上海蜀晋自动化设备有限公司 注册地址位于上海市奉贤区望园南路1288弄80号1904、1909室,注册机关为奉贤区市场监督管理局,法人代表为吉克尔石,经营范围包括一般项目:工业自动控制系统装置销售;电子元器件与机电组件设备销售;仪器仪表销售;五金产品批发;五金产品零售;办公设备销售;家用电器销售;化工产品销售(不含许可类化工产品);建筑材料销售;模具销售;塑料制品销售;电子产品销售;通信设备销售;母婴用品销售;家具销售;针纺织品销售;家居用品销售;日用百货销售;化妆品批发;化妆品零售;玩具销售;服装服饰批发;服装服饰零售;鞋帽批发;鞋帽零售;货物进出口;技术进出口。
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Pipe Diameter:0.50 inch (12.7 mm)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:0.11 to 33.00 GPM (0.4167 to 125 L/min)
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Pipe Diameter:0.25 inch (6.35 mm)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:0.02 to 5.00 GPM (0.0758 to 18.94 L/min)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Pipe Diameter:0.25 inch (6.35 mm)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:0.02 to 5.00 GPM (0.0758 to 18.94 L/min)
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Pipe Diameter:1.50 inch (38.1 mm)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:0.80 to 239.00 GPM (3.03 to 905 L/min)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:0.80 to 239.00 GPM (3.03 to 905 L/min)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Pipe Diameter:1.50 inch (38.1 mm)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:0.50 to 152.00 GPM (1.89 to 576 L/min)
    Pipe Diameter:1.25 inch (31.75 mm)
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Pipe Diameter:1.25 inch (31.75 mm)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:0.50 to 152.00 GPM (1.89 to 576 L/min)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:30.00 to 9336.00 GPM (114 to 35364 L/min)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Pipe Diameter:10.00 inch (254 mm)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:30.00 to 9336.00 GPM (114 to 35364 L/min)
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Pipe Diameter:10.00 inch (254 mm)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Pipe Diameter:12.00 inch (305 mm)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:45.00 to 13444.00 GPM (170 to 50924 L/min)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:45.00 to 13444.00 GPM (170 to 50924 L/min)
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Pipe Diameter:12.00 inch (305 mm)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:60.00 to 18299.00 GPM (227 to 69314 L/min)
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Pipe Diameter:14.00 inch (356 mm)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:60.00 to 18299.00 GPM (227 to 69314 L/min)
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Pipe Diameter:14.00 inch (356 mm)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Pipe Diameter:16.00 inch (406 mm)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:80.00 to 23901.00 GPM (303 to 90534 L/min)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Process Media Type:Liquid
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:80.00 to 23901.00 GPM (303 to 90534 L/min)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Pipe Diameter:16.00 inch (406 mm)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Process Media Type:Liquid
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Pipe Diameter:18.00 inch (457 mm)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:100.00 to 30250.00 GPM (379 to 114583 L/min)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Pipe Diameter:18.00 inch (457 mm)
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:100.00 to 30250.00 GPM (379 to 114583 L/min)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Pipe Diameter:2.50 inch (63.5 mm)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:2.00 to 631.00 GPM (7.58 to 2390 L/min)
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Process Media Type:Liquid
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Pipe Diameter:2.50 inch (63.5 mm)
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:2.00 to 631.00 GPM (7.58 to 2390 L/min)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:1.00 to 373.00 GPM (3.79 to 1413 L/min)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Pipe Diameter:2.00 inch (50.8 mm)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Pipe Diameter:2.00 inch (50.8 mm)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:1.00 to 373.00 GPM (3.79 to 1413 L/min)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:125.00 to 37346.00 GPM (473 to 141462 L/min)
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Pipe Diameter:20.00 inch (508 mm)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Pipe Diameter:20.00 inch (508 mm)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:125.00 to 37346.00 GPM (473 to 141462 L/min)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    精度:0.2500 ±%
    产品类别:Liquid Flow Meters
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:150.00 to 45188.00 GPM (568 to 171167 L/min)
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Pipe Diameter:22.00 inch (559 mm)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Process Media Type:Liquid
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    精度:0.2500 ±%
    特征:Built-in Alarm Indicator; Programmable; Recorder / Totalizer Functions; Suspended Solids / Slurries
    工作温度:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Flow Meters
    Pipe Diameter:22.00 inch (559 mm)
    End Fittings:Flanged
    Process Media Type:Liquid
    Media Temperature:311 F (155 C)
    Velocity Flow Rate:0.1000 to 39.4 ft/sec (0.0305 to 12.01 m/sec)
    Electrical Output:Current; Frequency; Voltage
    Front Panel Interface:Knobs/Switches
    Meter Type:Volumetric Flow Meter; Velocity Flow Meter
    Liquid Volumetric Flow Rate:150.00 to 45188.00 GPM (568 to 171167 L/min)
    Additional Variables Measured:Level
    Meter Technology:Electromagnetic
    Interface Options:Serial/Digital
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