诚田自动化仪表(上海)有限公司隶属于宇田控制科技股份有限公司,于2002年成立, 总公司"宇田控制科技"成立于1993年,公司专业销售进口控制仪表、元件,目前在台湾的北、中、南已成立了3家分公司,大陆在广州、北京、成都设立了办事处。完整的销售服务网和专业的技术支持,为本公司卓越的竞争优势。公司自成立以来,不断引进欧洲各大品牌精密自动化控制仪表元件,主要有:台湾 eYc、瑞士(富巴)Huba Control、丹麦 PR electronics、德国 EGE、德国(施密特)SCHMIDT、德国 Galltec+mela、捷克 Dinel、新加坡(佳乐)Carlo gavazzi、德国(豪斯派科) Honsberg、德国 GREISINGER、意大利 Delta OHM、德国 VAL.CO、荷兰 FLUIDWELL、德国(恒奇) Höntzsch、德国 RHEONIK、德国 LAMBRECHT、德国 Systec Controls,各品牌除了都获得ISO9001认证外,所有产品也都通过欧规(CE MARK)的严格考验。高品质、新性能,将为自动化产业添增高效能的新选择。 诚田自动化仪表的产品主要有各种传感器、变送器、测控仪表、工业模块、数据采集、各类环境监控系统、专用控制系统应用及嵌入式系统开发及应用等。产品涵盖:压力、真空、差压、温度、湿度、露点、水位、频率、讯号、风速、流量测量,监视和显示、辨别和监测、转换和控制等自动化控制组件。公司采取产品销售与提供工程技术服务并重的市场营销策略,既提供标准化、系列化的产品,也提供特殊规格的定制产品满足个别用户的特殊要求。产品在电力、石化、水泥、石油、环保、造纸、冶金、食品、医疗、暖通、空调等领域有着广泛的应用。 
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 EO1804.PAS 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Cylindrical; Threaded Barrel
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable or Connector
    Electrical Output:Switched / Alarm
    Length:2.08 to 2.17 inch (52.8 to 55 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:15.75 inch (400 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 EP 1820 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Cylindrical; Threaded Barrel
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable or Connector
    Electrical Output:Switched / Alarm
    Length:2.08 to 2.17 inch (52.8 to 55 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:78.74 inch (2000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Polarized Retroreflective
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 ER1830.PAS 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Cylindrical; Threaded Barrel
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable or Connector
    Electrical Output:Switched / Alarm
    Length:2.08 to 2.17 inch (52.8 to 55 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:118 inch (3000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 ET 1820 DC 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Cylindrical; Threaded Barrel
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable or Connector
    Electrical Output:Switched / Alarm
    Length:2.08 to 2.17 inch (52.8 to 55 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:787 inch (20000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PA18ALD04T 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Cylindrical; Threaded Barrel
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable or Connector
    Electrical Output:Current
    Length:2.73 to 2.81 inch (69.3 to 71.5 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:15.75 inch (400 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective; Diffuse
    Power Requirements:AC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PA18ALP20T 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Cylindrical; Threaded Barrel
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable or Connector
    Electrical Output:Current
    Length:2.73 to 2.81 inch (69.3 to 71.5 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:78.74 inch (2000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Polarized Retroreflective
    Power Requirements:AC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PA18ALR30T 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Cylindrical; Threaded Barrel
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable or Connector
    Electrical Output:Switched / Alarm
    Length:2.08 to 2.17 inch (52.8 to 55 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:118 inch (3000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PA18C.D 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Cylindrical; Threaded Barrel
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable or Connector
    Electrical Output:Switched / Alarm
    Length:1.95 to 2.13 inch (49.6 to 54.1 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-13 to 140 F (-25 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:31.5 to 39.37 inch (800 to 1000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PA18C.P 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Cylindrical; Threaded Barrel
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable or Connector
    Electrical Output:Switched / Alarm
    Length:1.95 to 2.13 inch (49.6 to 54.1 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-13 to 140 F (-25 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:157 to 197 inch (4000 to 5000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Polarized Retroreflective
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PA18C.R 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Cylindrical; Threaded Barrel
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable or Connector
    Electrical Output:Switched / Alarm
    Length:1.95 to 2.13 inch (49.6 to 54.1 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-13 to 140 F (-25 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:197 to 256 inch (5000 to 6500 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PA18C.T 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Cylindrical; Threaded Barrel
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable or Connector
    Electrical Output:Switched / Alarm
    Length:1.95 to 2.13 inch (49.6 to 54.1 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-13 to 140 F (-25 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:630 to 787 inch (16000 to 20000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PA18CAB20 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Cylindrical; Threaded Barrel
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable or Connector
    Electrical Output:Switched / Alarm
    Length:1.72 inch (43.8 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-13 to 140 F (-25 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:7.87 inch (200 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse; Fixed Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PA18CLD0.T 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Cylindrical; Threaded Barrel
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable or Connector
    Electrical Output:Current
    Length:2.73 to 2.81 inch (69.3 to 71.5 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:3.94 to 15.75 inch (100 to 400 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Power Requirements:AC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PA18CLP20T 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Cylindrical; Threaded Barrel
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable or Connector
    Electrical Output:Current
    Length:2.73 to 2.81 inch (69.3 to 71.5 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:78.74 inch (2000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Polarized Retroreflective
    Power Requirements:AC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PA18CLR30T 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Cylindrical; Threaded Barrel
    Diameter:0.7087 inch (18 mm)
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable or Connector
    Electrical Output:Current
    Length:2.73 to 2.81 inch (69.3 to 71.5 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:118 inch (3000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Power Requirements:AC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PC50CND10BA 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable
    Electrical Output:Switched / Alarm
    Height:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Length:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:39.37 inch (1000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:0.6693 inch (17 mm)
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PC50CND10RP 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable
    Electrical Output:Voltage
    Height:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Length:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:39.37 inch (1000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Diffuse
    Power Requirements:AC Powered; DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.6693 inch (17 mm)
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PC50CNP06BA 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable
    Electrical Output:Switched / Alarm
    Height:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Length:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:236 inch (6000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Polarized Retroreflective
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:0.6693 inch (17 mm)
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PC50CNP06RP 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Visible
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable
    Electrical Output:Voltage
    Height:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Length:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:236 inch (6000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Polarized Retroreflective
    Power Requirements:AC Powered; DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.6693 inch (17 mm)
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PC50CNR10BA 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable
    Electrical Output:Switched / Alarm
    Height:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Length:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:394 inch (10000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:0.6693 inch (17 mm)
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PC50CNR10RP 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable
    Electrical Output:Voltage
    Height:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Length:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:394 inch (10000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Retroreflective
    Power Requirements:AC Powered; DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.6693 inch (17 mm)
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PC50CNT20B 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable
    Electrical Output:Switched / Alarm
    Height:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Length:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:787 inch (20000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:0.6693 inch (17 mm)
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PC50CNT20R 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable
    Electrical Output:Voltage
    Height:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Length:1.97 inch (50 mm)
    Mode:Light or Dark Programmable
    Operating Temperature:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:787 inch (20000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam
    Power Requirements:AC Powered; DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Width:0.6693 inch (17 mm)
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PD112CNB25BP 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Fixed Cable or Connector
    Electrical Output:Switched / Alarm
    Height:1.77 inch (45 mm)
    Length:4.43 inch (112 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-13 to 131 F (-25 to 55 C)
    Operation Distance:19.69 to 98.43 inch (500 to 2500 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Adjustable Field Background Suppression
    Output Load:DC Load; 4-Wire NPN; 4-Wire PNP
    Power Requirements:DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:0.9843 inch (25 mm)
  • CARLO GAVAZZI 佳乐 PD140FNT60QMU-02C 光电传感器及开关

    Beam Type:Infrared
    Body Shape:Rectangular
    Electrical Connection:Terminal
    Electrical Output:Switched / Alarm
    Height:1.81 inch (46 mm)
    Length:5.51 inch (140 mm)
    Operating Temperature:-13 to 140 F (-25 to 60 C)
    Operation Distance:2362 inch (60000 mm)
    Optical Technology Type:Through Beam
    Output Load:DC Load
    Power Requirements:AC Powered; DC Powered
    Product Category:Photoelectric Sensors
    Switch Type:Normally Open; Normally Closed
    Width:2.01 inch (51 mm)
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