深圳凯泽自动化设备有限公司 注册地址位于深圳市龙华区大浪街道上横朗社区上横朗第四工业区1号418B区,注册机关为深圳市市场监督管理局,法人代表为谢文,经营范围包括一般经营项目是:采购代理服务;国内贸易代理;电子元器件批发;电子元器件零售;电子元器件与机电组件设备销售;电力电子元器件销售;机械电气设备销售;机械设备研发;机械设备销售;电子、机械设备维护(不含特种设备);普通机械设备安装服务;仪器仪表销售;机电耦合系统研发;微特电机及组件销售;工业自动控制系统装置销售;电工仪器仪表销售;机械零件、零部件销售;通讯设备销售;电子产品销售;移动通信设备销售;五金产品批发;五金产品零售;金属材料销售;金属制品销售;化工产品销售(不含许可类化工产品);轻质建筑材料销售;建筑材料销售;建筑防水卷材产品销售;建筑装饰材料销售;日用百货销售;日用品销售;针纺织品销售;家居用品销售;化妆品批发;化妆品零售;玩具销售;玩具、动漫及游艺用品销售;工艺美术品及收藏品批发(象牙及其制品除外);工艺美术品及礼仪用品销售(象牙及其制品除外);工艺美术品及收藏品零售(象牙及其制品除外);第二类医疗器械零售。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动),许可经营项目是:技术进出口;货物进出口;第二类医疗器械销售。
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Integral Alignment Status LEDs
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Light Curtains
    Basic Object Detection:Finger; Hand; Body
    Protection Height:6.69 to 69.69 inch (170 to 1770 mm)
    Response Time:10 to 37 milliseconds
    Safety Category Type:Type 4; In Accordance with IEC 61496-1
    Sensitivity or Resolution:0.5512 to 1.97 inch (14 to 50 mm)
    Spanning Distance:11.81 to 1575 inch (300 to 40000 mm)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    "Optoelectronic safety device for guarding perimeter of hazardous areas. Safety Type 4 in accordance with IEC 61496-12, 3, or 4 beam light gridRange: 0.3 meter to 40 metersOne-piece extruded reinforced housing: 49 mm diameter round profile.. The housing profile is less susceptible to mechanical damage and misalignment from torsion or bending. IP67 rated ingress protection.","Safe Solutions for your Industry.Schmersal is focused on machine safety - protection for man and machine. For over 65 years Schmersal has developed a reputation for the design and manufacture of machine safeguarding switches that satisfy current safety requirements of the latest OSHA, ANSI, RIA and international standards and guidelines. Products supplied by Schmersal are used in a wide variety of applications in industries such as power presses, packaging, automotive, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, elevators, machine tools and heavy industry."
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Integral Alignment Status LEDs
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Light Curtains
    Basic Object Detection:Finger; Hand; Body
    Protection Height:19.69 inch (500 mm)
    Response Time:10 milliseconds
    Safety Category Type:Type 4; In Accordance with IEC 61496-1
    Spanning Distance:11.81 to 276 inch (300 to 7000 mm)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    "Optoelectronic safety device for guarding perimeter of hazardous areas. Safety Type 4 in accordance with IEC 61496-12 beam light grid. Emitter and receiver in one enclosure, retro reflector in other.*Range: 0.3 meter to 7 metersOne-piece extruded reinforced housing: 49 mm diameter round profile. The housing profile is less susceptible to mechanical damage and misalignment from torsion or bending. IP67 rated ingress protection. * Emitter\/receiver unit ordered separately from reflector unit.","Safe Solutions for your Industry.Schmersal is focused on machine safety - protection for man and machine. For over 65 years Schmersal has developed a reputation for the design and manufacture of machine safeguarding switches that satisfy current safety requirements of the latest OSHA, ANSI, RIA and international standards and guidelines. Products supplied by Schmersal are used in a wide variety of applications in industries such as power presses, packaging, automotive, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, elevators, machine tools and heavy industry."
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Integral Alignment Status LEDs; Muting
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Light Curtains
    Basic Object Detection:Finger; Hand; Body
    Protection Height:6.69 to 69.69 inch (170 to 1770 mm)
    Response Time:7 to 28.5 milliseconds
    Safety Category Type:In Accordance with IEC 61496-1
    Sensitivity or Resolution:0.5512 to 1.18 inch (14 to 30 mm)
    Spanning Distance:11.81 to 394 inch (300 to 10000 mm)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    "Optoelectronic safety device for guarding perimeter of hazardous areas. Safety Type 4 in accordance with IEC 61496-12, 3, or 4 beam light gridRange: 0.3 meter to 18 metersOne-piece extruded reinforced housing: 49 mm diameter round profile.. The housing profile is less susceptible to mechanical damage and misalignment from torsion or bending. IP67 rated ingress protection.","Safe Solutions for your Industry.Schmersal is focused on machine safety - protection for man and machine. For over 65 years Schmersal has developed a reputation for the design and manufacture of machine safeguarding switches that satisfy current safety requirements of the latest OSHA, ANSI, RIA and international standards and guidelines. Products supplied by Schmersal are used in a wide variety of applications in industries such as power presses, packaging, automotive, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, elevators, machine tools and heavy industry."
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Light Curtains
    Basic Object Detection:Finger; Hand; Body
    Response Time:10 milliseconds
    Safety Category Type:Type 4; In Accordance with IEC 61496-1
    Sensitivity or Resolution:31.5 inch (800 mm)
    Spanning Distance:11.81 to 472 inch (300 to 12000 mm)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    "Optoelectronic safety device for guarding perimeter of hazardous areas. Safety Type 4 in accordance with IEC 61496-12, 3, or 4 beam light gridRange: 0.3 meter to 12 metersOne-piece extruded reinforced housing -28 mm x 33 mm rectangular profile. The housing profile is less susceptible to mechanical damage and misalignment from torsion or bending. IP67 rated ingress protection. LED status display endcap - green for power, red for fault7 segment display - displays error codes and flashing signals to report specific faults and problemsMultiple integrated function options: • fixed blanking• floating blanking• fixed blanking with movable edge region• double reset• contactor control (EDM) • automatic mode• re-start mode• beam codingSimple selection and configuration of functions via a single push-button and the 7-segment display. Integrated alignment aid for easy set up.","Safe Solutions for your Industry.Schmersal is focused on machine safety - protection for man and machine. For over 65 years Schmersal has developed a reputation for the design and manufacture of machine safeguarding switches that satisfy current safety requirements of the latest OSHA, ANSI, RIA and international standards and guidelines. Products supplied by Schmersal are used in a wide variety of applications in industries such as power presses, packaging, automotive, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, elevators, machine tools and heavy industry."
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Integral Alignment Status LEDs
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Light Curtains
    Basic Object Detection:Finger; Hand; Body
    Protection Height:19.69 inch (500 mm)
    Response Time:18 milliseconds
    Safety Category Type:Type 4; In Accordance with IEC 61496-1
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Light Curtains
    Basic Object Detection:Finger; Hand; Body
    Protection Height:35.43 inch (900 mm)
    Response Time:10 milliseconds
    Safety Category Type:Type 4; In Accordance with IEC 61496-1
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:-13 to 122 F (-25 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Light Curtains
    Basic Object Detection:Finger; Hand; Body
    Protection Height:35.43 inch (900 mm)
    Response Time:10 milliseconds
    Safety Category Type:Type 4; In Accordance with IEC 61496-1
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:32 to 140 F (0.0 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Safety Mats
    Length:35 inch (889 mm)
    Maximum Mechanical Life:1.50E6 Activations
    Minimum Actuation Force:33.72 lbs (15.29 kg)
    Safety Category Type:Type 3
    Safety Mat Surface Features:Non-skid Surface; Chemical / Moisture Resistant
    Switch Configuration:Normally Closed
    Width:35 inch (889 mm)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    工作温度:32 to 140 F (0.0 to 60 C)
    产品类别:Safety Mats
    Length:35 inch (889 mm)
    Maximum Mechanical Life:1.50E6 Activations
    Minimum Actuation Force:33.72 lbs (15.29 kg)
    Safety Category Type:Type 3
    Safety Mat Surface Features:Non-skid Surface; Chemical / Moisture Resistant
    Switch Configuration:Normally Closed
    Width:35 inch (889 mm)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Safety Mat Controllers
    Controller Mounting:DIN Rail
    Input Power Requirement:Requires DC Power
    Max AC Voltage Rating:230 volts
    Max Current Rating:2 to 6 amps
    Max DC Voltage Rating:24 volts
    Max Power Rating:2 watts
    Operating Temp:-13 to 140 F (-25 to 60 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Safety Mat Controllers
    Controller Mounting:DIN Rail
    Input Power Requirement:Requires DC Power
    Max AC Voltage Rating:230 volts
    Max Current Rating:2 to 6 amps
    Max DC Voltage Rating:24 volts
    Max Power Rating:1.5 watts
    Operating Temp:-13 to 104 F (-25 to 40 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Safety Mat Controllers
    Controller Mounting:DIN Rail
    Input Power Requirement:Requires DC Power
    Max AC Voltage Rating:230 volts
    Max Current Rating:2 to 6 amps
    Max DC Voltage Rating:24 volts
    Max Power Rating:4.4 watts
    Operating Temp:-13 to 113 F (-25 to 45 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Safety Mat Controllers
    Controller Mounting:DIN Rail
    Input Power Requirement:Requires DC Power (optional feature); Requires AC Power (optional feature)
    Max AC Voltage Rating:230 volts
    Max Current Rating:2 to 6 amps
    Max DC Voltage Rating:24 volts
    Max Power Rating:3 watts
    Operating Temp:-13 to 113 F (-25 to 45 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Safety Mat Controllers
    Controller Mounting:DIN Rail
    Input Power Requirement:Requires DC Power
    Max AC Voltage Rating:230 volts
    Max Current Rating:2 to 6 amps
    Max DC Voltage Rating:24 volts
    Max Power Rating:2.6 watts
    Operating Temp:-13 to 140 F (-25 to 60 C)
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