成都智敏实业有限公司 注册地址位于成都市武侯区武侯大道顺江段77号4栋11层18号,注册机关为武侯区市场监督管理局,法人代表为谢朝敏,经营范围包括体育场馆、智能系统、竞赛系统、照明系统工程的咨询、开发、设计、施工;体育场馆管理;体育竞赛策划;软件开发;系统集成;销售:建辅建材、游泳设备、机电产品(不含汽车)、电线电缆、灯饰灯具、装饰材料、电器材料、电子产品、普通机械;生产、加工、销售场馆设备。
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC501-80K 称重传感器

    输出 :Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    额定力 :80000 lbs (36281 kg)
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC511-100 称重传感器

    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    额定力 :100 lbs (45.35 kg)
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC511-10K 称重传感器

    额定力 :10000 lbs (4535 kg)
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC511-1K 称重传感器

    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    额定力 :1000 lbs (454 kg)
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC511-200 称重传感器

    输出 :Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    额定力 :200 lbs (90.7 kg)
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC511-2K 称重传感器

    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    额定力 :2000 lbs (907 kg)
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC511-3K 称重传感器

    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    额定力 :3000 lbs (1361 kg)
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC511-500 称重传感器

    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    额定力 :500 lbs (227 kg)
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC511-5K 称重传感器

    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    额定力 :5000 lbs (2268 kg)
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC511-750 称重传感器

    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    额定力 :750 lbs (340 kg)
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC601-1 称重传感器

    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    应用:Weigh Scales
    额定力 :1 lbs (0.4535 kg)
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC601-10 称重传感器

    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    额定力 :10 lbs (4.54 kg)
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    应用:Weigh Scales
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC601-2 称重传感器

    应用:Weigh Scales
    额定力 :2 lbs (0.9070 kg)
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC601-25 称重传感器

    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    应用:Weigh Scales
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    额定力 :25 lbs (11.34 kg)
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC601-5 称重传感器

    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    应用:Weigh Scales
    额定力 :5 lbs (2.27 kg)
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC602-1.5K 称重传感器

    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    额定力 :1500 lbs (680 kg)
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    应用:Weigh Scales
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC602-100 称重传感器

    精度:-0.05 to 0.05 ±% Full Scale
    应用:Weigh Scales
    额定力 :100 lbs (45.35 kg)
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC602-10K 称重传感器

    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    额定力 :10000 lbs (4535 kg)
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    应用:Weigh Scales
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC602-1K 称重传感器

    输出 :Analog Voltage
    应用:Weigh Scales
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    额定力 :1000 lbs (454 kg)
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC602-2.5K 称重传感器

    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    应用:Weigh Scales
    额定力 :2500 lbs (1134 kg)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC602-250 称重传感器

    精度:-0.05 to 0.05 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    应用:Weigh Scales
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    额定力 :250 lbs (113 kg)
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC602-2K 称重传感器

    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    额定力 :2000 lbs (907 kg)
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    应用:Weigh Scales
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC602-50 称重传感器

    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    应用:Weigh Scales
    额定力 :50 lbs (22.68 kg)
    精度:-0.05 to 0.05 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC602-500 称重传感器

    额定力 :500 lbs (227 kg)
    应用:Weigh Scales
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    精度:-0.05 to 0.05 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • OMEGA Engineering 欧米茄 LC602-5K 称重传感器

    额定力 :5000 lbs (2268 kg)
    精度:-0.03 to 0.03 ±% Full Scale
    测力类型:Tension; Compression
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    应用:Weigh Scales
    工作温度 :-30 to 180 F (-34 to 82 C)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Temperature Compensated
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