RS Components 欧时
工程师的全球经销商英国 RS Components 公司是电子组件公司的贸易品牌。超过 75 年来,我们一直为工程师和采购专家竭诚服务,我们是全球领先的高品质服务分销商,经销电子、自动化与控制元件、工具和耗材,为全球超过一百万家客户提供服务。我们在 32 个国家/地区开展业务,拥有全球配送网络,每天运送超过44,000个包裹。我们的产品来自2500家领先供应商,包括半导体、互连、无源器件和机电、自动化和控制、电气、测试和测量、工具和耗材。起源1937 年在伦敦一个租用的车库中,Radiospares 开始了其作为无线电部件及相关产品分销商的生涯。我们公司的目标很简单,就是提供客户所需的替换部件。自其成立之初,Radiospares 便致力于一个目标:提供卓越的服务。公司创始人当初的任务就是为各种情况提供更换部件,因此,他们始终都在向其供货添加额外的产品。当电视机流行之时,电视机部件即被添加到 Radiospares 的产品清单之中。到战争结束时,这家小型的本地公司已蜕变成为大型的全国性分销企业。在新发展方面持续领先二十世纪五十年代,Radiospares 将其分销业务拓展至工业领域。1967 年,公司以 Electrocomponents PLC 之名在伦敦证券交易所挂牌上市。为体现其自 1971 年提供的远超无线电部件的更广泛产品范围,Radiospares 更名为 RS Components。截至 1981 年,我们的市值已升至 6000 万英镑,并于 1984 年决定将业务集中在位于 Corby 的一家新建成的大型仓库。此设施被建成我们的主要仓库,可以存放和分发我们的大量电子和维护产品。到 1995 年时,我们已囤积了 58000 种不同的产品系列,且货架上的任何产品均可在订单下达之日装运发货,确保客户可在次日收到产品。这种次日送达服务是 RS Components 取得成功的主要因素。储存各种系列的大量电子与维护产品的能力以及我们对快速“周转”的专注,为我们赢得了大量的忠实客户。由于公司增长迅速,我们于 1997 年在英国纽尼顿启用另一个 500000 平方英尺的先进设施,时至今日,它依然是我们的全球物流中心。为全球工程师提供支持二十世纪九十年代,RS Components 开始向国际市场扩张。通过收购策略,我们很快便在整个欧洲和亚洲建立起稳固的地位。此过程自 1990 年收购 Verospeed(一家在法国和奥地利开展业务的分销公司)开始。在随后的两年中,RS 新创企业在德国、丹麦和意大利成立。截至 1996 年,RS Components 的全球网络已覆盖南非、新加坡、新西兰和智利。1997 年,我们在新加坡的地区分销中心正式开业,标志着我们扩张至亚洲的重大举措。RS Components 也在香港及中国其他六个地区设立了办事处。1999 年 RS 日本公司成立,成为电子行业中首家在日本市场提供小订单及高水平服务的企业。在此期间,我们还建立了众多市场内部仓库以便为本地市场提供支持,并履行“当日发货,准时交货”的服务承诺。利用电子商务的力量2000 年,Electrocomponents成为构成富时 100 指数(FTSE 100 Index)的英国规模最大的企业之一。大致在此时期,我们接受了新技术,自 1998 年开始启动全面交易型 B2B 网站。此业届首个交易网站日夜无休地致力于加速及简化电子与维护产品的订购。我们的网上渠道吸引了大量客户,2001 年至 2002 年期间,互联网的同比销售额增长了超过 50%。2002 年,Electrocomponents 推出称为“PurchasingManager™”的免费电子采购服务,拓展了其在线货物供应。此易于实施的工具可让企业的采购专员致力于更重要的任务,从而使企业能够节省时间与金钱。随后,我们又很快研发出包括 3D CAD 模型库在内的其他数码革新并发布了我们的获奖工具—DesignSpark与DesignSpark PCB。这些实用的设计工具有助于工程师更高效地工作。在本年代末期,RS Components 在英国、欧洲和亚太地区推出了新的行业标准包装。此项新服务旨在满足工程师的小批量生产需求。2011 年,我们推出了B2B 忠诚计划RS Infinity,实现了另一个行业第一。如今,我们提供的产品与服务能够支持从研发到预生产再到维护与维修的整个产品生命周期,并可在收到订单的当日装运超过 46000 个包裹。 这样的速度与效率使得 RS Components 在享有盛誉的“供应链杰出表现奖”评选中荣膺“卓越运营奖”。2012 年迄今为止,我们已荣获英国最受瞩目的企业奖—“女王企业奖”,以及在国际电子商情(中国)分销商奖项中荣获“2012 年度最佳电子商务分销商”。
  • RS Components 欧时 1135128 兆欧表

    "Fluke 1662 part of the 1660 Series. The new Fluke 1660 series verify the safety of electrical installations in domestic, commercial and industrial applications. They ensure that fixed wiring is safe and correctly installed to meet the requirements of IEC 60364 and all relevant local standards. Fluke 1660 series are the only testers that help prevent damage to connected appliances. Fluke 1662 ensures Fluke reliability, simple operation and all the testing power you need for basic installation testing.RCD tripping current level ramp test. RCD auto test and ramp test. Pulsating dc sensitive RCD tests (G & S-type). Remote probe. On\/Off switchable auto-start for RCD and Looptest. Heavy duty, single input line cord. Computer interfaceLoop Impedance Test Type = Phase to Earth, Phase to NeutralAutomatic RCD Test = YesRCD Ramp Test = YesInsulation Test Voltage = 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 VMaximum Voltage Measurement = 500V ac\/dcTest Type = Continuity, Frequency, Insulation Resistance, Loop and Line Resistance, Measure Motor Windings, Phase Sequence Test, Prospective Earth Fault Current, Prospective Short Circuit Current, RCD Test, Resistance, Voltage, Wiring PolarityDownloadable Data = YesContinuity Test Current = 10mARemote Switch Mode = YesSafety Category = CAT III 500 V, CAT IV 300 V"
  • RS Components 欧时 1135136 兆欧表

    "Fluke 1662 part of the 1660 Series. The new Fluke 1660 series verify the safety of electrical installations in domestic, commercial and industrial applications. They ensure that fixed wiring is safe and correctly installed to meet the requirements of IEC 60364 and all relevant local standards. Fluke 1660 series are the only testers that help prevent damage to connected appliances. Fluke 1662 ensures Fluke reliability, simple operation and all the testing power you need for basic installation testing.RCD tripping current level ramp test. RCD auto test and ramp test. Pulsating dc sensitive RCD tests (G & S-type). Remote probe. On\/Off switchable auto-start for RCD and Looptest. Heavy duty, single input line cord. Computer interfaceCalibrated = RSCALLoop Impedance Test Type = Phase to Earth, Phase to NeutralAutomatic RCD Test = YesRCD Ramp Test = YesInsulation Test Voltage = 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 VMaximum Voltage Measurement = 500V ac\/dcTest Type = Continuity, Frequency, Insulation Resistance, Loop and Line Resistance, Measure Motor Windings, Phase Sequence Test, Prospective Earth Fault Current, Prospective Short Circuit Current, RCD Test, Resistance, Voltage, Wiring PolarityDownloadable Data = YesContinuity Test Current = 10mARemote Switch Mode = Yes"
  • RS Components 欧时 1135137 兆欧表

    "Fluke 1662 part of the 1660 Series. The new Fluke 1660 series verify the safety of electrical installations in domestic, commercial and industrial applications. They ensure that fixed wiring is safe and correctly installed to meet the requirements of IEC 60364 and all relevant local standards. Fluke 1660 series are the only testers that help prevent damage to connected appliances. Fluke 1662 ensures Fluke reliability, simple operation and all the testing power you need for basic installation testing.RCD tripping current level ramp test. RCD auto test and ramp test. Pulsating dc sensitive RCD tests (G & S-type). Remote probe. On\/Off switchable auto-start for RCD and Looptest. Heavy duty, single input line cord. Computer interfaceCalibrated = UKASLoop Impedance Test Type = Phase to Earth, Phase to NeutralAutomatic RCD Test = YesRCD Ramp Test = YesInsulation Test Voltage = 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 VMaximum Voltage Measurement = 500V ac\/dcTest Type = Continuity, Frequency, Insulation Resistance, Loop and Line Resistance, Measure Motor Windings, Phase Sequence Test, Prospective Earth Fault Current, Prospective Short Circuit Current, RCD Test, Resistance, Voltage, Wiring PolarityDownloadable Data = YesContinuity Test Current = 10mARemote Switch Mode = Yes"
  • RS Components 欧时 1176035 兆欧表

    "The new MFT1700 series from Megger tests low voltage electrical installations to BS7671. Providing all the tests required to complete the necessary electrical certification for industrial, commercial and domestic fixed wiring installations. The unique design allows it to be operated while mounted on the floor, a ladder-shelf, platform, and held or hung around the neck. The new MFT1700 series includes full input protection and safety warnings when a hazardous voltage is present. If live voltages exist on a circuit during insulation or continuity testing, the voltage is displayed on the screen. If this voltage exceeds a safe level, further testing is inhibited and a warning beep sounds. MFT1731 On-Site option is available complete with PowerSuite® Lite software. MFT1731 On-Site provides a professional solution to certification with electronic form completion from stored data within the MFT. Download to a mobile device such as a Smartphone or direct to a PC.Simple colour-coded test selection. Large clear backlit display for ease of use. Dual TEST and LOCK buttons, easy to use left or right handed. Two and three wire non-trip loop testing for RCD protected circuits. Type-B RCD and 3 phase RCD testing for industrial applications with no Earth - MFT1721 and MFT1731 ONLY. 3-terminal earth test and stake less testing for electrode resistance measurement. EN61010 CAT IV safety rating. Fully compliant with IEC 60364, VDE 0100 & BS7671. Durable IP54 case. Lightweight, compact designLoop Impedance Test Type = 2 Wire, 3 WireCalibrated = RSCALAutomatic RCD Test = YesRCD Ramp Test = YesNon-Tripping = YesInsulation Test Voltage = 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 VMaximum Voltage Measurement = 600VTest Type = ContinuityEarth Resistance Measurement = YesDownloadable Data = Yes"
  • RS Components 欧时 1176036 兆欧表

    "The new MFT1700 series from Megger tests low voltage electrical installations to BS7671. Providing all the tests required to complete the necessary electrical certification for industrial, commercial and domestic fixed wiring installations. The unique design allows it to be operated while mounted on the floor, a ladder-shelf, platform, and held or hung around the neck. The new MFT1700 series includes full input protection and safety warnings when a hazardous voltage is present. If live voltages exist on a circuit during insulation or continuity testing, the voltage is displayed on the screen. If this voltage exceeds a safe level, further testing is inhibited and a warning beep sounds. MFT1731 On-Site option is available complete with PowerSuite® Lite software. MFT1731 On-Site provides a professional solution to certification with electronic form completion from stored data within the MFT. Download to a mobile device such as a Smartphone or direct to a PC.Simple colour-coded test selection. Large clear backlit display for ease of use. Dual TEST and LOCK buttons, easy to use left or right handed. Two and three wire non-trip loop testing for RCD protected circuits. Type-B RCD and 3 phase RCD testing for industrial applications with no Earth - MFT1721 and MFT1731 ONLY. 3-terminal earth test and stake less testing for electrode resistance measurement. EN61010 CAT IV safety rating. Fully compliant with IEC 60364, VDE 0100 & BS7671. Durable IP54 case. Lightweight, compact designCalibrated = UKASLoop Impedance Test Type = 2 Wire, 3 WireAutomatic RCD Test = YesRCD Ramp Test = YesNon-Tripping = YesInsulation Test Voltage = 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 VMaximum Voltage Measurement = 600VTest Type = ContinuityEarth Resistance Measurement = YesDownloadable Data = Yes"
  • RS Components 欧时 1176037 兆欧表

    "The new MFT1700 series from Megger tests low voltage electrical installations to BS7671. Providing all the tests required to complete the necessary electrical certification for industrial, commercial and domestic fixed wiring installations. The unique design allows it to be operated while mounted on the floor, a ladder-shelf, platform, and held or hung around the neck. The new MFT1700 series includes full input protection and safety warnings when a hazardous voltage is present. If live voltages exist on a circuit during insulation or continuity testing, the voltage is displayed on the screen. If this voltage exceeds a safe level, further testing is inhibited and a warning beep sounds. MFT1731 On-Site option is available complete with PowerSuite® Lite software. MFT1731 On-Site provides a professional solution to certification with electronic form completion from stored data within the MFT. Download to a mobile device such as a Smartphone or direct to a PC.Simple colour-coded test selection. Large clear backlit display for ease of use. Dual TEST and LOCK buttons, easy to use left or right handed. Two and three wire non-trip loop testing for RCD protected circuits. Type-B RCD and 3 phase RCD testing for industrial applications with no Earth - MFT1721 and MFT1731 ONLY. 3-terminal earth test and stake less testing for electrode resistance measurement. EN61010 CAT IV safety rating. Fully compliant with IEC 60364, VDE 0100 & BS7671. Durable IP54 case. Lightweight, compact designLoop Impedance Test Type = 2 Wire, 3 WireCalibrated = RSCALAutomatic RCD Test = YesRCD Ramp Test = YesNon-Tripping = YesInsulation Test Voltage = 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 VMaximum Voltage Measurement = 600VTest Type = ContinuityEarth Resistance Measurement = YesDownloadable Data = Yes"
  • RS Components 欧时 1176038 兆欧表

    "The new MFT1700 series from Megger tests low voltage electrical installations to BS7671. Providing all the tests required to complete the necessary electrical certification for industrial, commercial and domestic fixed wiring installations. The unique design allows it to be operated while mounted on the floor, a ladder-shelf, platform, and held or hung around the neck. The new MFT1700 series includes full input protection and safety warnings when a hazardous voltage is present. If live voltages exist on a circuit during insulation or continuity testing, the voltage is displayed on the screen. If this voltage exceeds a safe level, further testing is inhibited and a warning beep sounds. MFT1731 On-Site option is available complete with PowerSuite® Lite software. MFT1731 On-Site provides a professional solution to certification with electronic form completion from stored data within the MFT. Download to a mobile device such as a Smartphone or direct to a PC.Simple colour-coded test selection. Large clear backlit display for ease of use. Dual TEST and LOCK buttons, easy to use left or right handed. Two and three wire non-trip loop testing for RCD protected circuits. Type-B RCD and 3 phase RCD testing for industrial applications with no Earth - MFT1721 and MFT1731 ONLY. 3-terminal earth test and stake less testing for electrode resistance measurement. EN61010 CAT IV safety rating. Fully compliant with IEC 60364, VDE 0100 & BS7671. Durable IP54 case. Lightweight, compact designCalibrated = UKASLoop Impedance Test Type = 2 Wire, 3 WireAutomatic RCD Test = YesRCD Ramp Test = YesNon-Tripping = YesInsulation Test Voltage = 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 VMaximum Voltage Measurement = 600VTest Type = ContinuityEarth Resistance Measurement = YesDownloadable Data = Yes"
  • RS Components 欧时 1225902 兆欧表

    "TESTECRAN+â„¢ is used to check the outer sheath of an underground medium or low voltage cable By measuring the insulation resistance between the screen and earth. If a faulty condition is found, corrective measures must be taken to ensure ongoing good cable function. It is a hand held device supplied in a carrying case with its earth peg and connecting cables.Power: 4 x batteries 1.5 V. Dimensions: 150 x 80 x30 mm . Weight: 0.6 KgTester Type = Insulation TesterPower Source = BatteryWidth = 80mmWeight = 600gLength = 150mmHeight = 30mmDimensions = 150 x 80 x 30mmModel Number p = TESTECRAN+"
  • RS Components 欧时 1231931 兆欧表

    直流电流输出:0.2000 amps
    电阻范围:2.00E6 kohms
    工作温度:32 to 104 F (0.0 to 40 C)
  • RS Components 欧时 1231934 兆欧表

    直流电流输出:1.00E-3 amps
    电阻范围:4.00E6 kohms
    工作温度:32 to 104 F (0.0 to 40 C)
  • RS Components 欧时 1231955 兆欧表

    直流电流输出:0.2000 amps
    电阻范围:2.00E6 kohms
    工作温度:32 to 104 F (0.0 to 40 C)
  • RS Components 欧时 1231956 兆欧表

    直流电流输出:0.2000 amps
    电阻范围:2.00E6 kohms
    工作温度:32 to 104 F (0.0 to 40 C)
  • RS Components 欧时 1231969 兆欧表

    直流电流输出:1.00E-3 amps
    电阻范围:4.00E6 kohms
    工作温度:32 to 104 F (0.0 to 40 C)
  • RS Components 欧时 1231970 兆欧表

    直流电流输出:1.00E-3 amps
    电阻范围:4.00E6 kohms
    工作温度:32 to 104 F (0.0 to 40 C)
  • RS Components 欧时 1232237 兆欧表

    直流电流输出:1.00E-3 amps
    电阻范围:4.00E6 kohms
    工作温度:32 to 104 F (0.0 to 40 C)
  • RS Components 欧时 1232328 兆欧表

    直流电流输出:1.00E-3 amps
    电阻范围:4.00E6 kohms
    工作温度:32 to 104 F (0.0 to 40 C)
  • RS Components 欧时 1232329 兆欧表

    直流电流输出:1.00E-3 amps
    电阻范围:4.00E6 kohms
    工作温度:32 to 104 F (0.0 to 40 C)
  • RS Components 欧时 1233220 兆欧表

    电阻范围:2.00E7 kohms
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0.0 to 50 C)
  • RS Components 欧时 1233386 兆欧表

    电阻范围:2.00E7 kohms
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0.0 to 50 C)
  • RS Components 欧时 1233387 兆欧表

    电阻范围:2.00E7 kohms
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0.0 to 50 C)
  • RS Components 欧时 2478562 兆欧表

    直流电流输出:0.0050 amps
    工作温度:5 to 131 F (-15 to 55 C)
  • RS Components 欧时 3095758 兆欧表

    "Earth testing: the new NF C 15-100 standard requires an earth conductor for all circuits. This tester immediately indicates whether the earth conductor in each of your sockets is connected. Phase location: finding the phase in relation to neutral is increasingly required, some electronic equipment already requires polarisation. Differential testing: the NF C 15-100 standard extends the application of differential protection. The CATEX tests each of the sensitivities 30, 300, 500 and 650 mA, as well as selectivity. Socket testing: for testing your work after completion.Maximum Voltage Measurement = 230VEarth Resistance Measurement = YesContinuity Test Current = 30 mA, 300 mA, 500 mA, 650 mAModel Number p = DT-155"
  • RS Components 欧时 3618575 兆欧表

    "Complete loop resistance measurement and testing of RCCB circuits. Testing of special RCCBs (selective S, type G). Earth loop resistance measurement. Voltage and frequency measurement. Determining of rotary field direction. Storage for PC-readable measured values. Extremely rugged housing. Clear, intuitive menu with help functions. Quick and easy to operate with 5 softkeys. Mains tester includedAutomatic RCD Test = YesNon-Tripping = YesMaximum Voltage Measurement = 253VTest Type = ContinuityEarth Resistance Measurement = YesDownloadable Data = YesContinuity Test Current = 740mARCD Test Type = AC Type, DC SelectiveTest Standards = DIN EN 60529, EN 61010-1, IEC 61010-1, VDE 0411-1, VDE 0470-1Dimensions = 275 x 140 x 65mm"
  • RS Components 欧时 4713306 兆欧表

    直流电流输出:1.00E-3 amps
    电阻范围:1000 kohms
  • RS Components 欧时 7852956 兆欧表

    "The KT63 Multifunction Tester is the perfect 17th Edition tester for electricians wanting to test and certify electrical installations in both domestic and commercial properties.The KT63 Multifunction Tester offers a variety of tests including Continuity, Insulation, Auto RCD and Non-Trip Loop Testing all in compliance with Part P and BS7671 regulations. The KT63 Tester provides simple test selection and operation functions with a large screen for clearly displaying test results. Additional features including a hands-free testing mode make this a fast and accurate multifunction tester that offers an affordable option for installers and commissioning engineers. Full no trip loop testing on all types of RCD. Displays PFC\/PSC at the same time as the loop impedance reading. 250V, 500V and 1000V insulation testing with auto discharge. Auto null eliminates test lead resistance when continuity testing. Auto RCD test mode for 30mA RCDs. RCD ramp test. Hands-free mode. Mains polarity testCalibrated = RSCALLoop Impedance Test Type = 3 WireAutomatic RCD Test = YesRCD Ramp Test = YesNon-Tripping = YesInsulation Test Voltage = 1000V dcMaximum Voltage Measurement = 250VTest Type = ContinuityContinuity Test Current = 200mARCD Test Type = AC Type"
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