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  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Mechanical Safety Interlock Switches
    CO Contacts:0.0 #
    Interlock Switch Style:Keyed or Tongue Style Interlock Switch
    International Approvals:BG, USA/CAN, CCC
    Mechanical Life:1.00E6 #
    NC Contacts:1 #
    NO Contacts:1 #
    Non-safety Outputs:0.0 (#)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    "Safety switches with separate actuators are suitable for sliding, hinged and particularly removable safety guards, which need to be closed to ensure the necessary operational security. They are also suitable for fitting on profile sections and existing equipment. In combination with safety control modules all safety switches with class 2 shown in this chapter achieve Control Category 3 or 4 to EN ISO 13849-1. Design and mode of operation: On the safety switches with class 2, the switching element is not physically connected to the actuator but functionally brought together or separated for switching. When the guarding device is opened, the actuator is separated from the base unit. In the process, NC contacts are positively opened and NO contacts closed. Enclosure rating of all the safety switches is IP 67. The safety switches can be fitted in any desired mounting position."
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Multi-actuator entry points; Visual Indicator
    产品类别:Mechanical Safety Interlock Switches
    CO Contacts:0.0 #
    Interlock Switch Style:Keyed or Tongue Style Interlock Switch
    International Approvals:BG, USA/CAN
    Mechanical Life:1.00E6 #
    NC Contacts:2 #
    NO Contacts:0.0 #
    Non-safety Outputs:0.0 (#)
    Operating Temp:-22 to 176 F (-30 to 80 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Mechanical Safety Interlock Switches
    CO Contacts:0.0 #
    Interlock Switch Style:Keyed or Tongue Style Interlock Switch
    International Approvals:BG, USA/CAN
    Mechanical Life:1.00E6 #
    NC Contacts:1 #
    NO Contacts:1 #
    Non-safety Outputs:0.0 (#)
    Operating Temp:-22 to 176 F (-30 to 80 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Mechanical Safety Interlock Switches
    CO Contacts:0.0 #
    Interlock Switch Style:Keyed or Tongue Style Interlock Switch
    International Approvals:BG, USA/CAN
    Mechanical Life:1.00E6 #
    NC Contacts:1 #
    NO Contacts:0.0 #
    Non-safety Outputs:0.0 (#)
    Operating Temp:-22 to 176 F (-30 to 80 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Mechanical Safety Interlock Switches
    CO Contacts:0.0 #
    Interlock Switch Style:Keyed or Tongue Style Interlock Switch
    International Approvals:BG, USA/CAN
    Mechanical Life:1.00E6 #
    NC Contacts:1 #
    NO Contacts:1 #
    Non-safety Outputs:0.0 (#)
    Operating Temp:-22 to 176 F (-30 to 80 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    "Safety switches with separate actuators are suitable for sliding, hinged and particularly removable safety guards, which need to be closed to ensure the necessary operational security. They are also suitable for fitting on profile sections and existing equipment. In combination with safety control modules all safety switches with class 2 shown in this chapter achieve Control Category 3 or 4 to EN ISO 13849-1. Design and mode of operation: On the safety switches with class 2, the switching element is not physically connected to the actuator but functionally brought together or separated for switching. When the guarding device is opened, the actuator is separated from the base unit. In the process, NC contacts are positively opened and NO contacts closed. Enclosure rating of all the safety switches is IP 67. The safety switches can be fitted in any desired mounting position."
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Mechanical Safety Interlock Switches
    CO Contacts:0.0 #
    Interlock Switch Style:Keyed or Tongue Style Interlock Switch
    International Approvals:USA/CAN, TUV
    Mechanical Life:1.00E6 #
    NC Contacts:0.0 #
    NO Contacts:0.0 #
    Non-safety Outputs:0.0 (#)
    Operating Temp:-13 to 158 F (-25 to 70 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Visual Indicator
    工作温度:-13 to 158 F (-25 to 70 C)
    产品类别:Noncontact Safety Interlock Switches
    Current Rating:0.0500 amps
    DC Voltage Rating:31.6 volts
    International Approvals:TUV, cULus, ASi-SaW, EAC
    Mechanical Life:1.00E6 #
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Visual Indicator; Tamper Resistant
    产品类别:Mechanical Safety Interlock Switches
    Interlock Switch Style:Keyed or Tongue Style Interlock Switch
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Visual Indicator; Tamper Resistant
    产品类别:Mechanical Safety Interlock Switches
    Current Rating:0.1000 amps
    DC Voltage Rating:31.6 volts
    Interlock Switch Style:Keyed or Tongue Style Interlock Switch
    International Approvals:TUV, cULus, ASi-SaW, EAC
    Mechanical Life:1.00E6 #
    Operating Temp:-13 to 149 F (-25 to 65 C)
    Solenoid Latching:Switch includes Solenoid Latching (Guard Interlock)
    Switch Type:Electrical Switching
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    "Application: Safety switches with separate actuators are suitable for sliding, hinged and particularly removable safety guards, which need to be closed to ensure the necessary operational security. They are also suitable for fitting on profile sections and existing equipment. In combination with safety control modules all safety switches with class 2 shown in this chapter achieve Control Category 3 or 4 to EN ISO 13849-1. Design and mode of operation: On the safety switches with class 2, the switching element is not physically connected to the actuator but functionally brought together or separated for switching. When the guarding device is opened, the actuator is separated from the base unit. In the process, NC contacts are positively opened and NO contacts closed. Enclosure rating of all the safety switches is IP 67. The safety switches can be fitted in any desired mounting position."
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Mechanical Safety Interlock Switches
    CO Contacts:0.0 #
    Interlock Switch Style:Keyed or Tongue Style Interlock Switch
    International Approvals:BG, USA/CAN, CCC
    Mechanical Life:1.00E6 #
    NC Contacts:1 #
    NO Contacts:0.0 #
    Non-safety Outputs:0.0 (#)
    Operating Temp:-22 to 176 F (-30 to 80 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    "Application: Everything on one handle. Less is more - that is the principle according to which Schmersal has designed the safety door handle series TG. The operator does not have to press a button on an external switching plate when the solenoid interlock at a safety guard needs to be unlocked. The switching function is now exactly where it is needed: On the safety door handle which is used to open the safety guard. All versions of the TG series have the same design principle: The push button to unlock the solenoid interlock has been integrated in the robust and well-shaped door handle. The button is at the front of the handle; two LEDs indicate if the safety guard is locked or authorized operation is given. When the green LED lights up, the operator presses the unlocking button with his thumb and can open the safety guard with the same hand. This does not only save mounting and installation effort but also optimizes the ergonomy. Because the operator has got everything on one handle. Even the Emergency Stop button: It can optionally be integrated in the safety door handle. With these advantages the new safety door handles are suitable for many different applications. Everywhere where solenoid interlocks are used, the TG series guarantees for an optimum combination of ergonomy, productivity and safety. Design and mode of operation: Two LEDs on above the enabling push button indicate, if the safety guard is locked or authorized operation is given. A start button with integrated LED can optionally be fitted in the top part of the handle or – as shown – on top of the enabling button. On the versions without an Emergency Stop button the start button can be mounted on top of the safety door handle. With the optional Emergency Stop button the operator can stop the complete machine in a hazardous condition. The different versions of the safety door handle are available with different switching functions. The enabling button transmits a signal to the solenoid to enable the solenoid interlock. Depending on the switching concept the user can choose between one NO, one change-over or one galvanically separated NC\/NO contact. The operating function of the solenoid interlock is indicated by one green and one red LED (other colors on request). The Emergency Stop button is optionally available with one or two positive break NC contacts. The Emergency Stop button conforms to the requirements of the EN ISO 13850; it is unlocked by turning. The safety door handle is made of robust and grip-friendly thermoplastic suitable for industrial applications. Because of the high protection class (IP 65) the safety door handle can also be used in rough environments. To realize fast mounting and exchange all safety door handles are equipped with one 8- or 12-pole plug-in connector. The 8-pole connector is delivered with a 5 m cable. The 12-pole connector is equipped with a screw connection to connect the wires."
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    "Application: Safety switches with separate actuators are suitable for sliding, hinged and particularly removable safety guards, which need to be closed to ensure the necessary operational security. They are also suitable for fitting on profile sections and existing equipment. In combination with safety control modules all safety switches with class 2 shown in this chapter achieve Control Category 3 or 4 to EN ISO 13849-1. Design and mode of operation: On the safety switches with class 2, the switching element is not physically connected to the actuator but functionally brought together or separated for switching. When the guarding device is opened, the actuator is separated from the base unit. In the process, NC contacts are positively opened and NO contacts closed. Enclosure rating of all the safety switches is IP 67. The safety switches can be fitted in any desired mounting position."
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Mechanical Safety Interlock Switches
    CO Contacts:0.0 #
    Interlock Switch Style:Keyed or Tongue Style Interlock Switch
    International Approvals:BG, CCC
    Mechanical Life:1.00E6 #
    NC Contacts:1 #
    NO Contacts:1 #
    Non-safety Outputs:0.0 (#)
    Operating Temp:-13 to 176 F (-25 to 80 C)
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Mechanical Safety Interlock Switches
    Interlock Switch Style:Keyed or Tongue Style Interlock Switch
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    "• thermoplastic enclosure • Double-insulated • Interlock with protection against incorrect locking. • 130 mm x 90 mm x 30 mm • 6 Contacts • Long life • Large wiring compartment • Emergency exit, lateral • cable entries 4 M 16 x 1.5","Safe Solutions for your Industry.Schmersal is focused on machine safety - protection for man and machine. For over 65 years Schmersal has developed a reputation for the design and manufacture of machine safeguarding switches that satisfy current safety requirements of the latest OSHA, ANSI, RIA and international standards and guidelines. Products supplied by Schmersal are used in a wide variety of applications in industries such as power presses, packaging, automotive, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, elevators, machine tools and heavy industry."
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    产品类别:Mechanical Safety Interlock Switches
    CO Contacts:0.0 #
    Interlock Switch Style:Keyed or Tongue Style Interlock Switch
    International Approvals:BG, USA/CAN, CCC
    Mechanical Life:1.00E6 #
    NC Contacts:1 #
    NO Contacts:1 #
    Non-safety Outputs:0.0 (#)
    Operating Temp:-13 to 140 F (-25 to 60 C)
    Retaining Force:4.8 lbs (2.18 kg)
    Solenoid Operating Voltage:250 VAC
  • Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 SPT 系列 工业压力传感器

    特征:Visual Indicator
    产品类别:Mechanical Safety Interlock Switches
    Current Rating:0.5000 amps
    DC Voltage Rating:31.6 volts
    Interlock Switch Style:Keyed or Tongue Style Interlock Switch; Hinge Operated Style Interlock Switch
    Mechanical Life:1.00E6 #
    Operating Temp:-13 to 140 F (-25 to 60 C)
    Shaft Rotation for Positive Opening - High:13.5 degrees
    Shaft Rotation for Positive Opening - Low:4 degrees
    Switch Type:Electrical Switching
1 2 3 4 ... 18

