厦门永益晟机械设备有限公司 注册地址位于厦门市海沧区滨湖一里31号1001室之一,注册机关为厦门市海沧区市场监督管理局,法人代表为黄文明,经营范围包括一般项目:机械设备销售;机械电气设备销售;五金产品批发;五金产品零售;电气设备销售;机械零件、零部件销售;电力设施器材销售;电线、电缆经营;橡胶制品销售;家居用品销售;金属材料销售;包装材料及制品销售;劳动保护用品销售;电工仪器仪表销售;电工器材销售;日用品销售;日用杂品销售;日用口罩(非医用)销售;金属工具销售;金属制品销售;工程塑料及合成树脂销售;合成材料销售;专用化学产品销售(不含危险化学品);日用化学产品销售;化工产品销售(不含许可类化工产品);集成电路设计;集成电路销售;集成电路芯片及产品销售;电子产品销售;技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;货物进出口;技术进出口;非居住房地产租赁。
  • Aalborg Instruments VXW-20*-4S6 流量变送器

    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    介质温度范围:100 to 450 F (38 to 232 C)
    液体体积流量:28.00 to 276.00 GPM (106 to 1045 L/min)
    电气输出:Analog Current
    气体体积流量:15.2 to 308 SCFM (25.84 to 523 m³/hr)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    质量流量:7.26 to 434 lbs/min (0.1975 to 11.8 metric tons/hr)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
  • Aalborg Instruments VXW-20*-6S4 流量变送器

    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    液体体积流量:28.00 to 276.00 GPM (106 to 1045 L/min)
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    质量流量:1.86 to 410 lbs/min (0.0507 to 11.16 metric tons/hr)
    气体体积流量:15.2 to 308 SCFM (25.84 to 523 m³/hr)
    介质温度范围:-100 to 600 F (-73 to 316 C)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
  • Aalborg Instruments VXW-20*-6S6 流量变送器

    气体体积流量:15.2 to 308 SCFM (25.84 to 523 m³/hr)
    液体体积流量:28.00 to 276.00 GPM (106 to 1045 L/min)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    介质温度范围:100 to 600 F (38 to 316 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    质量流量:7.26 to 807 lbs/min (0.1975 to 21.96 metric tons/hr)
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
  • Aalborg Instruments VXW-30*-4S4 流量变送器

    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    气体体积流量:34 to 688 SCFM (57.79 to 1170 m³/hr)
    液体体积流量:62.00 to 617.60 GPM (235 to 2339 L/min)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    电气输出:Analog Current
    质量流量:4.17 to 917 lbs/min (0.1135 to 24.97 metric tons/hr)
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    介质温度范围:-100 to 450 F (-73 to 232 C)
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
  • Aalborg Instruments VXW-30*-4S6 流量变送器

    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    液体体积流量:62.00 to 617.60 GPM (235 to 2339 L/min)
    质量流量:7.26 to 1597 lbs/min (0.1975 to 43.45 metric tons/hr)
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    介质温度范围:100 to 450 F (38 to 232 C)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    电气输出:Analog Current
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    气体体积流量:34 to 688 SCFM (57.79 to 1170 m³/hr)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
  • Aalborg Instruments VXW-30*-6S4 流量变送器

    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    液体体积流量:62.00 to 617.60 GPM (235 to 2339 L/min)
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    介质温度范围:-100 to 600 F (-73 to 316 C)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    电气输出:Analog Current
    质量流量:4.17 to 917 lbs/min (0.1135 to 24.97 metric tons/hr)
    气体体积流量:34 to 688 SCFM (57.79 to 1170 m³/hr)
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
  • Aalborg Instruments VXW-30*-6S6 流量变送器

    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    气体体积流量:34 to 688 SCFM (57.79 to 1170 m³/hr)
    液体体积流量:62.00 to 617.60 GPM (235 to 2339 L/min)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    介质温度范围:100 to 600 F (38 to 316 C)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    质量流量:7.26 to 434 lbs/min (0.1975 to 11.8 metric tons/hr)
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    电气输出:Analog Current
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
  • Aalborg Instruments VXW-40*-4S4 流量变送器

    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current
    液体体积流量:107.00 to 1075.30 GPM (405 to 4073 L/min)
    质量流量:7.26 to 1597 lbs/min (0.1975 to 43.45 metric tons/hr)
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    介质温度范围:-100 to 450 F (-73 to 232 C)
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    气体体积流量:59.2 to 1198 SCFM (101 to 2036 m³/hr)
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
  • Aalborg Instruments VXW-40*-4S6 流量变送器

    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    气体体积流量:59.2 to 1198 SCFM (101 to 2036 m³/hr)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    质量流量:7.26 to 807 lbs/min (0.1975 to 21.96 metric tons/hr)
    液体体积流量:107.00 to 1075.30 GPM (405 to 4073 L/min)
    电气输出:Analog Current
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    介质温度范围:100 to 450 F (38 to 232 C)
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
  • Aalborg Instruments VXW-40*-6S4 流量变送器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    质量流量:7.26 to 1597 lbs/min (0.1975 to 43.45 metric tons/hr)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量:59.2 to 1198 SCFM (101 to 2036 m³/hr)
    液体体积流量:107.00 to 1075.30 GPM (405 to 4073 L/min)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    介质温度范围:-100 to 600 F (-73 to 316 C)
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
  • Aalborg Instruments VXW-40*-6S6 流量变送器

    介质温度范围:100 to 600 F (38 to 316 C)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    电气输出:Analog Current
    质量流量:7.26 to 1597 lbs/min (0.1975 to 43.45 metric tons/hr)
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量:59.2 to 1198 SCFM (101 to 2036 m³/hr)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    液体体积流量:107.00 to 1075.30 GPM (405 to 4073 L/min)
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
  • Aalborg Instruments VXI-04*-4S4C 流量变送器

    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    质量流量:8.03 to 1330 lbs/min (0.2186 to 36.19 metric tons/hr)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    介质温度范围:-100 to 450 F (-73 to 232 C)
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    气体体积流量:59.2 to 1198 SCFM (101 to 2036 m³/hr)
    液体体积流量:119.00 to 1190.30 GPM (451 to 4509 L/min)
    电气输出:Analog Current
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
  • Aalborg Instruments VXI-04*-4S4D 流量变送器

    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    气体体积流量:59.2 to 1198 SCFM (101 to 2036 m³/hr)
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    质量流量:8.03 to 1330 lbs/min (0.2186 to 36.19 metric tons/hr)
    介质温度范围:100 to 450 F (38 to 232 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    液体体积流量:119.00 to 1190.30 GPM (451 to 4509 L/min)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
  • Aalborg Instruments VXI-04*-4S4E 流量变送器

    精度:0.5000 ±%
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    质量流量:8.03 to 1330 lbs/min (0.2186 to 36.19 metric tons/hr)
    液体体积流量:119.00 to 1190.30 GPM (451 to 4509 L/min)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    气体体积流量:59.2 to 1198 SCFM (101 to 2036 m³/hr)
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    介质温度范围:100 to 450 F (38 to 232 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
  • Aalborg Instruments VXI-04*-4S6C 流量变送器

    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    气体体积流量:59.2 to 1198 SCFM (101 to 2036 m³/hr)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    电气输出:Analog Current
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    介质温度范围:100 to 450 F (38 to 232 C)
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    液体体积流量:119.00 to 1190.30 GPM (451 to 4509 L/min)
    质量流量:8.03 to 1330 lbs/min (0.2186 to 36.19 metric tons/hr)
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
  • Aalborg Instruments VXI-04*-4S6D 流量变送器

    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    质量流量:8.03 to 1330 lbs/min (0.2186 to 36.19 metric tons/hr)
    气体体积流量:59.2 to 1198 SCFM (101 to 2036 m³/hr)
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    液体体积流量:119.00 to 1190.30 GPM (451 to 4509 L/min)
    介质温度范围:100 to 450 F (38 to 232 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
  • Aalborg Instruments VXI-04*-4S6E 流量变送器

    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    质量流量:8.03 to 1330 lbs/min (0.2186 to 36.19 metric tons/hr)
    气体体积流量:59.2 to 1198 SCFM (101 to 2036 m³/hr)
    液体体积流量:119.00 to 1190.30 GPM (451 to 4509 L/min)
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    介质温度范围:100 to 450 F (38 to 232 C)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    电气输出:Analog Current
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
  • Aalborg Instruments VXI-04*-6S4C 流量变送器

    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current
    液体体积流量:119.00 to 1190.30 GPM (451 to 4509 L/min)
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    介质温度范围:-100 to 600 F (-73 to 316 C)
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    质量流量:8.03 to 1330 lbs/min (0.2186 to 36.19 metric tons/hr)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量:59.2 to 1198 SCFM (101 to 2036 m³/hr)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
  • Aalborg Instruments VXI-04*-6S4D 流量变送器

    气体体积流量:59.2 to 1198 SCFM (101 to 2036 m³/hr)
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    质量流量:8.03 to 1330 lbs/min (0.2186 to 36.19 metric tons/hr)
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    介质温度范围:100 to 600 F (38 to 316 C)
    液体体积流量:119.00 to 1190.30 GPM (451 to 4509 L/min)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    电气输出:Analog Current
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
  • Aalborg Instruments VXI-04*-6S4E 流量变送器

    精度:0.5000 ±%
    质量流量:8.03 to 1330 lbs/min (0.2186 to 36.19 metric tons/hr)
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    气体体积流量:59.2 to 1198 SCFM (101 to 2036 m³/hr)
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    介质温度范围:100 to 600 F (38 to 316 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    液体体积流量:119.00 to 1190.30 GPM (451 to 4509 L/min)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
  • Aalborg Instruments VXI-04*-6S6C 流量变送器

    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    电气输出:Analog Current
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    液体体积流量:119.00 to 1190.30 GPM (451 to 4509 L/min)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    介质温度范围:100 to 600 F (38 to 316 C)
    质量流量:8.03 to 1330 lbs/min (0.2186 to 36.19 metric tons/hr)
    气体体积流量:59.2 to 1198 SCFM (101 to 2036 m³/hr)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
  • Aalborg Instruments VXI-04*-6S6D 流量变送器

    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    质量流量:8.03 to 1330 lbs/min (0.2186 to 36.19 metric tons/hr)
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    电气输出:Analog Current
    气体体积流量:59.2 to 1198 SCFM (101 to 2036 m³/hr)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    液体体积流量:119.00 to 1190.30 GPM (451 to 4509 L/min)
    介质温度范围:100 to 600 F (38 to 316 C)
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
  • Aalborg Instruments VXI-04*-6S6E 流量变送器

    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    气体体积流量:59.2 to 1198 SCFM (101 to 2036 m³/hr)
    液体体积流量:119.00 to 1190.30 GPM (451 to 4509 L/min)
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    电气输出:Analog Current
    质量流量:8.03 to 1330 lbs/min (0.2186 to 36.19 metric tons/hr)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    介质温度范围:100 to 600 F (38 to 316 C)
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
  • Aalborg Instruments VXI-05*-4S4C 流量变送器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    介质温度范围:-100 to 450 F (-73 to 232 C)
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    液体体积流量:187.00 to 1871.60 GPM (708 to 7089 L/min)
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
  • Aalborg Instruments VXI-05*-4S4D 流量变送器

    接口选项:Serial / Digital
    液体体积流量:187.00 to 1871.60 GPM (708 to 7089 L/min)
    特征:Recorder / Totalizer Functions
    电气输出:Analog Current
    工作压力:0.0 to 1500 psi (0.0 to 1056 m H2O)
    产品类型:Mass Flow Meter; Volumetric Flow Meter
    精度:0.5000 ±%
    介质温度范围:100 to 450 F (38 to 232 C)
    工作温度:-15 to 140 F (-26 to 60 C)
    气体体积流量:99.8 to 2007 SCFM (170 to 3411 m³/hr)
    测量介质类型:Liquid (optional feature); Gas (optional feature); Steam
    审核认证:Underwriters Laboratory; Canadian Standards Association; EEXd IIB
    产品类别:Flow Transmitters
    测量技术:Velocity; Vortex (Shedding) Meter
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