TOA Electronics,Inc.、4x 250W(70V)、2x 500W桥接(140V)多通道数字功率放大器、DA系列多通道数字功率放大器是多区域分布式扬声器系统和专业音响应用的理想选择。新的DA系列放大器采用D级技术,工作效率为85%,比传统的模拟放大器功耗低近三分之一。紧凑轻便的单机架或双机架空间设计和超低散热允许设计师机架安装多达5个单元,单元之间没有开放空间。DA系列由高阻抗和低阻抗四通道模型组成,每个模型为每个通道配备独立的电源,以确保连续运行和无与伦比的可靠性和性能。其他功能包括用于精确增益校准的嵌入式阶梯衰减器、便于维护的可拆卸滤尘器和可选的隔离变压器。新的DA系列多通道功率放大器价格具有竞争力,并得到TOA五年保修的支持。
TOA Electronics,Inc.,4x 550W(4欧姆),4x 370W(8欧姆),2x 1100W桥接(8欧姆)多通道数字功率放大器,DA系列多通道数字功率放大器是多区域分布式扬声器系统和专业声音应用的理想选择。新的DA系列放大器采用D级技术,工作效率为85%,功耗比传统模拟放大器低近三分之一。紧凑、轻巧的单或双机架空间设计和超低散热允许设计师在机架上安装多达五个单元,单元之间没有开放空间。DA系列由高阻抗和低阻抗四通道模块组成,每个通道都配有独立的电源,以确保连续操作和无与伦比的可靠性和性能。其他特点包括用于精确增益校准的嵌入式阶梯衰减器,便于维护的可拆卸灰尘过滤器,以及可选的隔离变压器。具有竞争力的价格,新的DA系列多通道功率放大器有TOA的五年保修
Martin Audio Limited","The MA-NET1 NomadLink®\/Ethernet Bridge acts as a subnet master for up to 60 units (240 channels) of networked NomadLink®-ready amplifiers. Bridging between the NomadLink® daisy-chained network and standard Ethernet\/LAN, the MA-NET1 provides utilization of any standard Ethernet architecture when connecting a PC running the MA Netcontrol software.
Lab.gruppen Powered Loudspeaker Management couples the world's most powerful four-channel amplifier platform to the industry-leading digital sound manipulation features of Lake Processing.","The PLM 20000Q provides four discrete output channels, each rated at greater than 5000 W into 2.2 - 3.3 ohms (4400 W into 4 ohms). To achieve this massive output power, Lab.gruppen engineers designed an all-new universal (100 to 265 V) Regulated Switch Mode Power Supply (R.SMPS) with power factor correction to reduce peak current draw. New output devices in the refined Class TD output stage allow 194 V peak voltage to the load. And the Power Average Limiter works in tandem with a software-controlled Breaker Emulation Limiter (BEL®) to avoid tripping of mains breakers, even with prolonged peak demands.