上海煊正国际贸易有限公司在欧洲拥有多达三千家工业备品备件供应商,拥有完整的部门与团队,负责采购及配送全流程,为您提供欧洲原装的采购一条龙服务。 2017年在德国法兰克福成立德国实体子公司,源头采购,并与国际物流服务商携手合作,保证货期的准确与快速。
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Pipe Diameter:2.50 inch (63.5 mm)
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:2.00 to 631.00 GPM (7.58 to 2390 L/min)
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Electromagnetic Flow Meters
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    End Fittings:In-line Flanged
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:2.00 to 631.00 GPM (7.58 to 2390 L/min)
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Pipe Diameter:2.50 inch (63.5 mm)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Pipe Diameter:20.00 inch (508 mm)
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:125.00 to 37346.00 GPM (473 to 141462 L/min)
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:125.00 to 37346.00 GPM (473 to 141462 L/min)
    Pipe Diameter:20.00 inch (508 mm)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Electromagnetic Flow Meters
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    End Fittings:In-line Flanged
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:125.00 to 37346.00 GPM (473 to 141462 L/min)
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Pipe Diameter:20.00 inch (508 mm)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:150.00 to 45188.00 GPM (568 to 171167 L/min)
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Pipe Diameter:22.00 inch (559 mm)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:150.00 to 45188.00 GPM (568 to 171167 L/min)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Pipe Diameter:22.00 inch (559 mm)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Electromagnetic Flow Meters
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    End Fittings:In-line Flanged
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:150.00 to 45188.00 GPM (568 to 171167 L/min)
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Pipe Diameter:22.00 inch (559 mm)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Pipe Diameter:24.00 inch (610 mm)
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:180.00 to 53778.00 GPM (682 to 203705 L/min)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:180.00 to 53778.00 GPM (682 to 203705 L/min)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Pipe Diameter:24.00 inch (610 mm)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Electromagnetic Flow Meters
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    End Fittings:In-line Flanged
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:180.00 to 53778.00 GPM (682 to 203705 L/min)
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Pipe Diameter:24.00 inch (610 mm)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:3.00 to 956.00 GPM (11.36 to 3621 L/min)
    Pipe Diameter:3.00 inch (76.2 mm)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Pipe Diameter:3.00 inch (76.2 mm)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:3.00 to 956.00 GPM (11.36 to 3621 L/min)
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Electromagnetic Flow Meters
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    End Fittings:In-line Flanged
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:3.00 to 956.00 GPM (11.36 to 3621 L/min)
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Pipe Diameter:3.00 inch (76.2 mm)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:0.20 to 59.00 GPM (0.7576 to 223 L/min)
    Pipe Diameter:0.75 inch (19.05 mm)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Pipe Diameter:0.75 inch (19.05 mm)
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:0.20 to 59.00 GPM (0.7576 to 223 L/min)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Electromagnetic Flow Meters
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    End Fittings:In-line Flanged
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:0.20 to 59.00 GPM (0.7576 to 223 L/min)
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Pipe Diameter:0.75 inch (19.05 mm)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:0.05 to 14.00 GPM (0.1894 to 53.03 L/min)
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Pipe Diameter:0.38 inch (9.52 mm)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Pipe Diameter:0.38 inch (9.52 mm)
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:0.05 to 14.00 GPM (0.1894 to 53.03 L/min)
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Electromagnetic Flow Meters
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    End Fittings:In-line Flanged
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:0.05 to 14.00 GPM (0.1894 to 53.03 L/min)
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Pipe Diameter:0.38 inch (9.52 mm)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Pipe Diameter:4.00 inch (102 mm)
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:5.00 to 1493.00 GPM (18.94 to 5655 L/min)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:5.00 to 1493.00 GPM (18.94 to 5655 L/min)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Pipe Diameter:4.00 inch (102 mm)
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Electromagnetic Flow Meters
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    End Fittings:In-line Flanged
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:5.00 to 1493.00 GPM (18.94 to 5655 L/min)
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Pipe Diameter:4.00 inch (102 mm)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:8.00 to 2334.00 GPM (30.3 to 8841 L/min)
    Pipe Diameter:5.00 inch (127 mm)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:-20 to 122 F (-29 to 50 C)
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Operating Pressure:? to 150 psi (? to 106 m H2O)
    Media Temperature:-4 to 248 F (-20 to 120 C)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:8.00 to 2334.00 GPM (30.3 to 8841 L/min)
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Approvals:Canadian Standards Association; CE and FCC Compliant
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Pipe Diameter:5.00 inch (127 mm)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
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