WDK 正久电子
上海正久电子科技有限公司(WDK Group)创立于2008年,主要业务为半导体电子零件分销及方案设计服务,代理品牌包括Adata、EDAC、Minco、OSRAM、航顺、美格、芯感智等超过25条产品线,是国内知名专业代理商。多年来,WDK Group一直秉持客户、正直、诚信、久远、团队的经营理念,持续发展成为中国区优秀的代理商及方案供应商。我们有优秀的专业团队,坚持以客户需求为导向、以提高客户产品竞争力为目标,坚持不断学习,积极培养更多优秀人才,不断引进国内外先进的技术和产品,与时俱进地提升自身服务质量,与我们的合作伙伴携手,共同开拓更大的市场版图。一起成长、一起发展、一起创造未来。企业文化客户、正直、诚信、久远、团队愿景中国领先的、以新市场开发为核心能力的电子元件代理商和方案供应商服务宗旨努力满足客户之需求,尽心创造价值于客户主要市场工业:高端机床、工业自动化设备、机器人、电力设备及高铁医疗:医疗影像、体外诊断、医疗照明、基因检测汽车:汽车控制系统、汽车娱乐系统、汽车信号灯等等
  • Minco TC102962KU48E 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962KU48S 热电偶温度探头

    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962TG144E 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962TG144S 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962TG48E 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962TG48S 热电偶温度探头

    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962TTU144S 热电偶温度探头

    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962TTU48S 热电偶温度探头

    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962TU144E 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962TU144S 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962TU48E 热电偶温度探头

    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962TU48S 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC2741EG144S 热电偶温度探头

    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.0800 inch (2.03 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC2741EG48S 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.0800 inch (2.03 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC2741EU144S 热电偶温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.0800 inch (2.03 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC2741EU48S 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.0800 inch (2.03 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC2741JG144S 热电偶温度探头

    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.0800 inch (2.03 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC2741JG48S 热电偶温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.0800 inch (2.03 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC2741JU144S 热电偶温度探头

    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.0800 inch (2.03 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC2741JU48S 热电偶温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.0800 inch (2.03 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC2741KG144S 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.0800 inch (2.03 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC2741KG48S 热电偶温度探头

    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.0800 inch (2.03 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC2741KU144S 热电偶温度探头

    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.0800 inch (2.03 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC2741KU48S 热电偶温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.0800 inch (2.03 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC2741TG144S 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.0800 inch (2.03 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
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