Mackie Designs, Inc.","Mackie FR•Series Power AmplifiersBuilding on Mackie's legendary \"Fast Recovery\" design, the next-generation FR•Series professional stereo power amplifiers deliver new levels of performance and reliability to your live sound system. Tens of thousands of satisfied owners have come to appreciate FR•Series sound quality and system-enhancing features - and with good reason. You get ultimate power, ultra-clean sound, and affordability in one high-performing package.
Crown International, Inc.","Engineered from the ground up for unmatched quality and performance, the Crown® DSi Series of power amplifiers offers three models of 500W, 800W, and 1200W per channel at 4 ohms. Onboard digital signal processing includes crossovers, EQ filters, delay and output limiting. Rear panel HD-15 connector provides easy input\/output connectivity between DSi amplifiers and the new DSi-8M System Monitor. At the touch of a button, Crown's DSi cinema amplifiers deliver perfectly matched performance with each award-winning JBL ScreenArray® system, making this the ultimate cinema solution.*Includes three models of 500W, 800W, and 1200W per channel at 4 ohms*Automatic presets for popular JBL cinema speaker systems for quick, easy configuration*Intuitive front-panel LCD screen guides installers through setup*Onboard digital signal processing includes crossovers, EQ filters, delay, and output limiting*Computer connectivity via USB allows fast setup and configuration with HiQnet™ System Architect™ software*Rear-panel HD-15 connector provides easy input\/output connectivity between DSi amplifiers and new DSi-8M System Monitor*Switch-mode universal power supply*All products fill 2U rack spaces and weigh under 19 pounds*Barrier strip outputs, removable Phoenix-style input*Three-Year, No-Fault, Fully Transferable Warranty completely protects your investment and guarantees its specifications
Whirlwind Music Distributors,Inc.、MPM1V在单一区域应用程序中管理视频、音频并提供寻呼功能、无论您是在餐厅、夜总会、健身俱乐部、教堂、运动酒吧,还是在任何需要在单一区域应用程序中管理视频、音频并提供寻呼功能的地方,MPM1V和MPM1混音器都能做到这一点。在三组RCA唱机类型的复合视频和立体声音频输入之间切换,按钮位于设备前部(视频和音频使用MPM1V,音频仅使用MPM1)。每个输入都有自己的音量控制,并且有一个主音量和四个波段音调控制部分。此外,还有优先级线路和优先级麦克风输入,每个都有自己的音量控制。将自动点唱机连接到立体声优先级线输入,当音乐启动时,它将自动覆盖和静音选定的音频输入,并在自动点唱机完成后恢复该输入。然后,将麦克风连接到用于寻呼的优先麦克风输入(不包括麦克风)。只需对着麦克风讲话,MPM1就会立即降低或降低其他输入的音量,包括优先线输入,然后在完成后轻轻地将音量加大。衰减量可调为0dB(无)、-20db(降低到背景)或-70dB(关)。内部跳线允许反转这些优先级分配,以便优先级线路输入静音麦克风输入-有用的紧急通知能力。一个内部跳线允许您关闭一个输出侧的回避功能。这样,您就可以在餐厅里保持背景音乐的恒定,同时在等候区内仍可以躲避和寻呼。需要更多的投入吗?将外部立体声混音器(如旋风混音器-5s)连接到MPM1的立体声总线。需要喂更多的区域吗?将旋风DA2连接到输出端,为4个立体声区域或8个单声道区域供电,每个区域都有自己的音量控制。输出部分采用立体声RCA唱机接口和平衡卡侬。卡侬可以设置为立体声或单声道操作与后面板按钮。当设置为单声道时,使用卡侬为天花板扬声器驱动70V线路电流,同时保持RCA为立体声。MPM1和MPM1V安装在1U钢制底盘中,带有可拆卸的机架耳。
博世会议和公共广播系统,对于不需要内置数字信号处理功能(如均衡器、延迟和AVC)的情况,基本放大器是常规Praesideo功率放大器的经济有效的替代品。它们没有Praesideo网络连接。相反,这些放大器通过PRS-16MCI多通道接口连接到Praesideo网络,该接口为基本放大器提供音频信号并具有完全控制。有两种版本,即PRS-1B500(1 x 500 W)和PRS-2B250(2 x 250 W)。基本放大器完全受监控,故障事件通过多通道接口(符合IEC 60849)报告给Praesideo网络控制器。基本放大器为每个区域的单独A组和B组扬声器提供连接,并支持A级扬声器环路布线。单元应安装在19英寸机架中,并带有安装支架
博世会议和公共广播系统,对于不需要内置数字信号处理功能(如均衡器、延迟和AVC)的情况,基本放大器是常规Praesideo功率放大器的经济高效的替代品。他们没有Praesideo网络连接。相反,这些放大器通过PRS-16MCI多通道接口连接到Praesideo网络,该接口为基本放大器提供音频信号并具有完全控制功能。有两个版本,PRS-1B500(1 x 500 W)和PRS-2B250(2 x 250 W)。基本放大器完全受监控,故障事件通过多通道接口(符合IEC 60849)报告给Praesideo网络控制器。基本放大器为每个区域的单独A组和B组扬声器提供连接,并支持A类扬声器环路布线。装置应安装在带有安装支架的19英寸机架上
JK Audio","BlueDriver S-Series wireless audio link. Model BDRVM3S is a 3 pin male mic level mono XLR that plugs into mixer input to receive low latency full bandwidth audio from a transmitter.","The BlueDriver™ S-series of audio interface adapters use CSR's aptX low latency coding for high-fidelity Stereo over Bluetooth wireless technology. CSR aptX delivers outstanding stereo audio quality over Bluetooth wireless technology. Its low audio coding delay minimizes latency effects and 'lip-sync' issues making it ideal for use in broadcast applications. The new S-series models are dedicated transmitters or receivers. Mix any female transmitter with any male receiver. These models will also pair to other JK Audio products equipped with Bluetooth wireless technology which will soon feature aptX low latency while remaining backwards compatible with other SBC equipped A2DP products. BlueDriverM3S™ 3 pin male mic level mono XLR, plus stereo 3.5mm outputs. Model BDRVM3S plugs into the mic input channel of a mixer.