伊罗朗流体控制(上海)有限公司 本公司目前为多家国外品牌代理,专注于进口传感器、仪器仪表的市场推广与销售,坚持多品种、多品牌、差异化、热情服务的发展方向。创业至今,以完善的经营管理、真诚的专业服务为客户提供高品质、高性能的进口自动化产品,面对目前混乱的配件市场,我们将一如既往、以诚为本, 所提供的产品深受广大专业厂商的信赖和选用。 一体多元化的专业营销,与国外多家公司,如、美国罗斯蒙特(Rosemount)、美国MINCO、美国FMCINVALCO、德国赛力等保持着良好的长期稳定合作关系,共同致力服务于中国的自控行业。不断引进技术及优秀产品,产品有各类传感器、变送器、流量等,广泛应用于食品、医疗、冶金、电力、工程机械市场。
  • Minco TC102960TG144EB1 热电偶温度探头

    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102960TG144SB0 热电偶温度探头

    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102960TG144SB1 热电偶温度探头

    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102960TG48EB0 热电偶温度探头

    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102960TG48EB1 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102960TG48SB0 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102960TG48SB1 热电偶温度探头

    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102960TTU144SB0 热电偶温度探头

    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102960TTU48SB0 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102960TU144EB0 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102960TU144EB1 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102960TU144SB0 热电偶温度探头

    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102960TU144SB1 热电偶温度探头

    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102960TU48EB0 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102960TU48EB1 热电偶温度探头

    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102960TU48SB0 热电偶温度探头

    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102960TU48SB1 热电偶温度探头

    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.2750 inch (6.98 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102961EEU144SAC1 热电偶温度探头

    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1880 inch (4.78 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102961EEU144SB0 热电偶温度探头

    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1880 inch (4.78 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102961EEU48SAC1 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1880 inch (4.78 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102961EEU48SB0 热电偶温度探头

    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1880 inch (4.78 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102961EG144EAC1 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1880 inch (4.78 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102961EG144EB0 热电偶温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.1880 inch (4.78 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102961EG144SAC1 热电偶温度探头

    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1880 inch (4.78 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102961EG144SB0 热电偶温度探头

    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1880 inch (4.78 mm)
    感应区长度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
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