18sound - A Division of AEB SRL,21NLW9400是一个21\(540毫米)加长低频扬声器,设计用于通气配置作为低音炮组件。扬声器的设计提供了一个非常高的声压级,干净和无失真的低频再现,并使换能器能够承受高功率水平而不损坏。为了达到最佳效果,我们推荐能够提供2400瓦程序功率的放大器。高质量的钕磁铁组件能够抵抗最苛刻的环境操作条件。21NLW9400的特点包括独特的双环绕设计,用于控制和支持锥盆边缘的移动,并在紧凑的外壳高压条件下抵抗机械变形。整个悬架系统提供了极其可控的瞬态响应。100mm(4英寸)铜圆线音圈,基于交错夹层音圈(ISV)技术,提供了高水平的热稳定性和耐用性。ISV技术实现了一个平衡的直线电机单元发挥了一个异常高的力因素。这是通过一种高强度的玻璃纤维抛光机实现的,它将一半线圈缠绕在外面,一半缠绕在里面,并使用独特的高温树脂粘合剂粘合在一起。21NLW9400能够在恶劣的天气条件下正常工作:专用的锥处理提高了纸浆强度,并为锥的两侧提供了防水性能。此外,应用在磁性结构的顶部和背面板的特殊处理,更能抵抗盐和氧化的腐蚀作用。
Electro-Voice","Compact, easily arrayable cabinets, featuring Ring Mode Decoupled™ (RMD™), three-inch, high-frequency, titanium compression drivers.","The Fri+ series of Professional Fixed Install Speakers deliver a broad range of performance options including multiple horn patterns, easily switchable passive or bi-amp operation, and EV's World renown transducer technology for response that is smooth and linear. The Fri+ is an economical and flexible solution for the most demanding installations. Offering superior performance, the Fri+152\/66 is also equipped with 12- recessed shoulder bolted suspension points for easy flying and each cabinet includes 3, 3\/8\" forged eye-bolts for convenience. All Fri+ speakers have a vertical box height of 28\" allowing neat, concise and visually appealing arrays. The fully rotatable horns allow the installer to construct arrays covering the most demanding acoustical environments while maintaining an aesthetic and uniform installation. The structural integrity of the Fri+ cabinets allow for vertical arrays up 3 boxes in depth. Fri+ speakers are specifically recommended for demanding, cost conscious installations such as Houses of Worship, Nightclubs, Live Music Venues, and mutli-use spaces such as Gymnasiums and Auditoriums. All Fri+ speakers employ EV's exclusive Ring Mode Decoupling (RMDtm) and high performance, World Class EV transducer design and technology to ensure maximum speech intelligibility and musical clarity. Additionally, all Fri+ systems are available in Black, White and Unfinished options.
Fender Pro A/V系统,100W动力(双安培)10,双向监视器。包括麦克风/线路输入、音调控制、前置放大器输出和电源放大器输入连接,以及全时15v DC幻像电源。,供电的双向同轴模制外壳显示器。100W供电(双安培)10英寸双向显示器。包括麦克风/线路输入、音调控制、前置放大器输出和电源放大器输入连接以及15伏全时直流幻像电源