集好芯城 前身 (辉华拓展)深圳市辉华拓展电子有限公司 2009年2月成立,辉华拓展是一家电子元器件终端服务商,前身核心主要服务于终端客户制造商,服务对象为PCBA贴片厂,汽车行业新能源制造厂,医疗行业仪器仪表,电脑周边芯片,通讯设备行业,自动化设备制造行业,智能家居行业。服务对象有  康迪电动汽车集团   天行健汽车  众泰汽车  优耐特汽车  广汽本田汽车  吉利汽车  恒瑞医疗  迈腾医疗  莱亚特医疗设备  力邦医疗  台湾碁康电脑  米科电脑  中诺通讯  智铸通讯设备  中兴通讯等等,以上客户一律为标准化流程化,使用原装进口芯片,辉华拓展一直是以心换芯的服务标准,辉华拓展代理分销多家海外进口品牌,例如 美光 英飞凌 ON bosch 等等。时间到了2017年,国产芯片来了,开始兴起了,国人的需要改变了,中国芯起来了,此时顾名思义中国芯需求量起来了,辉华集思广益沉淀了两年,这两年时间,辉华拓展就如同周庄梦蝶一般,我思故我在  沉淀终于中国芯里。梦醒时,如何做好中国芯,如何做好中国城,我们要打造一个不一样的商城,我们要做国产芯片做齐全的商城。   时间来到2020年9月28号我们集好芯城正式上线啦......   为了更好的对接商城新注册了公司,公司名称:深圳市集好芯城科技有限公司,集好芯城要做的是以国产芯片为主的首批芯城平台,已匠心  做国芯  造国傲  建国城  简称集好芯城 。集好芯城以国芯,做国芯 卖好国产芯片为目标,商标注册2019年3月,注册同时已国为本的思路,同时2019年3月开始建立芯城,芯城建立耗时一年七个月。集好芯城坚绝以国产品牌授权代理的大方向为目标,走在时代的前线,走上兴国兴芯的路线,国产芯片未来将是时代的大发展,目前代理的国产品牌有 华冠 必联 辉能 鹏岭 芯力特 静芯微等品牌。走芯国芯邦之路,做前所未有的开创者,唤醒国芯  焕然一新。
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:68 F (20 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Open, NO
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:77 F (25 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Open, NO
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:86 F (30 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC;Other
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:95 F (35 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Open, NO
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:95 F (35 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC;Other
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:105 F (41 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Open, NO
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:105 F (41 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC;Other
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:105 F (41 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC;Other
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:113 F (45 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC;Other
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:113 F (45 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC;Other
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:122 F (50 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Open, NO
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:122 F (50 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Open, NO
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:122 F (50 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC;Other
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:122 F (50 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC;Other
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:140 F (60 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Open, NO
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:140 F (60 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC;Other
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:149 F (65 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC;Other
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:158 F (70 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Open, NO
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:158 F (70 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC;Other
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:176 F (80 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Open, NO
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:176 F (80 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC;Other
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:185 F (85 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC;Other
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:185 F (85 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Closed, NC;Other
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:194 F (90 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Open, NO
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    制造商:Canadian Thermostats & Control Devices LTD.
    产品类别:Thermal Switches and Thermal Protectors
    High Temperature Set Point:194 F (90 C)
    Life Cycles:100000 Number of Cycles
    Maximum AC Voltage:125 to 250 volts
    Maximum Current:10 to 15 amps
    Maximum DC Voltage:12 to 24 volts
    Mounting:Surface Mount
    Poles:Single Pole, SP
    Repeatability / Tolerance:9 +/-F (5 +/-C)
    Switch Type:Normally Open, NO
    Throws:Single Throw, ST
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

