Martin Audio有限公司,C10.1R专为天花板较高或需要更高SPL的场馆设计。C10.1R采用了专有的同轴10英寸(250毫米)低音驱动器,带有阻尼良好、阻燃、纤维圆锥体和1英寸(25毫米)直射杆压缩驱动器。通过使用精密设计的杆件和铝制延长件将压缩驱动器与锥形喇叭相匹配,锥形喇叭和喉部形成了完美的喇叭加载,使C10.1R在其90°的覆盖范围内非常可控地分散。C10.1R是为适应Lowell和Atlas矩形后部外壳和格栅而制造的。
Community Professional Loudspeakers","The DS8 is a full-range, compact, two-way system, ideal for installations where space is a premium. Easily outperforming loudspeakers of a larger size format, the DS8 provides high power handling, high sensitivity and realistic sound reproduction.","The Distributed Design Series DS8 is a full-range, compact, two-way system, ideal for installations where space is a premium. Easily outperforming loudspeakers of a larger size format, the DS8 provides high power handling, high sensitivity and realistic sound reproduction. With a modern architectural appearance that aesthetically merges well in most environments, combined with weather-resistant capability suitable for indirect outdoor use, the DS8 can be used in a wide variety of speech and music applications. It is equipped with a built-in autoformer, allowing the full loudspeaker output to be realized with 70V or 100V distribution lines. A convenient front-accessible power tap switch is hidden behind a rotatable logo. Installation is simple and flexible using the included Infin-A-Ball™ multi-angle wall mounting bracket which allows low profile mounting and precise positioning of the enclosure over a broad tilt-swivel range.
Martin Audio Limited,OmniLine®在各种体系结构环境中以前所未有的精度提供一致的音频覆盖,在许多应用中,每个阵列仅使用一个放大器通道。通过使用独特的,马丁音频设计的驱动器和机械校准技术,简单的均衡和限制是唯一需要的处理。一个强大的软件应用程序提供了极其精确的机柜间和阵列角度,以便在预定义区域内实现最佳覆盖。OmniLine美观的橱柜采用中性浅灰色制成。每个OmniLine阵列都是通过连接多个阵列模块来构建的。最多可连接32个模块,要求高输出和垂直聚焦到低频/中频。较小数量的模块(减少到4个)可用于较短发射距离的应用,其中这些频率的垂直聚焦不太重要。与将DSP应用于传统立柱相比,OmniLine的垂直波束形成是通过物理连接单个阵列模块来弯曲阵列来实现的。特定场地的实际阵列配置由功能强大、正在申请专利的优化软件决定,该软件可根据目标功能对阵列声压分布的优缺点做出智能判断。OmniLine使用五个定制设计的半球形高音扬声器,每个元件之间的间距只有21mm。其结果是高频部分的无旁瓣垂直色散。定制设计的低频驱动器的锥体由超轻、坚硬的材料雕刻而成,精确地遵循高频喇叭壁的理想轮廓(正在申请专利)。这提供了从中低频率到极高频率的恒定水平方向性。
马丁音频有限公司,AM2是一个高性能的双向,全喇叭加载中高包外壳设计用于户外应用,如运动体育场和竞技场。它采用创新的混合型10英寸(250毫米)中程喇叭和独特的相位球加载装置。这将保持中间喇叭的70-u00b0 x 40-u00b0方向性模式,直至交叉点,在交叉点处,喇叭加载1英寸(25毫米)出口压缩驱动器接管,以实现高效的中间高频性能。外壳内部和外部均涂有纹理丰富的高密度聚氨酯涂层,外加带防水层的镀锌钢格栅,以确保产品多年的可靠性。
Martin Audio Limited","The AQ28 is a two-way, dual-bass driver, passive loudspeaker designed to give extended LF performance from a compact, architecturally neutral, vented enclosure.","It features dual 8\" (200mm) long-throw, 2\" (50mm) coil direct-radiating bass units and a 1.7\" (44mm) diaphragm, 1\" (25mm) exit compression driver, mounted on a proprietary, rotatable 90° x 50° constant directivity horn. Below 250Hz both LF drivers operate together whilst above 250Hz only the upper LF driver is used to reproduce frequencies up to the crossover point. This technique avoids the uneven polar response which would occur if both drivers were operated over the same frequency band. The LF drivers are also fitted with flux demodulation rings, which reduce intermodulation distortion, in order to preserve midband clarity at high signal levels.
Community Professional Loudspeakers","The M-Class MX8 is a stylish and low profile floor monitor with excellent performance capabilities. Handling 375W, the 8-inch MX8 uses Community's proprietary co-axial driver units.","The M-Class MX8 is a stylish and low profile floor monitor with excellent performance capabilities. Utilizing proprietary coaxial drivers to provide true point-source acoustical output, this compact monitor provides professional performance at an affordable price. Conical waveguides eliminate the transition anomalies that occur in most square and rectangular horns, resulting in exceptionally smooth phase and frequency response curves. Its coaxial design means that all of the sound emanates from the same point source. These innovations reduce feedback, improve intelligibility, and provide uniform coverage. The MX8 features high sensitivity, permitting the use of smaller power amplifiers to obtain very high output levels. Precision engineered internal crossovers eliminate the need for bi- amplification, further reducing the overall system cost. Characterized by a smooth, flat frequency response coupled with low distortion, the MX8 provides exceptional resistance to feedback. The Tru-Phase™ high frequency waveguide affords precision pattern control to avoid acoustic hot-spots on the stage, thereby greatly simplifying the task of the personnel who mix monitors. The MX8 is available in black or white finishes. A single rear Ergo-Grip™ handle offers convenience for portable applications. An optional yoke mounting bracket for flush mounting an MX8 monitor tightly against a wall or ceiling is sold separately. The MX8 monitor is the perfect complement to any of Community's front-of-house systems including S-Series, VERIS, ENTASYS, iBOX and Solutions Series loudspeakers.
Community Professional Loudspeakers,Community Solutions SLS915 loudspeaker是一款高输出、高灵敏度、喇叭加载、双向、全频扬声器系统,采用波前相干TM设计的一体式玻璃纤维挡板。,它特别适用于过去一直存在可懂度问题的优秀纯语音系统。扬声器外壳设计用于永久性安装,但很容易携带,由无空隙、支撑力很强的波罗的海桦木胶合板制成,整体钢支撑与3/8英寸螺纹连接。为垂直或水平安装提供坚固悬挂点的螺母。该系统可用于无源模式或切换为双放大。提供黑色或白色,带白色格栅罩,带或不带把手。五年有限保修。与社区SBS系列扬声器和SC21系统控制器或DSC42数字控制器一起使用。
社区专业扬声器,驱动器由15(380毫米)大功率低频驱动器和1.4英寸(36毫米)出口\/2.87英寸(72.2毫米)边缘音圈压缩驱动器组成。,大尺寸可旋转喇叭喇叭喇叭喇叭喇叭提供良好控制的90° x 90°色散,并利用高阶交叉来最小化波段重叠。当与集群阵列中的其他iBOX中音/高音和低音炮元件结合时,良好控制的离轴响应增强了系统性能。i115S和i215S的超低音单元共享相同的机柜外形,并设计为与iHP1599集成,以获得美观的集群\/阵列。iHP1599可用于无源和双安培工作模式。无源模式的设计是为了在不使用处理器的情况下提供出色的性能,而双安培模式允许更大的系统灵活性。一个兼容的处理器,如社区DXP4800可以用来增强低频响应,提供一个与iBOX低音单元一起使用的交叉功能,等等。坚固的13层波罗的海桦木外壳采用社区全新、坚固、光滑的TufCoat™饰面。外壳还包括23个额定负载的M10索具点和4个M8 Omnimount™ 120插件。使用专门为iBOX系列设计的各种可选硬件,可以实现简单灵活的安装。
Community Professional Loudspeakers,Community WET2 18 COMBO是一个双向、全频扬声器系统,旨在在需要极端耐候性的应用中提供高质量的音乐和声音再现。,它在一个小巧、美观的耐候包中提供了一个无与伦比的音乐系统。设计用于永久性安装,扬声器外壳和面板是在一个多层玻璃复合外壳。LF圆锥体由碳纤维制成。高频驱动器有一个非金属聚酰亚胺薄膜。所有的驱动器都是铁氟龙冷却的。
Community Professional Loudspeakers","The Community WET2V8 loudspeaker is a two full-range loudspeaker system designed to provide high quality music and voice reproduction in applications requiring extreme weather-resistance in a compact, low-profile package.","Engineered for use in permanent installations, the loudspeaker enclosure and faceplate are each constructed as one piece of hand-laminated fiberglass. The WET2V8 has a unique asymmetrical HF dispersion pattern. Vertically it is designed to project from 0° on axis to over 75°downward. The horizontal disperions varies from 70° on axis to 120° virtually underneath the speaker. This can provide more uniform HF coverage such as for the typical underbalcony stadium fill application. The LF cones are specially treated for weather resistance. All drivers are Ferrofluid-cooled. PowerSense Protection circuitry protects against excessive power. Five year limited warranty.