Got Robots? Dave’s Armoury Does!


There’s no doubt about it, automation is the future. That means robots. Lots of robots. From factories to warehouses, delivery drones to self-driving cars, autonomous equipment is everywhere you turn. Dave Niewinski, the man behind Dave’s Armoury, is a robotics engineer focused on exploring and pushing the capabilities of these robotic platforms.

Dave has spent his entire professional career in the robotics industry. With experience in software, machine automation, and now R&D, it’s safe to say he knows what he’s doing. Through his YouTube channel and Instagram page, Dave shows the unique ways robots can interface with humans and improve our lives. He’s tackled projects ranging from steak grilling robot arms to weed killing ground robots.

In his latest video, Dave developed a “Personal Home Beer Delivery Robot”. If you’ve ever grabbed all your tastiest snacks, curled up in just the right spot on the couch, and turned on your favorite show only to realize you forgot a nice cold beverage, this one’s for you! Before Dave’s Clearpath Dingo robot could get to work delivering beverages, it first needed to know where it was and how it would navigate throughout the house.

In Dave’s words, “The first problem we need to sort out is how this robot is going to navigate around the house on its own. The MCU and the computer inside the robot do a decent job of knowing how far the robot has moved, but if it slips at all, it’s lost.”

The solution to this problem was a MicroStrain 3DMGX5-AR. According to Dave, “there’s smarts inside it that will always be measuring where it is and where it thinks it’s moved. With all the information from this including all the information from the robot itself, the robot can get a pretty good estimate of where it’s actually moved even if it’s picked up or it slipped on some dirt.”

The robot, equipped with the MicroStrain inertial sensor, lidar, and stereo camera, is now ready to deliver some ice-cold refreshments! Dave even connected the robot to his smart home system to enable voice control. So whether he’s on the couch or in the office, a beverage is but a shout away. To see more of Dave’s adventures with robots, head on over to his YouTube channel or visit his Instagram.

Whether you’re having fun designing beer delivery robots or developing the next generation of autonomous ground vehicles, there’s a MicroStrain sensor for you. Learn more about MicroStrain inertial sensors here or by reaching out to our team.

毫无疑问,自动化是未来的趋势。这意味着机器人。大量的机器人。从工厂到仓库,从送货无人机到自动驾驶汽车,自动设备无处不在。Dave’s Armoury的创始人Dave Niewinski是一名机器人工程师,专注于探索和推动这些机器人平台的能力。戴夫的整个职业生涯都在机器人行业度过。他有软件、机器自动化和研发方面的经验,可以肯定地说,他知道自己在做什么。通过他的YouTube频道和Instagram页面,戴夫展示了机器人与人类互动并改善我们生活的独特方式。他负责的项目从烤牛排的机械臂到清除杂草的地面机器人。在他的最新视频中,戴夫开发了一个“个人家庭啤酒送货机器人”。如果你曾经拿起所有美味的零食,蜷缩在沙发上的合适位置,打开你最喜欢的节目,却发现忘了一杯美味的冷饮,那么这个节目就是为你准备的!在戴夫的Clearpath Dingo机器人开始送饮料工作之前,它首先需要知道自己在哪里,以及如何在房子里导航。用戴夫的话来说,“我们需要解决的第一个问题是这个机器人如何在房子里自己导航。机器人内部的MCU和计算机可以很好地知道机器人移动了多远,但如果它滑了一跤,它就输了。”这个问题的解决方案是MicroStrain 3DMGX5-AR。根据戴夫的说法,“它的内部有智能装置,它会一直测量它在哪里,以及它认为自己在哪里移动。有了这些信息,包括机器人自身的信息,机器人就能很好地估计出它实际移动的位置,即使它被捡起来或在泥土上滑倒了。”这个机器人配备了微应变惯性传感器、激光雷达和立体相机,现在已经准备好送一些冰点心了!戴夫甚至将机器人与他的智能家居系统连接起来,实现语音控制。所以,无论他是在沙发上还是在办公室里,一杯饮料都是很容易的事。想要看到更多戴夫和机器人的冒险,请访问他的YouTube频道或访问他的Instagram。无论你是喜欢设计送啤酒机器人还是开发下一代自动地面车辆,MicroStrain传感器都适合你。了解更多关于微应变惯性传感器这里或通过接触我们的团队。



