Yishun 上海轶舜
上海轶舜国际贸易有限公司 创立于2012年,公司总部设立在上海,有三个定点采购中心,分别为美国、德国、日本,我公司在世界各个工业自动化相对较发达的国家均拥有长期的合作伙伴及供货厂商。我公司长期致力于国外进口工控自动化产品,主营传感器、编码器、开关、防爆插头插座、电机、减速机、模块。电缆、液压件、泵、阀、接头、气缸等机械和电气产品;涉及国外知名品牌有千种之多。我公司客户遍及各行各业:石油、化工 天然气、电厂、钢厂、水务、造纸、药业、汽车制造、轮胎制造、玻璃制造、造船、半导体厂、食品厂、煤矿等等。在我国“一带一路”建设倡议的指导下,国内企业“走出去”从事国际承包工程项目的程度日益深入,整体规模不断扩大,国际工程承包和对外投资已成为中国企业参与国际经济合作和竞争的重要方式。我公司为了迎合国内企业境外项目需要的进口工业自动化零配件,可以和客户采取灵活多样的合作方式,比如:合同币种可以做美元、欧元、日元等,产品可以直接交付到国内企业承揽的境外项目现场,省去了国内客户原本需要的货物往返国内的运费、关税等,并为客户国外项目的进口零配件交付缩短了时间。公司优势对于进口产品我们有一套完善的采购流程,以及精细的核算成本系统。我们的团队分工明确;在清关,商检,货物运输,保险及外汇交易方面拥有丰富的经验,充分保证了随时提供质量稳定可靠的产品。上海轶舜国际贸易有限公司以诚信为本互利让利为原则,在供货渠道上统一从源头对接,既能保证货源纯正,同时也能降低成本。对于超重货抛货,我们可以通过海上运输,拼柜发货;对于产品轻便型,小货值产品,我们采取拼货空运,这样可以给我公司客户带来大幅度的降低成本。我公司为了能够让广大用户,解除疑难杂症、免除后顾之忧,在急需更换配件,设备维护成本降低上给予客户以下推荐:急需供给 : 可代理维修,或推荐替代互换品牌产品;代购代理 : 提供代购业务,代购费用仅收货值的三个百分点,国际全程事务由我们来处理。此项业务得到了很多企业的认可;垫资代理 : 提供大型企业国内外需要垫资代采购业务。
  • Pyromation EE Series 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple (optional feature); Ungrounded Thermocouple (optional feature); Exposed Thermocouple (optional feature)
    直径或宽度:0.1250 to 0.3750 inch (3.17 to 9.52 mm)
    传感元件配置:Double Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    连接方式:Threaded (NPT) Fitting (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature); Screw Tabs or Lugs (optional feature); Integral Connection Head (Thermohead) (optional feature)
    应用:Explosion Proof (optional feature); Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel, Brass
  • Pyromation J Series 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple (optional feature); Ungrounded Thermocouple (optional feature); Exposed Thermocouple (optional feature)
    直径或宽度:0.1250 to 0.3750 inch (3.17 to 9.52 mm)
    传感元件配置:Single Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    连接方式:Threaded (NPT) Fitting (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature); Screw Tabs or Lugs (optional feature); Integral Connection Head (Thermohead) (optional feature)
    应用:Explosion Proof (optional feature); Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel, Brass
  • Pyromation JJ Series 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple (optional feature); Ungrounded Thermocouple (optional feature); Exposed Thermocouple (optional feature)
    直径或宽度:0.1250 to 0.3750 inch (3.17 to 9.52 mm)
    传感元件配置:Double Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    连接方式:Threaded (NPT) Fitting (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature); Screw Tabs or Lugs (optional feature); Integral Connection Head (Thermohead) (optional feature)
    应用:Explosion Proof (optional feature); Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel, Brass
  • Pyromation K Series 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple (optional feature); Ungrounded Thermocouple (optional feature); Exposed Thermocouple (optional feature)
    直径或宽度:0.1250 to 0.3750 inch (3.17 to 9.52 mm)
    传感元件配置:Single Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    连接方式:Threaded (NPT) Fitting (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature); Screw Tabs or Lugs (optional feature); Integral Connection Head (Thermohead) (optional feature)
    应用:Explosion Proof (optional feature); Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel, Brass
  • Pyromation KK Series 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple (optional feature); Ungrounded Thermocouple (optional feature); Exposed Thermocouple (optional feature)
    直径或宽度:0.1250 to 0.3750 inch (3.17 to 9.52 mm)
    传感元件配置:Double Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    连接方式:Threaded (NPT) Fitting (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature); Screw Tabs or Lugs (optional feature); Integral Connection Head (Thermohead) (optional feature)
    应用:Explosion Proof (optional feature); Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel, Brass
  • Pyromation T Series 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple (optional feature); Ungrounded Thermocouple (optional feature); Exposed Thermocouple (optional feature)
    直径或宽度:0.1250 to 0.3750 inch (3.17 to 9.52 mm)
    传感元件配置:Single Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    连接方式:Threaded (NPT) Fitting (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature); Screw Tabs or Lugs (optional feature); Integral Connection Head (Thermohead) (optional feature)
    应用:Explosion Proof (optional feature); Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel, Brass
  • Pyromation TT Series 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple (optional feature); Ungrounded Thermocouple (optional feature); Exposed Thermocouple (optional feature)
    直径或宽度:0.1250 to 0.3750 inch (3.17 to 9.52 mm)
    传感元件配置:Double Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    连接方式:Threaded (NPT) Fitting (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature); Screw Tabs or Lugs (optional feature); Integral Connection Head (Thermohead) (optional feature)
    应用:Explosion Proof (optional feature); Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel, Brass
  • Pyromation JJP3 Series 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple; Ungrounded Thermocouple (optional feature)
    直径或宽度:0.1875 inch (4.76 mm)
    传感元件配置:Double Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Straight Probe (optional feature); Angled Probe (optional feature)
    连接方式:Bayonet (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature); Plug or Quick Connect (optional feature)
    金属、贵金属和难熔金属类型:E (optional feature); J; K (optional feature); T (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
  • Pyromation JJP4 Series 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple; Ungrounded Thermocouple (optional feature)
    直径或宽度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感元件配置:Double Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Straight Probe (optional feature); Angled Probe (optional feature)
    连接方式:Bayonet (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature); Plug or Quick Connect (optional feature)
    金属、贵金属和难熔金属类型:E (optional feature); J; K (optional feature); T (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
  • Pyromation JP2 Series 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple; Ungrounded Thermocouple (optional feature)
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    传感元件配置:Single Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Straight Probe (optional feature); Angled Probe (optional feature)
    连接方式:Bayonet (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature); Plug or Quick Connect (optional feature)
    金属、贵金属和难熔金属类型:E (optional feature); J; K (optional feature); T (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
  • Pyromation JP3 Series 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple; Ungrounded Thermocouple (optional feature)
    直径或宽度:0.1875 inch (4.76 mm)
    传感元件配置:Single Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Straight Probe (optional feature); Angled Probe (optional feature)
    连接方式:Bayonet (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature); Plug or Quick Connect (optional feature)
    金属、贵金属和难熔金属类型:E (optional feature); J; K (optional feature); T (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
  • Pyromation JP4 Series 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple; Ungrounded Thermocouple (optional feature)
    直径或宽度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感元件配置:Single Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Straight Probe (optional feature); Angled Probe (optional feature)
    连接方式:Bayonet (optional feature); Compression (optional feature)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires (optional feature); Plug or Quick Connect (optional feature)
    金属、贵金属和难熔金属类型:E (optional feature); J; K (optional feature); T (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
  • Pyromation J - 801 - M 热电偶温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.0625 to 0.1250 inch (1.59 to 3.17 mm)
    传感元件配置:Single Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Penetration (Needle) Probe
    连接方式:None or Hand held
    感应区长度:3 to 3.75 inch (76.2 to 95.25 mm)
    传感器终端:Plug or Quick Connect
    金属、贵金属和难熔金属类型:J; T (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
  • Pyromation J - 803 - M 热电偶温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    传感元件配置:Single Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    连接方式:None or Hand held
    感应区长度:6 inch (152 mm)
    传感器终端:Plug or Quick Connect
    金属、贵金属和难熔金属类型:J; T (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
  • Pyromation J - 805 - M 热电偶温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.1875 inch (4.76 mm)
    传感元件配置:Single Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    连接方式:None or Hand held
    感应区长度:6 inch (152 mm)
    传感器终端:Plug or Quick Connect
    金属、贵金属和难熔金属类型:J; T (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
  • Pyromation J - 809 - M 热电偶温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    传感元件配置:Single Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly; Tip Sensitive
    探头配置:Air Probe
    连接方式:None or Hand held
    感应区长度:6 inch (152 mm)
    传感器终端:Plug or Quick Connect
    金属、贵金属和难熔金属类型:J; T (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
  • Pyromation K-812-M 热电偶温度探头

    传感元件配置:Single Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly; Tip Sensitive
    探头配置:Straight Probe; Surface
    连接方式:None or Hand held
    感应区长度:6.5 inch (165 mm)
    传感器终端:Plug or Quick Connect
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
  • Pyromation K-814-M 热电偶温度探头

    传感元件配置:Single Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly; Tip Sensitive
    探头配置:Angled Probe; Surface
    连接方式:None or Hand held
    感应区长度:6.5 inch (165 mm)
    传感器终端:Plug or Quick Connect
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
    护套材料:316 Stainless Steel
  • Pyromation XP02 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    直径或宽度:0.1250 to 0.6750 inch (3.17 to 17.14 mm)
    传感元件配置:Single Element; Double Element; More Than Two Elements
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    连接方式:Threaded Fitting
    应用:Explosion Proof; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    金属、贵金属和难熔金属类型:E; J; K; T
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Pyromation XP06 热电偶温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感元件配置:Single Element; Double Element; More Than Two Elements
    特征:Available as an Assembly; Spring Loaded
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    连接方式:Threaded Fitting
    应用:Explosion Proof; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    金属、贵金属和难熔金属类型:E; J; K; T
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Pyromation XP04 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    直径或宽度:0.2500 inch (6.35 mm)
    传感元件配置:Single Element; Double Element; More Than Two Elements
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Straight Probe
    连接方式:Threaded Fitting
    应用:Explosion Proof; Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    金属、贵金属和难熔金属类型:E; J; K; T
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Pyromation EP48G Series 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple; Ungrounded Thermocouple (optional feature)
    传感元件配置:Single Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Angled Probe
    连接方式:Braze, Weld or Solder
    感应区长度:3 inch (76.2 mm)
    传感器终端:Integral Connection Head
    应用:Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Pyromation JP48G Series 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple; Ungrounded Thermocouple (optional feature)
    传感元件配置:Single Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Angled Probe
    连接方式:Braze, Weld or Solder
    感应区长度:3 inch (76.2 mm)
    传感器终端:Integral Connection Head
    应用:Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Pyromation KP48G Series 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple; Ungrounded Thermocouple (optional feature)
    传感元件配置:Single Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Angled Probe
    连接方式:Braze, Weld or Solder
    感应区长度:3 inch (76.2 mm)
    传感器终端:Integral Connection Head
    应用:Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Pyromation TP48G Series 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple; Ungrounded Thermocouple (optional feature)
    传感元件配置:Single Element
    特征:Available as an Assembly
    探头配置:Angled Probe
    连接方式:Braze, Weld or Solder
    感应区长度:3 inch (76.2 mm)
    传感器终端:Integral Connection Head
    应用:Transmitter (Typ. 4-20 mA) Output Available (optional feature)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
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