上海别众实业有限公司 是一家专业的工业产品及备品备件集成供应商,为各行各业的工业企业生产线及各种机械设备、加工设备提供多样化、专业化的备品备件,我们的工业产品备件覆盖几十个行业,几百个欧美亚欧等知名品牌,主要经营品牌有:欧美国家等企业的工业产品,主要产品种类有:泵阀机电,管件接头,液压元件,气动元件,密封件,五金工具,润滑油,液压油,冷却液等化工油品,净化环保等过滤产品,在港口设备,船舶、钢铁,冶金采矿,船舶,电子,医药设备,化工等工业各领域,我们都能提供给客户更多的选择和及时的备件服务。
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMFD-20N 称重传感器

    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    额定力 :20 lbs (9.07 kg)
    精度:-0.15 to 0.15 ±% Full Scale
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMFD-2KN 称重传感器

    额定力 :2000 lbs (907 kg)
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    精度:-0.20 to 0.20 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMFD-500N 称重传感器

    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    额定力 :500 lbs (227 kg)
    精度:-0.15 to 0.15 ±% Full Scale
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMFD-50N 称重传感器

    精度:-0.15 to 0.15 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    额定力 :50 lbs (22.68 kg)
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMFD-5KN 称重传感器

    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    额定力 :5000 lbs (2268 kg)
    精度:-0.20 to 0.20 ±% Full Scale
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMFL-100N 称重传感器

    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    额定力 :100 lbs (45.35 kg)
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    精度:-0.50 to 0.50 ±% Full Scale
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMFL-10N 称重传感器

    额定力 :10 lbs (4.54 kg)
    精度:-0.50 to 0.50 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMFL-200N 称重传感器

    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    额定力 :200 lbs (90.7 kg)
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    精度:-0.50 to 0.50 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMFL-20N 称重传感器

    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    额定力 :20 lbs (9.07 kg)
    精度:-0.50 to 0.50 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMFL-500N 称重传感器

    额定力 :500 lbs (227 kg)
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    精度:-0.50 to 0.50 ±% Full Scale
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMFL-50N 称重传感器

    精度:-0.50 to 0.50 ±% Full Scale
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    额定力 :50 lbs (22.68 kg)
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMGD-100N 称重传感器

    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    精度:-2.00 to 2.00 ±% Full Scale
    封装:Pancake; Miniature
    额定力 :100 lbs (45.35 kg)
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMGD-10KN 称重传感器

    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    额定力 :10000 lbs (4535 kg)
    精度:-2.00 to 2.00 ±% Full Scale
    封装:Pancake; Miniature
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMGD-120KN 称重传感器

    封装:Pancake; Miniature
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    额定力 :120000 lbs (54422 kg)
    精度:-2.00 to 2.00 ±% Full Scale
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMGD-1KN 称重传感器

    精度:-2.00 to 2.00 ±% Full Scale
    封装:Pancake; Miniature
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    额定力 :1000 lbs (454 kg)
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMGD-200KN 称重传感器

    精度:-2.00 to 2.00 ±% Full Scale
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    封装:Pancake; Miniature
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    额定力 :200000 lbs (90703 kg)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMGD-200N 称重传感器

    封装:Pancake; Miniature
    额定力 :200 lbs (90.7 kg)
    精度:-2.00 to 2.00 ±% Full Scale
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMGD-20KN 称重传感器

    精度:-2.00 to 2.00 ±% Full Scale
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    额定力 :20000 lbs (9070 kg)
    封装:Pancake; Miniature
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMGD-2KN 称重传感器

    额定力 :2000 lbs (907 kg)
    精度:-2.00 to 2.00 ±% Full Scale
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    封装:Pancake; Miniature
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMGD-500N 称重传感器

    封装:Pancake; Miniature
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    额定力 :500 lbs (227 kg)
    精度:-2.00 to 2.00 ±% Full Scale
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMGD-50KN 称重传感器

    额定力 :50000 lbs (22676 kg)
    精度:-2.00 to 2.00 ±% Full Scale
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    封装:Pancake; Miniature
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMGD-5KN 称重传感器

    额定力 :5000 lbs (2268 kg)
    精度:-2.00 to 2.00 ±% Full Scale
    封装:Pancake; Miniature
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMGD-60KN 称重传感器

    精度:-2.00 to 2.00 ±% Full Scale
    封装:Pancake; Miniature
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    额定力 :60000 lbs (27211 kg)
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMGD-80KN 称重传感器

    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    额定力 :80000 lbs (36281 kg)
    精度:-2.00 to 2.00 ±% Full Scale
    封装:Pancake; Miniature
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LCMHD Series 称重传感器

    额定力 :5 to 500000 lbs (2.27 to 226757 kg)
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :-65 to 200 F (-54 to 93 C)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
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