LumaSense Technologies
关于 LumaSense Technologies 科技集团在温度和气体传感测量领域,LumaSense Technologies GmbH (An Advanced Energy Company) 是专门为工业、能源、太阳能、医疗和清洁技术领域提供解决方案。为终端用户、原始设备制造商设计和制造传感器。LumaSense提供专业技术,致力于推动发展红外光纤温度传感测量、红外热成像测量、气体分析。两大核心优势 :测量技术和系统的解决方案。品质与服务是公司的核心价值,经验丰富的技术人员和优良的团队(数十年行业研发经验的技术专家)提供保障。LumaSense专注于通过合格的产品和全套的解决方案来满足顾客的需求。具备强大的应用工程师团队、丰富广泛的产品系列,能深刻理解用户的现场需求,提供正确完整的系统解决方案。LumaSense的使命是为用户提供完善的传感测量方案。LumaSense将各项优势的测量技术整合在一起,为用户提供特色的测量方案。LumaSense集团创建于2005年旗下具有在温度与气体传感测量领域有5个品牌 : Luxtron、Mikron、Impac、Innova 和 Andros. 旗下品牌: 德国 IMPAC 红外公司 : 专注于非接触式温度测量的红外测温计(创建于1958年)美国 MIKRON 红外公司 : 专注于红外热成像仪、黑体辐射校准源(创建于1969年) LUXTRON : 专注于光纤式温度测量传感器(创建于1978年) INNOVA :  专注与气体监测与分析(创建于1978年)。ANDROS : 专注于非分光红外(NDIR)和分光红外(DIR)气体监测与分析(创建于1969年) 更多信息请参考
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IS 140-PB 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1
    特性:Records Min/Max Values; Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting; Application Software Included
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:550 to 3500 C (1022 to 6332 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:0.7000 to 1.1 microns (0.7000 to 1.1 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IS 140-PN 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1
    特性:Records Min/Max Values; Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting; Application Software Included
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:550 to 3500 C (1022 to 6332 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:0.7000 to 1.1 microns (0.7000 to 1.1 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IPE 140&34 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1
    特性:Records Min/Max Values; Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting (optional feature)
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:50 to 500 C (122 to 932 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:3.43 microns (3.43 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IGA 140-TV 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1
    特性:Records Min/Max Values; Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting (optional feature); Application Software Included
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:220 to 3000 C (428 to 5432 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:1.45 to 1.8 microns (1.45 to 1.8 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. E²T PULSAR 4 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:350 to 2000 C (662 to 3632 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IGA 8 Pro 红外线温度计

    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1
    特性:Battery Powered; Has Datalogger or Data Collection Capability; Records Min/Max Values; Application Software Included (optional feature)
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:250 to 2000 C (482 to 3632 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:1.45 to 1.8 microns (1.45 to 1.8 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IS 8 Pro 红外线温度计

    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1
    特性:Battery Powered; Has Datalogger or Data Collection Capability; Records Min/Max Values; Application Software Included (optional feature)
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:600 to 2500 C (1112 to 4532 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:0.7800 to 1.1 microns (0.7800 to 1.1 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IS 8-GS Pro 红外线温度计

    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1
    特性:Battery Powered; Has Datalogger or Data Collection Capability; Records Min/Max Values; Application Software Included (optional feature)
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:1000 to 2000 C (1832 to 3632 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:0.5500 microns (0.5500 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IGA 315-K 红外线温度计

    目标发射率:0.1000 to 0.9900
    特性:Battery Powered; Has Datalogger or Data Collection Capability; Records Min/Max Values; Application Software Included (optional feature)
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:600 to 1600 C (1112 to 2912 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:1.58 to 1.8 microns (1.58 to 1.8 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IGA 15 plus 红外线温度计

    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1
    特性:Battery Powered; Has Datalogger or Data Collection Capability; Records Min/Max Values; Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting; Application Software Included (optional feature)
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:250 to 1800 C (482 to 3272 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:1.45 to 1.8 microns (1.45 to 1.8 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. UV 400 and UVR 400 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1
    特性:Records Min/Max Values
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:650 to 1300 C (1202 to 2372 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:0.3830 to 0.4100 microns (0.3830 to 0.4100 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IN 6&78-L and IN 6&78-H 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1.25
    特性:Application Software Included
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:150 to 1100 C (302 to 2012 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:7.8 microns (7.8 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IGAR 6 Advanced 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.0500 to 1
    特性:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting (optional feature); Application Software Included
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:100 to 2000 C (212 to 3632 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:1.5 to 2.5 microns (1.5 to 2.5 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. ISQ 5 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.0500 to 1
    特性:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting (optional feature); Application Software Included (optional feature)
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:600 to 3000 C (1112 to 5432 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:0.9000 to 1.05 microns (0.9000 to 1.05 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. ISQ 5-LO 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.0500 to 1
    特性:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting; Application Software Included (optional feature)
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:700 to 2500 C (1292 to 4532 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:0.7000 to 1.15 microns (0.7000 to 1.15 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IGA 5 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.2000 to 1
    特性:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting (optional feature); Application Software Included (optional feature)
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:250 to 2000 C (482 to 3632 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:1.45 to 1.8 microns (1.45 to 1.8 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IS 5 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.2000 to 1
    特性:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting (optional feature); Application Software Included (optional feature)
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:600 to 2500 C (1112 to 4532 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:0.8000 to 1.1 microns (0.8000 to 1.1 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IGA 6 Advanced 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.0500 to 1
    特性:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting; Application Software Included
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:250 to 2500 C (482 to 4532 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:1.45 to 1.8 microns (1.45 to 1.8 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IGA 6&23 Advanced 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.0500 to 1
    特性:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting (optional feature); Application Software Included
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:50 to 1800 C (122 to 3272 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:2 to 2.6 microns (2 to 2.6 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IN 2000 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1
    特性:Records Min/Max Values
    测温范围:-32 to 900 C (-25.6 to 1652 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:8 to 14 microns (8 to 14 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IN 3000 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1
    特性:Records Min/Max Values
    测温范围:0.0 to 500 C (32 to 932 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:8 to 14 microns (8 to 14 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IS 6 Advanced 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.0500 to 1
    特性:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting; Application Software Included
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:600 to 3000 C (1112 to 5432 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:0.7000 to 1.1 microns (0.7000 to 1.1 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. ISR 6 Advanced 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.0500 to 1
    特性:Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting (optional feature); Application Software Included
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:600 to 3000 C (1112 to 5432 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:0.9000 to 1.05 microns (0.9000 to 1.05 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. ISR 6-TI Advanced 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    目标发射率:0.0500 to 1
    特性:Application Software Included
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:700 to 1800 C (1292 to 3272 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:0.9000 to 1.05 microns (0.9000 to 1.05 micrometers)
  • LumaSense Technologies, Inc. IGA 12-TSP 红外线温度计

    附加输出选项:Outputs an analog current signal
    应用:Industrial; Other Special Purpose
    目标发射率:0.1000 to 1
    特性:Records Min/Max Values; Laser Spot Aiming / Sighting (optional feature); Application Software Included
    接口选项:Serial Interface
    测温范围:200 to 1400 C (392 to 2552 F)
    产品类别:Infrared Thermometers
    光谱范围:1.57 microns (1.57 micrometers)
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