Electro-Voice","Compact, easily arrayable cabinets, featuring Ring Mode Decoupled™ (RMD™), three-inch, high-frequency, titanium compression drivers.","The Fri+ series of Professional Fixed Install Speakers deliver a broad range of performance options including multiple horn patterns, easily switchable passive or bi-amp operation, and EV's World renown transducer technology for response that is smooth and linear. The Fri+ is an economical and flexible solution for the most demanding installations. Offering superior performance, the Fri+152\/66 is also equipped with 12- recessed shoulder bolted suspension points for easy flying and each cabinet includes 3, 3\/8\" forged eye-bolts for convenience. All Fri+ speakers have a vertical box height of 28\" allowing neat, concise and visually appealing arrays. The fully rotatable horns allow the installer to construct arrays covering the most demanding acoustical environments while maintaining an aesthetic and uniform installation. The structural integrity of the Fri+ cabinets allow for vertical arrays up 3 boxes in depth. Fri+ speakers are specifically recommended for demanding, cost conscious installations such as Houses of Worship, Nightclubs, Live Music Venues, and mutli-use spaces such as Gymnasiums and Auditoriums. All Fri+ speakers employ EV's exclusive Ring Mode Decoupling (RMDtm) and high performance, World Class EV transducer design and technology to ensure maximum speech intelligibility and musical clarity. Additionally, all Fri+ systems are available in Black, White and Unfinished options.
Fender Pro A/V系统,100W动力(双安培)10,双向监视器。包括麦克风/线路输入、音调控制、前置放大器输出和电源放大器输入连接,以及全时15v DC幻像电源。,供电的双向同轴模制外壳显示器。100W供电(双安培)10英寸双向显示器。包括麦克风/线路输入、音调控制、前置放大器输出和电源放大器输入连接以及15伏全时直流幻像电源
Tannoy\/TGI North America,Inc.,iP5 Mirage是一款DML(分布式模式扬声器)平板天花板扬声器,采用NXT u2122授权的技术制作嵌装隔音砖。,iP5 Mirage是一款DML(分布式模式扬声器)平板天花板扬声器,采用NXT™许可的技术,制造一种嵌装式隔音砖,设计成可以不显眼地安装在标准吊顶中。其结果是一个安全、可靠、自然的声音解决方案,与建筑环境无缝融合。提供两个版本:iP5幻影-专为欧洲天花板瓷砖网格应用而设计:iP5幻影2 x 2-适用于北美天花板瓷砖网格。
Tannoy\/TGI North America,Inc.,这种高刚性、纤细和优雅的落地式柜体设计采用了全面的内部支撑;这确保了最高水平的结构刚性产生最佳的声学性能。DC3与其他系列共享相同的声学技术,它有一个165mm(6.50英寸)屏蔽铸造底盘双同心单元的驱动单元,外加165mm(6.50英寸)低音驱动单元和25毫米(1.00英寸)钛圆顶宽带超高音扬声器。作为高质量影音系统的核心,这些扬声器将超过最具洞察力的发烧友和家庭影院爱好者的期望。真正的音乐灵活性,加上规模,动态和细节的准确性是复制最苛刻的现代电影原声带所必需的,以其价格提供了无与伦比的规格。两个频道的爱好者也不会失望,爱瑞斯DC3是一个微妙的,但令人印象深刻的表现在家中高端放大。实木贴面橱柜是用最好的部件手工制作而成的。大型前挡板由30mm厚的高级中密度纤维板加工而成,18mm中密度纤维板外壳经过全面支撑,以提供最高水平的结构刚度。该系列的其他功能包括双接线、射频接地和用于优化室内声学的可变端口阻尼。