北京华仪通泰环保科技有限公司 拥有多个国际一线品牌的授权资质,数千种进口检测仪器仪表产品及配件;产品涉及甲醛检测仪,气体分析仪,水质分析仪,辐射检测仪,地质勘探测试仪器,农业测试仪器,环保仪器,电工仪器仪表等领域。我公司本着“诚信为本,用户至上”的经营理念,为广大用户提供各类质量优良、价格合理的检测仪器。同时,给客户提供良好的售前及售后服务,在友好的合作中谋求共同发展。51仪器仪表网(www.511718.com)是北京华仪通泰环保科技有限公司根据国内仪器仪表市场实际情况,为广大用户量身打造的仪器仪表销售平台。
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK442-3PD 秤和天平

    分辨率 :2.00E-5 lbs (9.07E-6 kg)
    宽度 :10.43 inch (265 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    容量 :6 lbs (2.72 kg)
    长度 :13.19 inch (335 mm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK442-6PD 秤和天平

    分辨率 :5.00E-5 lbs (2.27E-5 kg)
    宽度 :10.43 inch (265 mm)
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale; Counting Scale
    容量 :12 lbs (5.44 kg)
    长度 :13.19 inch (335 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK462-15ST 秤和天平

    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale
    宽度 :14.56 inch (370 mm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    容量 :30 lbs (13.61 kg)
    分辨率 :1.00E-4 lbs (4.54E-5 kg)
    长度 :14.17 inch (360 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    评级/认证 :Other; OIML, CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK462-35ST 秤和天平

    宽度 :14.56 inch (370 mm)
    长度 :14.17 inch (360 mm)
    评级/认证 :Other; OIML, CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale
    容量 :70 lbs (31.75 kg)
    分辨率 :2.00E-4 lbs (9.07E-5 kg)
    材料 :Steel
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK462-3PT 秤和天平

    容量 :6 lbs (2.72 kg)
    材料 :Steel
    显示 :Digital Display
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale
    分辨率 :2.00E-5 lbs (9.07E-6 kg)
    宽度 :10.43 inch (265 mm)
    长度 :13.19 inch (335 mm)
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 BBK462-6PT 秤和天平

    容量 :12 lbs (5.44 kg)
    宽度 :10.43 inch (265 mm)
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial; USB (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Digital I/O, Analog
    特征 :Battery Powered; Selectable Units
    长度 :13.19 inch (335 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, CE, IP43
    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale
    分辨率 :5.00E-5 lbs (2.27E-5 kg)
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 Caster Deck Air Cargo Scale 秤和天平

    产品类型:Other Scale; Air Cargo Scale
    容量 :20000 lbs (9070 kg)
    分辨率 :2 lbs (0.9070 kg)
    材料 :Steel
    显示 :None
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 CENTERLIGN Weigh Modules 秤和天平

    显示 :None
    产品类型:Weigh Module or Assembly
    容量 :250 to 10000 lbs (113 to 4535 kg)
    材料 :Stainless Steel (optional feature); Steel (optional feature)
    评级/认证 :NEMA 4X; NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, Ex, FM, OIML, CE
    称重模块类型 :Compression
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
    应用:Conveyors / In-motion Weighing; Hoppers; Silos; Tanks; Other; Mechanical Scale Conversion
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 Enforcement Scales 秤和天平

    材料 :Concrete (optional feature); Steel (optional feature)
    显示 :None
    产品类型:Truck Scale; Other Scale; Enforcement Scale
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 FLEXMOUNT Weigh Modules 秤和天平

    产品类型:Weigh Module or Assembly
    容量 :250 to 10000 lbs (113 to 4535 kg)
    显示 :None
    评级/认证 :NEMA 4X; NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, Ex, FM, OIML, CE
    材料 :Stainless Steel (optional feature); Steel (optional feature)
    应用:Hoppers; Silos; Tanks
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
    称重模块类型 :Compression
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 FreeWeigh.Net Remote Balances 秤和天平

    产品类型:Other Balance; Remote Balance
    容量 :6.62 to 77.17 lbs (3 to 35 kg)
    分辨率 :2.21E-5 lbs (1.00E-5 kg)
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Ethernet; Serial
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 GAGEMOUNT Weigh Modules 秤和天平

    材料 :Stainless Steel
    显示 :None
    容量 :40000 to 600000 lbs (18141 to 272109 kg)
    评级/认证 :NEMA 4X; NTEP Certified; Other; Ex, FM, OIML, CE
    产品类型:Weigh Module or Assembly
    称重模块类型 :Compression
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
    应用:Hoppers; Silos; Tanks
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 Impact S 秤和天平

    产品类型:Bench or Counter Scale
    分辨率 :0.0050 to 0.0100 lbs (0.0023 to 0.0045 kg)
    宽度 :15.35 inch (390 mm)
    材料 :Steel
    显示 :Digital Display
    容量 :15 to 30 lbs (6.8 to 13.61 kg)
    接口 :Ethernet; USB; Wireless (optional feature)
    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified; Other; CSA, UL, cUL
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 Integral Forklift Scale 秤和天平

    评级/认证 :NTEP Certified
    产品类型:Lift Truck Scale
    材料 :Steel
    显示 :Digital Display
    接口 :Wireless
    容量 :5000 lbs (2268 kg)
    特征 :Integral Printer (optional feature)
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KA15s 秤和天平

    显示 :None
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    长度 :13.78 inch (350 mm)
    容量 :33.08 lbs (15 kg)
    分辨率 :2.20E-4 lbs (1.00E-4 kg)
    宽度 :11.02 inch (280 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; NTEP Certified; Other; CE, OIML
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KA15sx 秤和天平

    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    容量 :33.08 lbs (15 kg)
    分辨率 :2.20E-4 lbs (1.00E-4 kg)
    宽度 :11.02 inch (280 mm)
    长度 :13.78 inch (350 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    显示 :None
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KA32s 秤和天平

    宽度 :13.78 inch (350 mm)
    长度 :11.02 inch (280 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    分辨率 :2.20E-4 lbs (1.00E-4 kg)
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; NTEP Certified; Other; CE, OIML
    容量 :70.56 lbs (32 kg)
    显示 :None
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KA32sx 秤和天平

    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    容量 :70.56 lbs (32 kg)
    分辨率 :2.20E-4 lbs (1.00E-4 kg)
    显示 :None
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    宽度 :11.02 inch (280 mm)
    长度 :13.78 inch (350 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KA3s 秤和天平

    分辨率 :2.21E-5 lbs (1.00E-5 kg)
    宽度 :7.87 inch (200 mm)
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; NTEP Certified; Other; CE, OIML
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    容量 :6.62 lbs (3 kg)
    长度 :7.87 inch (200 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    显示 :None
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KA6s 秤和天平

    材料 :Stainless Steel
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; NTEP Certified; Other; CE, OIML
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    容量 :13.23 lbs (6 kg)
    分辨率 :4.41E-5 lbs (2.00E-5 kg)
    宽度 :7.87 inch (200 mm)
    长度 :7.87 inch (200 mm)
    显示 :None
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KB60 s 秤和天平

    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; NTEP Certified; Other; CE, OIML
    宽度 :15.75 inch (400 mm)
    长度 :19.69 inch (500 mm)
    显示 :None
    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    容量 :132 lbs (60 kg)
    分辨率 :0.0022 lbs (1.00E-3 kg)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KB60 x 秤和天平

    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    分辨率 :0.0022 lbs (1.00E-3 kg)
    长度 :19.69 inch (500 mm)
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    容量 :132 lbs (60 kg)
    宽度 :15.75 inch (400 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    显示 :None
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KB60sx 秤和天平

    产品类型:Bench / Counter Scale; Other Scale; Stand Scale
    分辨率 :0.0022 lbs (1.00E-3 kg)
    宽度 :15.75 inch (400 mm)
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; Other; CE, OIML, Ex, FM Approved
    容量 :132 lbs (60 kg)
    长度 :19.69 inch (500 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    显示 :None
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Serial (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); Profibus, CL
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KC300 秤和天平

    产品类型:Floor Scale; Other Scale; Pit Scale
    容量 :132 to 662 lbs (60 to 300 kg)
    宽度 :31.5 inch (800 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    显示 :None
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); CL, RS232, RS485, Profibus
    分辨率 :0.0044 lbs (0.0020 kg)
    长度 :31.5 to 39.37 inch (800 to 1000 mm)
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; NTEP Certified; Other; CE, OIML
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
  • Mettler-Toledo 梅特勒托利多 KC600 秤和天平

    容量 :331 to 1323 lbs (150 to 600 kg)
    显示 :None
    接口 :Ethernet (optional feature); Other Interface (optional feature); CL, RS232, RS485, Profibus
    评级/认证 :IP66; IP67; NTEP Certified; Other; CE, OIML
    产品类型:Floor Scale; Other Scale; Pit Scale
    分辨率 :0.0110 lbs (0.0050 kg)
    宽度 :31.5 inch (800 mm)
    长度 :31.5 to 39.37 inch (800 to 1000 mm)
    材料 :Stainless Steel
    产品类别 :Scales and Balances
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 12

