阶段,而不受资金限制。
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