OWI, Inc.","The C9278 Corner Speaker is a commercial\/residential speaker which can be installed in corners and flat walls in a single, two, and three speaker combination.","he C9278 Corner Speaker is a commercial\/residential speaker which can be installed in corners and flat walls in a single, two, and three speaker combination. Engineered for corners or flat walls in Retail Stores, Atriums or Patios. Universal mounting brackets are included to mount the C9278 in the following configurations: a.) Array 1 - in a 90° corner as a single speaker. b.) Array 2 - in a flat wall as a single or two-piece speakers forming a semi-circle. c.) Array 3 - in a 270° degree corrner as three - piece speakers forming a 3\/4 circle. The C9278 is an 8 Ohm and 70 Volt Speaker Combination. It is available in black or white.
Tannoy\/TGI North America,Inc.,Tannoy CVS系列产品旨在实现最佳的性能/价格平衡;采用C型环和瓷砖桥进行包装,并获得行业标准认证。,Tannoy CVS系列的设计旨在实现最佳性能/价格平衡;采用C型环包装和瓷砖桥,完全支持行业标准认证,包括UL-1480、UL-2043和CE。小尺寸CVS4是一款100毫米(4.00英寸)全带宽盲板安装模型,带有一体式钢背罐,专为所有需要卓越音质的音乐和语音增强以及卓越的可靠性。理想情况下适用于音质不会受损的装置,CVS4确保性能得到充分优化,成本尽可能具有竞争力。
Tannoy\/TGI North America,Inc.,Tannoy iC6 DC以其极低的外形结构,非常适合于天花板深度有限的商业和住宅应用。该设计确保了卓越的容易安装,而建设是围绕着一个刚性模制ABS挡板具有良好的结构完整性。三个快速易用、超安全、聚碳酸酯自对准安装夹具,与天花板表面形成了一种增强性能的刚性声学耦合。